
genre WEMRendering
author Florian Link
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoWEM
definition SoWEM.def
see also SoWEMRenderer
keywords visualization, surface


The SoWEMRendererVertexAttributes allows to make PVLs (Primitive Value Lists) of a WEM available to the fragment shader via vertex attributes.


The module needs to be connected to the extensions input of the SoWEMRenderer.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

PVL as vertex attribute 0

name: pvlAsVertexAttribute0, type: String

Sets the name of a PVL whose values are available as float vertex attribute in a shader. If the PVL's name contains spaces, these are replaced by '_' since no spaces are allowed in vertex attributes.

PVL as vertex attribute 1

name: pvlAsVertexAttribute1, type: String

Sets the name of a PVL whose values are available in a shader.

PVL as vertex attribute 2

name: pvlAsVertexAttribute2, type: String

Sets the name of a PVL whose values are available in a shader.

PVL as vertex attribute 3

name: pvlAsVertexAttribute3, type: String

Sets the name of a PVL whose values are available in a shader.