
genre Interaction
author Uwe Siems
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoInteractionControllers
definition SoInteractionControllers.def
keywords entries, event, managed, scheme


This module list interactions provided through the new managed interaction scheme.


Connect the Open Inventor (sub-)scene containing interactions to the module input. Trigger Update to update the information. The information will be listed in different tabs.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: child, type: SoNode

Connect your Open Inventor (sub-)scene containing interactions to this input.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

This module doesn't need to be attached to other modules to work.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: update, type: Trigger

Trigger this to update the information about the connect (sub-)scene.

Actions (availablePointingActions)

name: availablePointingActions, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the names of all available pointing (mouse pointer) actions in the (sub-)scene.

Actions (availableCommandActions)

name: availableCommandActions, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the names of all available command (keyboard) actions in the (sub-)scene.

Actions (availableOffsetActions)

name: availableOffsetActions, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the names of all available offset (e.g. mouse wheel) actions in the (sub-)scene.

Detailed (pointingActions)

name: pointingActions, type: String, persistent: no

This field lists the available pointing actions with more details. Each action is listed in a separate line. For each action it's full (internal) name, icon file, trigger and user name are listed, separated by @. The trigger is the mouse button and modifier combo that activate that action by default. The mouse buttons are indicated by the numbers 1-3 where 1 is the left mouse button, 2 the right and 3 the middle (is this correct?). Modifiers are indicated by letters S (Shift), C (Control) and A (Alt). If modifiers or mouse buttons are followed by a "?", they are completely ignored when checking if the action should be triggered.

Detailed (commandActions)

name: commandActions, type: String, persistent: no

This field lists the available command actions with more details. Each action is listed in a separate line. For each action it's full (internal) name, icon file, trigger and user name are listed, separated by @. The trigger is the key combo that activates that action by default. This is some key name, prepended with "Shift-", "Ctrl-" and "Alt-" for keyboard modifiers.

Detailed (offsetActions)

name: offsetActions, type: String, persistent: no

This field lists the available offset actions with more details. Each action is listed in a separate line. For each action it's full (internal) name, icon file, trigger and user name are listed, separated by @. The trigger can have different types, since offset actions may be mapped to different input devices.

If mapped to a mouse wheel, the trigger starts with "wheel:" and some key modifiers as specified for Detailed or Detailed.

If mapped to mouse movement, the trigger starts with "button:" and a trigger specifier as described for Detailed.

If mapped to key presses, the trigger starts with "key:" and one or two shortcut specifiers as described for Detailed. If there are two shortcuts (for opposite directions) they are separated by a slash ("/").

In each case this may be followed by one or two numeric sensitivity values, and the keyword "swap" if horizontal and vertical offset values should be swapped. These are separated by a ";".


name: selectedActionID, type: String

Set this to an action name to get detailed, broken-down information about an action. This must be used together with Type.


name: selectedActionType, type: Enum, default: POINTING_ACTION

Set this to an action type (POINTING_ACTION or COMMAND_ACTION or OFFSET_ACTION) to get detailed, broken-down information about an action. This must be used together with ID.


Title Name


name: selectedActionExists, type: Bool, persistent: no

This field indicates if the action selected with ID and Type even exists (remember to update the information with Update).

User name

name: selectedActionName, type: String, persistent: no

This field shows the user name of the action selected with ID and Type (remember to update the information with Update).

Icon file

name: selectedActionIcon, type: String, persistent: no

This field shows the icon file name of the action selected with ID and Type (remember to update the information with Update). An icon must not necessarily be set for an action.


name: selectedActionDescription, type: String, persistent: no

This field shows the detailed description of the action selected with ID and Type (remember to update the information with Update). A description must not necessarily be set for an action.


name: selectedActionTriggers, type: String, persistent: no

This field shows the trigger for the action selected with ID and Type (remember to update the information with Update). A trigger must not necessarily be set for an action. See documentation for Detailed, Detailed, and Detailed for a description of the format of this string.


name: selectedActionSubType, type: String, persistent: no

Is enabled

name: selectedActionEnabled, type: Bool, persistent: no

This field shows if the action selected with ID and Type is currently enabled (remember to update the information with Update). A description must not necessarily be set for an action.