Open Inventor Reference


class  SoAnnotation
 Annotation group node. More...
class  SoArray
 Group node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children. More...
class  SoAsciiText
 Simple 3D text shape node. More...
class  SoBaseColor
 Node that defines an object's base color. More...
class  SoBlinker
 Animated cycling switch node. More...
class  SoCallback
 Provides custom behavior during actions. More...
class  SoCamera
 Abstract base class for camera nodes. More...
class  SoClipPlane
 Clipping plane node. More...
class  SoColorIndex
 Surface color index node. More...
class  SoComplexity
 Shape complexity node. More...
class  SoCone
 Cone shape node. More...
class  SoCoordinate3
 Coordinate point node. More...
class  SoCoordinate4
 Rational coordinate point node. More...
class  SoCube
 Cube shape node. More...
class  SoCylinder
 Cylinder shape node. More...
class  SoDirectionalLight
 Node representing a directional light source. More...
class  SoDrawStyle
 Node that defines the style to use when rendering. More...
class  SoEnvironment
 Global environment node. More...
class  SoFaceSet
 Polygonal face shape node. More...
class  SoFile
 Node that reads children from a named file. More...
class  SoFont
 Node that defines font type and size for text. More...
class  SoFontStyle
 Simple 3D text shape node. More...
class  SoGroup
 Base class for all group nodes. More...
class  SoIndexedFaceSet
 Indexed polygonal face shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedLineSet
 Indexed polyline shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedNurbsCurve
 Indexed NURBS curve shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedNurbsSurface
 Indexed NURBS surface shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedShape
 Abstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes. More...
class  SoIndexedTriangleSet
 Indexed set of triangles. More...
class  SoIndexedTriangleStripSet
 Indexed triangle strip set shape node. More...
class  SoInfo
 Node containing information text string. More...
class  SoLabel
 Node containing label text string. More...
class  SoLevelOfDetail
 Level-of-detail switching group node. More...
class  SoLight
 Abstract base class for all light source nodes. More...
class  SoLightModel
 Node that defines the lighting model to use when rendering. More...
class  SoLinearProfile
 Piecewise-linear profile curve. More...
class  SoLineSet
 Polyline shape node. More...
class  SoLocateHighlight
 Special separator that performs locate highlighting. More...
class  SoLOD
 Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node. More...
class  SoMaterial
 Surface material definition node. More...
class  SoMaterialBinding
 Node that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes. More...
class  SoMatrixTransform
 Node that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix. More...
class  SoMultipleCopy
 Group node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices. More...
class  SoNode
 Abstract base class for all database nodes. More...
class  SoNonIndexedShape
 Abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes. More...
class  SoNormal
 Node that defines surface normals for shapes. More...
class  SoNormalBinding
 Node that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes. More...
class  SoNurbsCurve
 NURBS curve shape node. More...
class  SoNurbsProfile
 NURBS profile curve. More...
class  SoNurbsSurface
 NURBS surface shape node. More...
class  SoOrthographicCamera
 Orthographic camera node. More...
class  SoPackedColor
 Node that defines base colors using packed representation. More...
class  SoPathSwitch
 Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path. More...
class  SoPendulum
 Animated oscillating rotation node. More...
class  SoPerspectiveCamera
 Perspective camera node. More...
class  SoPickStyle
 Picking style node. More...
class  SoPointLight
 Node representing a point light source. More...
class  SoPointSet
 Point set shape node. More...
class  SoProfile
 Abstract base class for all profile nodes. More...
class  SoProfileCoordinate2
 Profile coordinate node. More...
class  SoProfileCoordinate3
 Rational profile coordinate node. More...
class  SoQuadMesh
 Quadrilateral mesh shape node. More...
class  SoResetTransform
 Node that resets the current transformation to identity. More...
class  SoRotation
 Node representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis. More...
class  SoRotationXYZ
 Node representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis. More...
class  SoRotor
 Animated rotation node. More...
class  SoScale
 Node representing a 3D geometric scaling. More...
class  SoSeparator
 Group node that saves and restores traversal state. More...
class  SoShape
 Abstract base class for all shape nodes. More...
class  SoShapeHints
 Node that provides hints about shapes. More...
class  SoShuttle
 Animated oscillating translation node. More...
class  SoSphere
 Sphere shape node. More...
class  SoSpotLight
 Node representing a spotlight source. More...
class  SoSwitch
 Group node that traverse one chosen child. More...
class  SoText2
 Internal class. More...
class  SoText3
 3D text shape node. More...
class  SoTexture2
 Texture mapping node. More...
class  SoTexture2Transform
 2D texture transformation node. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinate2
 2D texture coordinate node. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinateBinding
 Node that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinateDefault
 Node that removes texture coordinates from state. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment
 Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a environment. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinateFunction
 Abstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinatePlane
 Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane. More...
class  SoTransform
 General 3D geometric transformation node. More...
class  SoTransformation
 Abstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes. More...
class  SoTransformSeparator
 Group node that saves and restores transformation state. More...
class  SoTranslation
 Node representing a 3D translation. More...
class  SoTriangleStripSet
 Triangle strip set shape node. More...
class  SoUnits
 Node that scales to convert units of length. More...
class  SoVertexProperty
 Vertex property node. More...
class  SoVertexShape
 Abstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes. More...
class  SoWWWAnchor
 Separator group node with a URL hyperlink. More...
class  SoWWWInline
 Node that refers to children through a URL. More...
class  SoAntiSquish
 Transformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales. More...
class  SoSurroundScale
 Transformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects. More...

Detailed Description

Nodes that can be used in the Open Inventor scene graph.