Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_ml_numeric_limits< char >
_ml_numeric_limits< int >
_ml_numeric_limits< long >
_ml_numeric_limits< long long >
_ml_numeric_limits< short >
_ml_numeric_limits< signed char >
_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned char >
_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned int >
_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long >
_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long long >
_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned short >
_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source >
_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >
_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >
_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >
SbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::AccessClassAccessClass is a temporary class used with the [] operator on an SbMap
ml::CSOMarchingSquares::AmbiguousCellThis structure stores an ambiguous cell for a later resolving
ml::ApplicationPropertiesStatic class that defines an interface to access properties of the host application
ml::ArgumentList0Empty argument to allow running with 0 arguments
ml::ArgumentList1< Arg1 >ArgumentList with 1 argument
ml::ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 >ArgumentList with 2 arguments
ml::ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >ArgumentList with 3 arguments
ml::ArgumentList4< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 >ArgumentList with 4 arguments
ml::ArgumentList5< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 >ArgumentList with 5 arguments
ml::ImagingBackgroundTask::AsyncTileRequestAsynchronous tile request (copyable!)
ml::BackgroundTaskBase class for a task that is started in an extra thread
ml::BackgroundTaskBaseModuleBaseclass for ML modules that use background tasks
ml::BackgroundTaskHandleA handle to a task that has been created by the background task manager
ml::BackgroundTaskHandleAccessorThis class offers direct access to the contained background task
ml::BackgroundTaskManagerBackgroundTaskManager is the central singleton that manages running background tasks
ml::BackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage< Object, Method, ArgumentList >Generic message that allows to call the member function method on a given object, passing the arguments args (ArgumentList is copied using the copy constructor of each argument)
ml::BackgroundTaskStatusInformationBackgroundTaskStatusInformation creates a snapshot of the status of a given BackgroundTask, to allow later read access without races or even destruction of the background task (copyable)
ml::BackgroundTaskTileProcessorA BackgroundTaskTileProcessor can be used as a base class for processing an input image tile-by-tile without handling the details of an asynchronous request queue yourself
ml::BackgroundTaskTileProcessorBaseBackgroundTaskTileProcessorBase is the base class for processors that request an input image tile-by-tile
ml::BarrierA barrier class that handles synchronization of multiple threads Thread-safety: This class is thread-safe
ml::BaseClass representing general ML objects that support import/export via strings (setPersistentState() and getPersistentState()) or arbitrary tree structures (using addStateToTree() and readStateFromTree())
ml::BaseContainerItemBase object class BaseContainerItem encapsulates a pointer to a Base object as a list item
ml::BaseEventBaseEvent is the base class for all events emitted from EventSourceBase
ml::BaseFieldField to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object
ml::BaseItemGeneral Base object class for list items that have an id and a name
ml::BaseItemParserParser class for BaseItem strings, containing an object's id and name
ml::BaseListBase object class BaseList which stores a list of BaseContainerItem entries
ml::BaseListSortParametersClass that is designed to hold custom list sorting parameters (such as sort mode)
ml::BaseListTemplate< T >Base object template list class for list item classes derived from BaseItem
ml::BitImageClass to manage a binary image
ml::BitMorphologyFilterThe class to apply BitMorphology based kernel filters to images
ml::BoolFieldField to encapsulate a boolean value
SbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ByLevelIteratorSbMap::ByLevelIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map top to bottom, level by level left to right.
