
genre DICOM
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLImageFile
definition mlImageFile.def
see also DicomTagModify, DicomTagViewer, DicomFrameSelect
keywords slice, subtree, timepoint


The module DicomFrameTagInfo displays information about the frame specific tag values stored in the input image's DICOM tree (ToolBoxReference/DCMTreePage) for a given DICOM tag. The module also extracts the tag value that is most meaningful as a global value for the given tag, which is either the shared tag value (if present) or the most frequently occurring frame specific value.


Connect an ML image with valid frame specific DICOM tag information to the module's input. Specify the name of a DICOM tag or its (group,element). Summary information about the different frame specific tag values included in the input image are displayed.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

ML image with a DICOM tree data structure.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Frame tag data valid: Bool Shared Tag Present: Bool
Frequency: Integer Shared Tag Value: String
Image Extent Z: Integer T: Integer
Main Value: String Tag Name: String
Max Value: String Tag Value: String
Min Value: String U: Integer
Number of Frame Specific Tag Values: Integer  
Number of Frames: Integer  

Visible Fields

Image Extent Z

name: zExt, type: Integer, persistent: no

The number of slices of the input image.


name: tExt, type: Integer, persistent: no

The number of time points of the input image.


name: uExt, type: Integer, persistent: no

The number of user dimension positions of the input image.

Number of Frames

name: numFrames, type: Integer, persistent: no

The number of frames for which frame specific DICOM tag values are stored in the input image's DICOM tree structure.

Frame tag data valid

name: valid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Indicates whether the frame specific DICOM information of the input image is valid, i.e. whether its structure matches the extent of the input image in z/t/u direction.

Tag Name

name: tagName, type: String

The DICOM tag for which the frame specific tag values are extracted. May be given either as the tags name (e.g. ImagePositionPatient) or its tag ID (e.g. (0020,0032)).

Shared Tag Present

name: sharedTagPresent, type: Bool, persistent: no

Indicates whether a shared tag value is present for the specified tag name.

Shared Tag Value

name: sharedTagValue, type: String, persistent: no

The shared tag value for the specified tag name.

Number of Frame Specific Tag Values

name: numSpecificTags, type: Integer, persistent: no

The number of frame specific tag values that are present for the specified tag name.

Main Value

name: mainSpecificValue, type: String, persistent: no

The main (i.e. most frequent) value among all frame specific values for the specified tag name.


name: mainSpecificValueFrequency, type: Integer, persistent: no

The frequency of the main value, i.e. the number of frames for which the frame specific value equals the main value.

Min Value

name: minSpecificValue, type: String, persistent: no

The minimum value among all frame specific values for the specified tag name.

Max Value

name: maxSpecificValue, type: String, persistent: no

The maximum value among all frame specific values for the specified tag name.

Tag Value

name: tagValue, type: String, persistent: no

The resulting tag value for the specified tag name, which is either the shared tag value (if the shared tag is present), or the main, most frequently occurring frame specific value.