7.4. Creating the Anatomical Image

Last not least we need the 3D image at which the applicator shall be positioned.

  1. As first step, add a LocalImage module. Select an image from the demo data folder, for example the liver set at $(DemoDataPath)/Liver1_CT_venous.small.dcm. You can view the result in the normal Output Inspector.

    Figure 7.13. Loading a Local Image

    Loading a Local Image

  2. For the 3D display, add a SoGVRVolumeRenderer module. Behind this hides a rather potent module called GigaVoxel Renderer. It comes with many features — open its panel to have a look at the options.

    Figure 7.14. Adding the GigaVoxel Renderer

    Adding the GigaVoxel Renderer

    For the windowing, we need two modules: SoMouseGrabber and SoRLLookUpTable module. Instead of building this functionality from scratch, we can take the easy way and copy those modules and their parameter connection from the internal network of the View3D module.

  3. Add a View3D module via the quick search and open its internal network (via the context menu). Select the two modules and copy them. This will also copy the parameter connection between them.

    Figure 7.15. Copying the Windowing Modules from View3D

    Copying the Windowing Modules from View3D

  4. Then add the modules to your applicator network and connect them to the SoGroup module, in front of the rendering module.

    Figure 7.16. Adding the Windowing to the Applicator

    Adding the Windowing to the Applicator

    Afterwards, delete the View3D module.