ml::CalculateOutputImageHandlerBase class for the calculation of pages of an output image (PagedImage) of a Module
ml::CloseGapFilterThe class to apply CloseGap based kernel filters to images
SoSceneWriter::COLORED_POINTStruct holds point information when VRML_2 output is applied on SGI Inventor scenes
ml::ColorFieldField to encapsulate a vector of 3 float values representing an (rgb) color with all properties of Vector3Field
ml::CompassFilterA class implementing different compass filters
ml::ComposeBaseListEngine module ComposeBaseList composing two base objects
ml::ConstTSubImageCursor< DATATYPE >Cursor to access const data of a TSubImage
ml::ConvolutionFilterThis class implements convolutions with fixed kernel sizes
ml::CopyBase< BASE_DERIVED_CLASS >Engine template module CopyBase to copy any Base-derived object that provides a virtual assignment operator which allows to copy from Base
ml::CopyListEngine module class for copying ListBase derived classes, which is ok because lists have an assignment operator
ml::CorrelationCorrelation of image with kernel image
ml::CPUInfoSingleton class that provides hardware specific information
ml::CSOThe CSO represents a contour segmentation object
ml::CSOAttributesThis class comprises some attributes that are common for a CSO and a CSOGroup
ml::CSOBaseModuleBase class for CSOModules
ml::CSOBoundingBoxThe CSOBoundingBox defines an axis parallel bounding box with double precision
ml::CSOBulgeProcessorModule which allows for an interactive bulging of CSOs of all types
ml::CSOCmdAddCSOClass for undo/redo of adding a new CSO to the CSOList
ml::CSOCmdAddCSOGroupClass for undo/redo of adding a CSOGroup to the CSOList
ml::CSOCmdAddCSOListClass for undo/redo of adding multiple CSOs to the CSOList
ml::CSOCmdAddCSOSetClass for undo/redo of of adding a set of CSOs to the CSOList
ml::CSOCmdAddCSOtoGroupClass for undo/redo of adding a CSO to a Group
ml::CSOCmdInsertRemoveSeedPointClass for undo/redo of the insertion/removal of a single seed point
ml::CSOCmdModifySetClass for undo/redo of modifying a set of CSOs
ml::CSOCmdMoveContourClass for undo/redo of the moving of a contour
ml::CSOCmdMoveSeedPointClass for undo/redo of the moving of a single seed point
ml::CSOCmdRemoveCSOClass for undo/redo of removing a CSO from the CSOList
ml::CSOCmdRemoveCSOfromGroupClass for undo/redo of removing a CSO from a Group
ml::CSOCmdRemoveCSOGroupClass for undo/redo of removing a CSOGroup from the CSOList
ml::CSOCmdRemoveCSOSetClass for undo/redo of removing a set of CSOs from the CSOList
ml::CSOCommandBase class for a CSOCommand for the undo/redo mechanism
ml::CSOConvertorBase class for modules that convert CSOs to voxel images
ml::CSOFreehandProcessorModule which allows for an interactive generation of freehand contours with linear or spline interpolation, and the editing of existing freehand contours
ml::CSOFunctionBase class for distance functions for application in the marching cubes algorithm
ml::CSOGeneratorThe CSOGenerator is the base class for all modules that generate CSOs, be it automatically or interactive
ml::CSOGroupA CSOGroup comprises a number of CSOs, which themselves can be in a number of different CSOGroups
ml::CSOGroupRulesThis handles rules like the maximum number of CSOs in a group and applies them
CSOHeapObjectCSOHeapObject: base class for objects to be used with the heap
ml::CSOInterpolate3DFunctionThe CSOInterpolate3DFunction holds the interpolation function which is a smooth thin-plate spline surface
ml::CSOInterpolate3DFunctionSettingsThis class encapsulates the settings for CSOInterpolate3DFunction
ml::CSOIsoProcessorThe CSOIsoProcessor interactively finds an iso contour on the slice being displayed by the SoView2D module or on the optional input image
ml::CSOListA CSOList comprises a number of CSOs and CSOGroups and is the central object for contour segmentation objects
ml::CSOListRulesControls how the CSOList should treat CSOGroups if their CSOs are removed
