25.2. Shortcuts on Mac OS X

Table 25.8. Shortcuts Application Menu (Mac OS X)

+, (Comma)Preferences.
+HHide application.
++HHide the other applications.
+QQuit MeVisLab.

Table 25.9. Shortcuts File Menu (Mac OS X)

+NNew network workspace.
+OOpen network.
+WClose current network.
+SSave current network.
++SSave as...
++SSave copy as...
+KRestart with current network.

Table 25.10. Shortcuts Edit Menu (Mac OS X)

Del / BackspaceDelete.
+DDuplicate the selected module(s); is effectively a copy-and-paste action in the same network.
+ASelect all.
++ADeselect all
++AInvert selection.

Table 25.11. Shortcuts Scripting Menu (Mac OS X)

+EEdit network script (opens the integrated MATE text editor by default, can be changed in the Preferences).
+RStart network script.

Table 25.12. Shortcuts Networks Menu (Mac OS X)

TABGo to next tab/document
+TABGo to previous tab/document.
+WClose current network.

Table 25.13. Shortcuts Panels Menu (Mac OS X)

+IMinimize all open panels.
++I Show all minimized panels.

Table 25.14. Shortcuts Help Menu (Mac OS X)

+?Show MeVisLab help (opens standard browser, can be changed in the Preferences).
++?Show mouse-over context help of elements.
++FOpen “Search in Documentation” window, see Chapter 21, Search in Documentation.

Table 25.15. Other Shortcuts (Mac OS X)

+FSearch for a module.
++LShow docking areas.
+LHide docking areas.
ENTER (if a module is selected)Edit the instance name of the module.
+O(if a module is selected)Open default module panel.
+ALT+R (if a module is selected) Reload module definition.
+4 (Screenshot Gallery only)Make screenshot of current viewer display (including annotations, etc.).
L (Debug Output only)Clear the Debug Output (has no effect on the log file).