
The MLToVTKLookupTable module converts an ML lookup table to a vtkLookupTable instance.


Looking at the example: It converts a lookup table from the SoLUTEditor module to a vtkLookupTable. It is then used to modify the coloring of a texture mapped onto a cube. Modify any of the sample points in the SoLUTEditor to see how the coloring of the textured cube changes.


Default Panel


Input Fields

An ML lookup table object of any of the following visual types: LUT_L, LUT_LA, LUT_RGB, LUT_RGBA.

Output Fields

The Base object containing a vtkLookupTable instance which can be connected to VTK modules which use lookup tables.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Number Of Entries

name: numberOfEntries, type: Integer, default: 256

Shows the number of entries detected at the input object and set in the output lookup table.


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows whether the connected input object is a valid lookup table and whether it is of a convertible format.