ml::CSOLiveWireGraphThe class maintains a graph for applying a shortest path algorithm on
ml::CSOLiveWireNodeStructure holding a live wire node for the shortest path algorithm
ml::CSOLiveWireProcessorModule which allows for an half-automatic generation of contours along image edges, based on the live wire algorithm
ml::CSOManagerThe CSOManager allows for storing and iterating CSOs, and implements an undo/redo mechanism
ml::CSOMarchingSquaresThis class implements the Marching Squares algorithm to find isolines on 2D image slices
ml::CSOMarchingSquaresCellMarching squares cell
ml::CSOModificatorBase class for performing modifications on the CSOs of a CSOList
ml::CSOModifyProcessorModule which allows for a modification of CSOs of all types
ml::CSOList::CSONotificationCBDataThis struct combines a function pointer, a user data pointer and a flag for the notification observer mechanism
ml::CSOObjectHeap< T >Heap structure with property i>2*i+1 and i>2*i+2 Parent i has children 2*i+1 and 2*i+2 Smallest values are stored closer to root of tree Elements are sorted while inserting them in the heap
ml::CSOObjectVector< T >Dynamic templated vector For speed and better memory handling, the vector is an array within an array The base blocks have a BLOCKSIZE of 65535 This allows for quick expanding
ml::CSOPathPointsThe CSOPathPoints is a list of world coordinates which are interpolated by a certain interpolation scheme between seed points of a CSO
ml::CSOPointInPolygonCheckerChecks whether a point is inside a planar, closed polygon in an arbitrary plane
ml::CSOPrimitiveProcessorModule which enables interactive generation of primitive contours such as ellipses and rectangles
ml::CSOProcessorBase class for processor modules; those provide mechanisms for an interactive generation of seed points and for an automatic computation of path points
ml::CSOProcessorDataThe CSOProcesorData provides the network data interchange object for processing interaction events and contour interpolation
ml::CSOSeedPointThe CSOSeedPoint can be interactively set and modified and is the framework for contours
ml::CSOTransformationProcessorModule to interactively transform CSOs
ml::CSOUndoRedoManagerManager class for maintaining the undo and the redo stacks
CSOVisualParametersStructure to hold visual parameters
ml::CSOVoxelSetThe CSOVoxelSet represents a contour segmentation object in discrete voxel coordinates
ml::CurveDataBase object class representing a single curve object, consisting of zero or one X- and any number of Y-data series
ml::CurveDataBaseListBase object class list as alternative implementation for CurveData, essentially a container for Base objects
ml::CurveListBase object class CurveList with a list of CurveData object pointers
ml::DataCompressorAbstract base class for ML data compression algorithms
ml::DataCompressorFactoryFactory for ML data compression algorithms
ml::DataTypeSelector< dataTypeId >Helper template so select a data type from its type id
DCMTree::DateDate class for DCMTree library
ml::DateTimeClass for performing date/time arithmetics, comparisons and formatting
ml::DecomposeBaseListEngine module decomposing a BaseList into one base object and a so-called rest list
DCMTree_Serialization::DeserializableInterface which provides a method to deserialize an object
DCMTree_Serialization::DeserializerIntf< T >Interface of a class, which can be used to deserialize objects without a default constructor
ml::DicomTreeImagePropertyExtensionImplement an ImagePropertyExtension object which can be passed to the ML
ml::DiscClass to handle the geometry primitive "Disc" consisting of a center, a normal and a radius
ml::DiscListBase object class DiscList
ml::DistantObject< T >A DistantObject stores the pointer to an object of type T and forbids direct access to the stored pointer
ml::DistantObjectAccessorThe DistantObjectAccessor can be used to get the value stored in a DistantObject, it should only be used when you really know what you are doing!
