Open Inventor Reference


class  SoBoolOperation
 Performs Boolean operations. More...
class  SoCalculator
 A general-purpose calculator. More...
class  SoComposeVec2f
 Vector composition engines. More...
class  SoComposeVec3f
 Composes 3D vectors from floating-point values. More...
class  SoComposeVec4f
 Composes 4D vectors from floating-point values. More...
class  SoDecomposeVec2f
 Vector decomposition engines. More...
class  SoDecomposeVec3f
 Decomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values. More...
class  SoDecomposeVec4f
 Decomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values. More...
class  SoComposeRotation
 Rotation composition engines. More...
class  SoComposeRotationFromTo
 Composes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another. More...
class  SoDecomposeRotation
 Rotation decomposition engine. More...
class  SoComposeMatrix
 Matrix composition engine. More...
class  SoDecomposeMatrix
 Matrix decomposition engine. More...
class  SoComputeBoundingBox
 Computes the bounding box and center of a scene graph. More...
class  SoConcatenate
 Joins separate fields into a single multiple-value field. More...
class  SoCounter
 Triggered integer counter. More...
class  SoElapsedTime
 Basic controllable time source. More...
class  SoEngine
 Base class for all engines. More...
class  SoEngineOutput
 Class for all engine outputs. More...
class  SoGate
 Selectively copies its input to its output. More...
class  SoInterpolate
 Base class for all interpolator engines. More...
class  SoInterpolateFloat
 Interpolaters for the builtin field types. More...
class  SoInterpolateRotation
 Interpolates rotation values. More...
class  SoInterpolateVec2f
 Interpolates 2D floating-point vectors. More...
class  SoInterpolateVec3f
 Interpolates 3D floating-point vectors. More...
class  SoInterpolateVec4f
 Interpolates 4D floating-point vectors. More...
class  SoOneShot
 Timer that runs for a pre-set amount of time. More...
class  SoOnOff
 Engine that functions as an on/off switch. More...
class  SoSelectOne
 Selects one value from a multiple-value field. More...
class  SoTimeCounter
 Timed integer counter. More...
class  SoTransformVec3f
 Transforms a 3D vector by a 4x4 matrix. More...
class  SoTriggerAny
 Provides fan-in for triggers. More...
class  SoEngineList
 Maintains a list of pointers to engines. More...
class  SoEngineOutputList
 Maintains a list of pointers to engine outputs. More...

Detailed Description

Engines for calculations in a scene.