Open Inventor Reference
SoDB Member List
This is the complete list of members for SoDB, including all inherited members.
addConverter(SoType fromField, SoType toField, SoType converterEngine)SoDB [static]
createGlobalField(const SbName &name, SoType type)SoDB [static]
doSelect(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *userTimeOut)SoDB [static]
enableRealTimeSensor(SbBool enable)SoDB [static]
endNotify()SoDB [inline, static]
getConverter(SoType fromField, SoType toField)SoDB [static]
getDelaySensorTimeout()SoDB [static]
getGlobalField(const SbName &name)SoDB [static]
getHeaderData(const SbString &string, SbBool &isBinary, float &ivVersion, SoDBHeaderCB *&preCB, SoDBHeaderCB *&postCB, void *&userData, SbBool substringOK=FALSE)SoDB [static]
getHeaderString(int i)SoDB [static]
getNumHeaders()SoDB [static]
getRealTimeInterval()SoDB [static]
getSensorManager()SoDB [static]
getVersion()SoDB [static]
init()SoDB [static]
isInitialized()SoDB [inline, static]
isNotifying()SoDB [inline, static]
isValidHeader(const char *testString)SoDB [static]
read(SoInput *in, SoNode *&rootNode)SoDB [static]
read(SoInput *in, SoPath *&path)SoDB [static]
read(SoInput *in, SoBase *&base)SoDB [static]
readAll(SoInput *in)SoDB [static]
registerHeader(const SbString &headerString, SbBool isBinary, float ivVersion, SoDBHeaderCB *preCB, SoDBHeaderCB *postCB, void *userData=NULL)SoDB [static]
renameGlobalField(const SbName &oldName, const SbName &newName)SoDB [static]
setDelaySensorTimeout(const SbTime &t)SoDB [static]
setRealTimeInterval(const SbTime &deltaT)SoDB [static]
startNotify()SoDB [inline, static]