DCMTree::DLLInitThis class is responsible for initializing the dll when it is loaded
ml::DoubleFieldField to encapsulate a double value
ml::DoubleMultiFieldSave warning state
DTICalculator< DIM >Class DTICalculator
ml::DummyOpDummy input operator with one pixel of value 0 in it
ml::EditObjectAllows to edit an ml::base-derived object via its XML description
ml::EngineBase class for all ML Engines which are derived from Module, which have no inputs or outputs and which implements field connections or operations on fields
DCMTree::EnhancedMFSupport for structured multi-frame (SMF) DICOM objects, not to be used
ml::EnumFieldField to encapsulate an enumerated value
ml::ErrorOutputClass to handle all ML debug prints, errors, warnings, and information
ml::ErrorOutputInfosStruct which contains all information about errors, fatal errors, warnings, information or debug prints
ml::EventSourceEventSourceBase class adds event listener handling to Base
ml::EventSourceDeletedEventEventSourceRemovedEvent is used to indicate when the EventSourceBase object is removed
DCMTree::ExceptionException class for DCMTree
ml::ExtConvolutionFilterThis class implements different convolution filters with changeable kernel sizes
ml::ExtractObjectFromListEngine module ExtractObjectFromList extracting a single list item (identified by its index) from a given list
ml::fctLineFilter< DATATYPE >The basic implementation of a filter to filter an image row with kernel operations
ml::FieldBase class for all fields used in the ML
ml::FieldContainerDefines the class FieldContainer to encapsulate a vector of fields for (see class Field)
ml::FieldSensorClass to define and to manage field sensors
DCMTree_Serialization::FileSinkClass to write DCMtree as file stream
DCMTree_Serialization::FileSourceClass to read DCMtree file stream
ml::Field::FlagsFlags for internal usage
ml::FloatFieldField to encapsulate a float value
ml::FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >Template class for vector arithmetic with floating point data types
ml::FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase< DT, size >Base class of the FloatingPointVector class which holds the data buffer
ml::FloatMultiFieldClass FloatMultiField. See MultiField for documentation
ml::GetTileJobPublic interface for requesting a tile from a an ML PagedImage using the PageRequestProcessor
ml::GetTileJobBaseBase class for TileRequest based jobs
GL2DFontA bridge to the ftgl library that manages font rendering with texture fonts
GLContextPlatform independent interface class to manage an OpenGL context
GLContext::GLCtxStructure with platform dependent information about OpenGL context
GLDisplayListGL display list resource
GLFrameBufferFrameBufferObject resource (frame_buffer_object extension)
GLPixelBufferPixelBuffer resource (_pixel_buffer_object) It is internally the same as a GLVertexBuffer, but to be able to see the buffers usage this is implemented too
GLRenderBufferRenderBuffer resource (frame_buffer_object extension)
GLResourceAbstract base class for GLResources
GLResourceManager::GLResourceListDynamic list of GLResource objects
GLResourceManagerManages OpenGL resources
GLSLFragmentShaderGLSL FragmentShader resource
GLSLGeometryShaderGLSL GeometryShader resource
GLSLProgramGLSL Program resource
GLSLShaderGLSL Shader resource
GLSLVertexShaderGLSL VertexShader resource
GLTextureTexture class
GLTexturesTexture class that manages multiple texture ids
GLVertexBufferVertexBuffer resource (vertex_buffer_object extension)
ml::GPUInfoSingleton class that provides hardware specific information
ml::HostThe Host is the central image processing class in the ML
IDTICalculatorClass IDTICalculator
ml::ImagePropertiesThis class represents basic image properties:
ml::ImagePropertyExtensionBase class from which one can derive own image properties
ml::ImagePropertyExtensionContainerThis class is a container for extended image properties derived from ImagePropertyExtension
ml::ImageVectorFieldField to encapsulate an ML vector ImageVector with 6 integer components
ml::InputConnectorClass to manage an input connection of a Module module
ml::InputConnectorFieldField to encapsulate a pointer to an input connector which represents a module input
ml::InputSubImagePropertiesDefines the class InputSubImageProperties which is a simple container for some properties which can be defined for an input subimage which is to be delivered to the corresponding call of the module's calculateOutputSubImage method
ml::Int32MultiFieldClass Int32MultiField. See MultiField for documentation
ml::IntFieldField to encapsulate an integer value
ml::IntMultiFieldClass IntMultiField. See MultiField for documentation
ml::IOHandlerHandles the different possible IO modes
DCMTree::IOParameterBase class to wrap parameters to be used for reading/writing messages this is needed because the toolkits have different capabilities (merge needs file-names, offis seems to work with streams too etc.)
SbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::IteratorRegular low->high (++) and high->low (--) iterator class for an SbMap
ml::ITKCommandIterationUpdateImplementation of the Command Pattern to be invoked every iteration
ml::ITKFlatStructElementML class to wrap the itkFlatStructElement class in an ML module
ml::ITKMLBaseWrapper< OBJ_TYPE, OBJ_TYPE_POINTER, WRAPPER_CLASS_NAME >Class to create a Base wrapper around an object of a certain template type
ml::ITKModuleAddOnsClass to implement much functionality used in ML modules wrapping filters
ml::ITKWrapperBaseHelper class to have a common base class for all derived wrapper
ml::KernelBaseModuleThe module base class to apply kernels to an image
ml::KernelCurvatureEstimationFilterImplements a filter to estimate curvatures
ml::KernelEditorThe class to edit a 6D kernel
ml::KernelLineApplicator< DATATYPE, KDATATYPE >The KernelLineApplicator class takes a Kernel instance and filters one line of an mlSubImage and writes it to an output also given by another mlSubImage
ml::KernelLineApplicatorBase< DATATYPE, KDATATYPE >The KernelLineApplicatorBase class is designed to implement new kernel based filters to be applied to a line of an mlSubImage and and to write the filtered line to an output mlSubImage
ml::KernelModuleThe typically used convenience class to apply a kernel to an image
ml::KernelToolsClass collecting a set of templated an normal functions for filtering operations using kernels
ml::KeyFrameClass KeyFrame consisting of a 3D position, tangent and up vector
ml::KeyFrameListBase object class KeyFrameList storing a list of KeyFrame entries
LegendItemClass holds legend item information
std::less< ml::BaseContainerItem >Overwrite comparison class for BaseContainerItem
ml::LineClass to define the geometry primitive "Line" consisting of a position and a direction
ml::LineApplicator< DATATYPE >The LineApplicator class provides pure virtual functions used by the old applyFiltering functions from the KernelTools class to filter one row of an SubImage and writes it to an output also given by another SubImage
ml::ListBaseBase object class ListBase managing a number of BaseItem objects
ml::ListContainerBaseAbstract module class ListContainerBase implementing basic functionality for a list container module
ml::ListContainerTemplate< T >Template module class ListContainerTemplate for a specific list class
ml::ListParserParser class for parsing persistent state strings of list objects
ml::ListTemplate< T >Basic list class template combining properties of ListBase and a vector of the template argument type
ml::LoadBaseAllows to load ml::base-derived objects from file
DCMTree_Utils::LoadLibraryDelegateDelegate who is responsible for loading the specific DICOM library used in initialization, if the library is not loaded statically (via the DEF file)
ml::LocalMaximaFilterClass searching local maxima in images using a kernel based filtering
ml::LoGFilterThe LoGFilter permits filtering an image with a 2D Laplace of Gaussian filter kernel
ml::LongDoubleFieldField to encapsulate a long double value
ml::LUTData< T >A LUTData object stores an instance of a LUT, rendered for a specified visual type, data type, reference range and index/row/layer set
ml::LUTDataBaseUntyped base class for LUTData template classes
ml::LUTFCombine::LUTEntryStores a lut function entry that should be combined
ml::LUTFBlendGenerate a 2/3D-LUT by blending two 1/2D-LUTs
ml::LUTFChannelMapA LUT function mapping the individual channels of the input LUT to the channels of the output LUT
ml::LUTFColorLUT transform to apply or remove color to an input LUT
ml::LUTFCombineA LUT function combining several input LUTs into a single output LUT
ml::LUTFComposeA LUT function composing several input LUTs into a single output LUT
ml::LUTFConcatConcatenate LUTs in row or layer direction
ml::LUTFLinearA color/gray LUT with sampling points and linear, nearest neighbor or truncated interpolation inbetween
ml::LUTFloatRGBAImplements a float RGBA color table
ml::LUTFPrimitiveA single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes
ml::LUTFRampPairAn RGBA LUT consisting of a RGB ramp and an alpha ramp
ml::LUTFRescaleLUT transform to rescale a LUT's index range and to convert an absolute to a relative LUT
ml::LUTFSelectSelect a 1D-LUT from a specified row/layer of a 2D- or 3D-LUT
ml::LUTFunctionCommon base class for lookup tables
ml::LUTIterator< T >The LUTIterator class template is used by a LUTFunction object for rendering into a LUTData object
