
genre Marker
author Tobias Boskamp
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLBase
definition MLBase.def
see also StringListContainer, SoView2DMarkerEditor
keywords Vector, ListBase


The module XMarkerListContainer stores a list of ml::XMarker objects as a ml::XMarkerList object and makes it available at its outXMarkerList field. The contents of this marker list can be displayed, edited and saved in a persistent state.


An XMarker object consists of a 6D position, a 3D vector, a type and a name property. The vector is taken relative to the marker position, hence if the vector equals (0, 0, 0), the marker is a point marker. The type is an arbitrary integer value, which can be used to distinguish between markers with different meaning (e.g. include and exclude marker in a segmentation application).

The XMarkerListContainer is closely related to the StringListContainer module - the basic functionality of both modules is explained in the StringListContainer documentation.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inXMarkerList, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inputXMarkerList

An external XMarkerList object can be connected to this field.

Output Fields


name: outXMarkerList, type: MLBase, deprecated name: outputXMarkerList

The XMarkerList controlled by this module is presented at this field.

Parameter Fields

The fields in the List Properties and Status sections and some of the fields in the XMarker Items section are equivalent to those of the StringListContainer module.

The XMarkerItems section contains additional fields to display and edit the Position, Vector, Type and Name properties of the current marker. The Name property can be used as a label for individual markers.