Chapter 1. What's New in MeVisLab 2.3?

Table of Contents

1.1. Open Inventor Renovation and New Modules
1.2. New GVR Modules
1.3. API Improvements
1.4. MATE
1.5. MDL Control GraphicsView
1.6. Other Modules
1.7. Contributions by Fraunhofer MEVIS

For a complete list of changes, please have a look at the Release Notes.

The following changes are discussed in this document:

1.1. Open Inventor Renovation and New Modules

  • Renovated the Open Inventor core by using vertex arrays and VBO to enhance efficiency of renderings.

  • Added new class SoIndexedTriangleSet to further enhance speed.

  • Added modules to render screen space ambient occlusion, and cascaded shadow mapping and soft-shadows (PCSS).

  • Added SoRenderSurfaceIntersection to render 3D surface intersections on 2D slices.

  • Added SoFixedFunctionShader to extent the fixed function Open GL pipeline with user shaders.

  • Supporting MSAA (multisample anti-aliasing) in SoExaminerViewer, SoFramebufferSampler2D, and OffscreenRenderer.

  • Module SoDiagram2D replaces Diagram2D and offers extension modules for rendering curves.

Figure 1.1. Open Inventor scene without any SSAO or shadow mapping.

Open Inventor scene without any SSAO or shadow mapping.

Figure 1.2. Open Inventor scene with screen space ambient occlusion.

Open Inventor scene with screen space ambient occlusion.

Figure 1.3. Open Inventor scene with soft shadows.

Open Inventor scene with soft shadows.

Figure 1.4. Open Inventor scene with SSAO and soft shadows.

Open Inventor scene with SSAO and soft shadows.

Figure 1.5. Polygonal surfaces cut and filled on a 2D viewer.

Polygonal surfaces cut and filled on a 2D viewer.