
genre CSOProcessor
author Olaf Konrad
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoCSO
definition SoCSO.def
see also SoView2DCSOEditor, CSOModifyProcessor
keywords scale, translate, rotate, interactive


The module CSOTransformationProcessor translates, scales or rotates a selected CSO interactively.


Translating, scaling and rotating can be enabled individually for each CSOTransformationProcessor. In the viewer, handles are shown for each type of interaction.


For translating, a single square is positioned into the middle of the CSO's bounding box, for scaling, four triangles are positioned at the middle of the bounding box's borders and for rotating, four squares are positioned at the edges of the bounding box.

Those handles are only shown if the according transformation is enabled.

The handles can be clicked and dragged; all other, inactive handles will be hidden as long as the interaction is not finished.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: outProcessorData, type: MLBase

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Is Processing

name: isProcessing, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the module is processing which is when the user interacts.

Scale (enableScale)

name: enableScale, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the CSO can either be stretched or scaled.

If Isotropic scaling is checked, the module will scale the CSO isotropically from the center; it does not matter which of the four handles was clicked.

Otherwise, the module will stretch the CSO depending on the clicked handler; the side opposite to the clicked handler will remain fixed.

Rotate (enableRotate)

name: enableRotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSO can be rotated.

Translate (enableTranslate)

name: enableTranslate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module can be translated.

Handle Scale

name: handleScale, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0.001

Sets the scale factor for the displayed handler size.

Influence Margin

name: influenceMargin, type: Float, default: 10

Sets the scale factor for the handlers' bounding boxes that are used for hit testing.

Use Auto Leveling

name: useAutoLeveling, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the transformed CSO is being auto-leveled after finishing the transformation.

Use CSO color

name: useCSOColor, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the handles are colored as the CSO they are for.

The alpha values can still be adjusted if the CSO color is used.

Note that the selection color of the CSO may differ from the actual CSO's color.

Scale (scaleHandleColor)

name: scaleHandleColor, type: Color, default: 0.159999996423721 1 0.109999999403954

Sets the color of the scale handles.

Rotate (rotateHandleColor)

name: rotateHandleColor, type: Color, default: 1 0.0900000035762787 0.680000007152557

Sets the color of the rotation handles.

Translate (translateHandleColor)

name: translateHandleColor, type: Color, default: 0.0299999993294477 0.870000004768372 1

Sets the color of the translate handle.

Scale Handle Alpha

name: scaleHandleAlpha, type: Float, default: 0.60000002, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value for the scale handles.

Rotate Handle Alpha

name: rotateHandleAlpha, type: Float, default: 0.60000002, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value for the rotate handles.

Translate Handle Alpha

name: translateHandleAlpha, type: Float, default: 0.60000002, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value for the translate handle.

Show handles only for selected CSO

name: showHandlesOnlyForSelectedCSO, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the handles are only shown for the currently selected CSO(s).

Otherwise, the handlers are shown for all visible CSOs.

Use undo/redo

name: useUndoRedoManager, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, all transformations can be undone/redone by using the internal Undo/Redo manager.

The stack size of the undo/redo manager can be adjusted with the CSOManager.

Isotropic scaling

name: scaleIsotropic, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the scaling is isotropically from the CSO's center. Otherwise, a stretching is performed.

Use Icon File

name: useIconFile, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module uses an icon file for displaying the handle icons.

The icon file needs to have a resolution of 256 x 64. It contains four icons for the

  • isotropic scaling handle,
  • anisotropic scaling (stretching) handle,
  • rotating handle, and
  • translating handle.

The icon file needs to be in .tif format and can be LZW compressed. The background needs to be transparent and the icons themselves white. Black outlines or shadows are possible.

Icon File

name: iconFile, type: String, default: $(MLAB_MeVisLab_Standard)/Modules/Resources/Images/CSO/transformationHandleIcons.tif

Sets the icon file in a relative manner.

Internal Icon File

name: internalIconFile, type: String

Shows the expanded path to the Icon File.

Hidden Fields


name: updateMode, type: Enum, default: Off


Title Name
Off Off
Auto Update AutoUpdate


name: autoApply, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: apply, type: Trigger


name: done, type: Trigger


name: emptyGroupBeforeGeneration, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: addCSOToGroupMode, type: Enum, default: AddToGroupByLabel


Title Name
None AddToGroupNone
By Label AddToGroupByLabel
By Id AddToGroupById


name: addCSOToGroupWithLabel, type: String


name: addCSOToGroupWithId, type: Integer, default: -1


name: id, type: Integer, default: 0


name: pathPointStyle, type: Enum, default: LineStyleSolid


Title Name
None LineStyleNone
Solid LineStyleSolid
Dashed LineStyleDashed
Dotted LineStyleDotted
Short Dashed LineStyleShortDashed


name: pathPointWidth, type: Float, default: 1


name: pathPointColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 0


name: pathPointAlpha, type: Float, default: 1


name: seedPointStyle, type: Enum, default: MarkerModeRect


Title Name
None MarkerModeNone
Rect MarkerModeRect
Circle MarkerModeCircle


name: seedPointSize, type: Float, default: 2


name: seedPointColor, type: Color, default: 0 1 0


name: seedPointAlpha, type: Float, default: 1


name: voxelWriteMode, type: Enum, default: VoxelWriteModeModule


Title Name
Id VoxelWriteModeId
Const VoxelWriteModeConst
Const Plus Id VoxelWriteModeConstPlusId
Module VoxelWriteModeModule


name: voxelWriteValue, type: Float, default: 1024