
The MeVisLab software development environment is available in two different versions: the MeVisLab SDK and the MeVisLab Professional SDK. These versions address the needs for non-commercial and professional use. Version details and licensing conditions are explained below.

The MeVisLab SDK installers are available from the download page. Version and license-dependent functionalities are activated by license files.

By downloading and installing the MeVisLab SDK software, you have access to the complete MeVisLab SDK module library contained in the MeVisLab SDK installer. Using graphical network programming, these modules can be combined to powerful image processing and visualization networks.

In addition, own algorithms can be integrated as ML, Open Inventor, or ITK modules using one of the supported C++ development environments. New macro modules can be created and added to the MeVisLab module database.

Own modules can be encrypted to pass on the modules to other MeVisLab users without revealing implementation details. (See notes below on professional (commercial) and non-commercial redistribution policies of own MeVisLab modules.)

For additional questions, please contact us: contact page.

MeVisLab Versions

Free MeVisLab SDK (non-commercial)

By downloading and installing the MeVisLab SDK software without an additional license file, the conditions of the MeVisLab SDK (see below) with the following additional restrictions apply:

  • No more than 5 own or third-party modules can be instantiated at a time
  • Scripting code in own and third-party modules may not exceed the size of 2KB,
    import of self-defined and third-party Python modules is not possible
  • Panels of own and third-party modules show a license disclaimer

To eliminate these restrictions, purchase a MeVisLab license and exploit the full MeVisLab capabilities: contact page.

MeVisLab SDK (non-commercial)

The MeVisLab SDK is for non-commercial institutions, such as universities, non-profit organizations, and other academic entities only. Any results obtained using a non-commercial MeVisLab SDK license shall not be used for commercial purposes. Redistribution of your own networks or modules in source code is permitted for non-commercial research and evaluation purposes only, in particular not for products or services. Redistribution of the MeVisLab SDK, either completely or in parts, is not permitted.

MeVisLab Professional SDK

The MeVisLab Professional SDK is intended to be used by companies, institutions, and research laboratories that pursue commercial targets and/or have higher quality requirements such as long-term support and legal security. Results obtained using a MeVisLab Professional SDK license may be used for commercial purposes. A distribution of own networks and modules is permitted. However, redistribution of the MeVisLab SDK, either completely or in parts, or using the MeVisLab software or parts thereof for commercial products or services is not permitted. Thus, it is not permitted to combine a commercial distribution of own networks or modules with the MeVisLab runtime environment.

Please contact us if you want to distribute all-in-one packages or compiled versions of your product under a separate agreement: contact page.

Free Evaluation Licenses

To eliminate the module number and scripting restrictions of the free MeVisLab SDK, please feel free to request a free evaluation license. The free evaluation license allows to evaluate the full functionality of the MeVisLab SDK or MeVisLab Professional SDK for a period of up to three months.

For pricing information regarding the MeVisLab SDK and MeVisLab Professional SDK licenses, please contact us: contact page.

Other Licensing Conditions

The MeVisLab SDK and MeVisLab Professional SDK are licensed per single, named natural person.

Please note that some MeVisLab SDK versions contain 3rd party contributions under separate license conditions, i.e., packages in FMEstable/FMEwork are provided by Fraunhofer MeVis strictly for non-commercial purposes only. The modules in these packages are intellectual property of Fraunhofer MEVIS and are provided to users of the MeVisLab SDK for non-commercial use only. You can inspect the individual module conditions using the modules’ help page, the About screen, and license files within the directory structure.


Free MeVisLab SDK
Evaluation Licenses
MeVisLab SDK
MeVisLab Professional SDK
Free-of charge+(+) time-limited--
Access to complete MeVisLab SDK module library++++
Develop C++ modules (ML, Open Inventor, ITK)++++
Develop macro modules++++
Use own and third-party modules

(+) limited to instantiate <= 5 modules++


Panels show license disclaimer
Use scripting in own and third-party modules(+) limited to 2KB code size+++
Encrypt and distribute own modules--++
Commercial use---+
Redistribute MeVisLab runtime environment or binaries---- (*)

  (*) please contact us for a separate agreement: contact page.