
genre LUT
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLLUTTools
definition MLLUTTools.def
see also LUTInfo, DicomLUT, SoMLLUT, ApplyLUT, DicomTagViewer
keywords lookup, table, color, RGB, RGBA, alpha


The module DicomPaletteLUT extracts the DICOM color palette stored with an image and presents it as a lookup table (LUT) object at its output.


Connect a DICOM image with photometric interpretation "PALETTE COLOR" to the module's image input.

The Type field indicates whether an RGB or RGBA palette is available, and the Output LUT valid field indicates whether the output LUT is valid.


If the input image contains pixel data that represent index values into a color palette (photometric interpretation "PALETTE COLOR"), this module extracts the red, green and blue channels of the color palette. If the image's color palette also contains an alpha channel, this is also extracted. The color palette is converted into a lookup table (LUT) object made available at the module's output.

Use a SoMLLUT module to apply the LUT in a viewer, or an ApplyLUT module to convert the palette index values into RGB(A) color values.

See LUT Functions for general information about ML lookup tables.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Output Fields


name: outLUT, type: MLBase

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: colorPaletteType, type: Enum, persistent: no

Shows the type of the color palette.


Title Name Description
Undefined Undefined No color palette is defined in the image.
Invalid Invalid The image contains DICOM tags defining a color palette, but the tag values are invalid or inconsistent.
RGB RGB The image contains DICOM tags defining a valid color palette with red, green and blue channels.
RGBA RGBA The image contains DICOM tags defining a valid color palette with red, green, blue and alpha channels.

Output LUT valid

name: outLutValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the output LUT is valid.