Open Inventor Reference
Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be set to influence the behaviour of Open Inventor:

IV_SEPARATOR_MAX_CACHESSet the default number of render caches on SoSeparator
IV_NO_VERTEX_ARRAYif set, turns off vertex array rendering and uses deprecated immediate mode rendering
IV_NO_VBOif set, no VBOs are used (but vertex array rendering will still be used)

These additional enviroment variables can be used in the debug version:

IV_DEBUG_CACHESdebug info on the cache usage
IV_DEBUG_CACHELISTdebug info on the cache list
IV_DEBUG_MATRIX_CULLdebug info on matrix culling
IV_DEBUG_RENDER_CULLprints infos on culling while rendering
IV_DEBUG_PICK_CULLprints infos on culling while picking
IV_DEBUG_SENSORSprints infos on sensors
IV_DEBUG_TRANSFORM_MANIP_FIELDSprints infos on transform manipulator fields
IV_DEBUG_WRITE_KIT_CHILDRENprints infos when writing kit children
IV_DEBUG_KIT_PARTSprints infos on kit parts

These additional (MeVis only) enviroment variables can be used in the debug version:

IV_DEBUG_VBO_RENDERINGprints infos when VBO rendering is used
IV_DEBUG_LEGACY_RENDERINGprints when legacy immediate mode rendering is used instead of Vertex Array rendering