What's New in MeVisLab 2.3?

Table of Contents

1. What's New in MeVisLab 2.3?
1.1. Open Inventor Renovation and New Modules
1.2. New GVR Modules
1.3. API Improvements
1.4. MATE
1.5. MDL Control GraphicsView
1.6. Other Modules
1.7. Contributions by Fraunhofer MEVIS

List of Figures

1.1. Open Inventor scene without any SSAO or shadow mapping.
1.2. Open Inventor scene with screen space ambient occlusion.
1.3. Open Inventor scene with soft shadows.
1.4. Open Inventor scene with SSAO and soft shadows.
1.5. Polygonal surfaces cut and filled on a 2D viewer.
1.6. GVR rendering without any LAO or shadows.
1.7. GVR rendering with local ambient occlusion.
1.8. GVR rendering with deep shadow mapping.
1.9. AbstractItemModel example showing a local directory structure.
1.10. AbstractItemModel example showing a local directory structure.
1.11. Viewer implemented with GraphicsView showing a GVR rendering with an MDL control and a 2D viewer overlayed.
1.12. Example graph plotted with matplotlib.