
genre Shader
author Florian Link
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoShader
definition SoShader.def


Allows to provide a named vertex attribute to the SoVertexShader shader.

Note that the number of values needs to match the number of vertices of the geometry that is rendered (as given by SoVertexProperty, SoCoordinate3 or SoCoordinate4).

Vertex attributes are only supported when vertex array rendering is used, which is the case for SoFaceSet/SoIndexedTriangleSet/SoIndexedFaceSet/SoLineSet/SoIndexedLineSet/SoPointSet nodes when the PER_VERTEX/PER_VERTEX_INDEXED mapping is used.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Place this node in front of the shape node that should be rendered.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: name, type: String, default: attribute1

The name of the attribute as used in the shader. If the current vertex shader does not use the attribute, it is not bound.

Per Instance

name: perInstance, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: values, type: String, default: 0 0 0

The values of the attribute.