
genre File
author Olaf Konrad
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition LocalPath.def
see also LocalImage
keywords expand, path, directory, ExpandFileName


The module LocalPath creates file or directory names relative to a path variable.


Enter the input filename in the Local Name field. Use the Browse button to browse through the available directories.

The True Name field contains the generated file or directory name. You can use this field connect the file or directory name via field connections to other modules.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Local Name

name: localName, type: String, deprecated name: fileName

Sets the input filename which can contain variables.

For more information, see Name.

True Name

name: trueName, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: expandedFileName

Shows the true name of the file or directory after resolving variables.

Check If File Exists

name: checkIfFileExists, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module checks whether the file exists and prints an error message to the console if the file is missing.

Path to

name: browseType, type: Enum, default: file

Defines which type of path the module should expand.


Title Name Description
file file Expand a file name.
directory directory Expand a directory name.