ml::LUTIteratorBaseLUT iterator base class with type independent functionality and declarations
ml::LUTRGBAPointA LUT sampling point with index position and RGBA channel values,
ml::MainAxisPCAThis class computes the main axis for a point cloud by a principal component analysis
ml::ManagedSubImageManagedSubImage is derived from SubImage and frees its allocated memory automatically when it is destructed
ml::MarkerListBase object class MarkerList managing a list of markers represented by Vector4's
ml::Mat3ListBase object class Mat3List managing a list of 3x3 matrices
ml::Mat4ListBase object class Mat4List managing a list of 4x4 matrices
ml::Matrix2FieldField encapsulating a 2x2 matrix
ml::Matrix3FieldField encapsulating a 3x3 matrix
ml::Matrix4FieldField to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix
ml::Matrix5FieldField encapsulating a 5x5 matrix
ml::Matrix6FieldField encapsulating a 6x6 matrix
ml::MatrixFieldField to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix, same as Matrix4Field for backward compatibility
ml::MedicalImagePropertiesThis class encapsulates basic medical image properties:
ml::MemoryBasic memory management class for the ML
ml::MemoryImageA memory cache for the complete output image of an output connector
ml::MemoryInfoSingleton class that provides hardware specific information
ml::MergeListsEngine module MergeLists merging two BaseListTemplate-derived objects
DCMTree::MessageClass to hold data of an DICOM message, which is not part of the message itself
ml::MessagingBackgroundTaskMessagingBackgroundTask extends the BackgroundTask with the functionality to call methods on DistantObject instances on the GUI thread to communicate with the GUI (e.g
ml::MinimalDistancePointCloudsThe MinimalDistancePointClouds implements a fast nearest pair search algorithm described by Sean Quinlan in 'Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects'
MLApplicationPropertyCallbacksDefines all callbacks that an application has to support for property access
ml::MLDataTypeFieldField to encapsulate an MLDataType value
ml::MLImageFormatFile format class to store, load, and modify a PagedImg in a file
ml::MLImageFormatCompressionParamsHelper class for compressor arguments managed inside of a module
ml::MLImageFormatFileCacheA file cache for a whole volume which is changed only if load, clear or auto load is activated
ml::MLImageFormatIdxTableInternal and private index table for the MLImageFormat, not to be used, because it is subject to change
ml::MLImageFormatInfoInformation retrieval module for the MLImageFormat
ml::MLImageFormatInfosA internal structure containing information about an opened file, not to be used, because it is subject to change
ml::MLImageFormatIOBaseSave module for MLImageFormat
ml::MLImageFormatLoadThe load module class for the MLImageFormat
ml::MLImageFormatSaveSave module for MLImageFormat
ml::MLImageFormatTagClass defining a tag used in the MLImageFormat class
ml::MLImageFormatTagListClass defining a list of tags used in the MLImageFormat class
ml::MLImageFormatToolsBasic tool functions used to store, load, and modify a PagedImg in a file, used by the MLImageFormat
ml::MLITKObjectFactoryA class to manage a void pointer to an object of a certain class type a type dataType and dimension dim
itk::MLITKStructuringElement< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator >Specialized class for generated toolkit modules using normal kernels
itk::MLITKStructuringElementBase< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator, SuperClss >Template class to create an itk structured element from an ML kernel
MLMemoryAllocatorThe memory allocator used by the memory manager
MLMemoryBlockHandleThe strong handle of a MLMemoryBlock
MLMemoryManagerThe memory manager
MLMetaProfilePtrThe pointer is automatically reset when the meta profile is destroyed
MLTimeStatisticsTime is stored in seconds
ml::MLTStdTypeInfos< VTYP >Template class to register the standard integer classes as voxel types in the ML
MLTypeInfosStructure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type
ml::MLVTKParentWrapperMini base class storing a parent pointer for bypassing (usually a widget pointer or parent) from MeVisLab-Widget library to module and vice versa without breaking interfaces
MLWeakMemoryBlockHandleThe weak handle of a MLMemoryBlock
ml::ModuleBase class for an image processing module of the ML
ml::ModuleBackgroundTaskModuleBackgroundTask extends the ImagingBackgroundTask with a number of useful methods that allow asynchronous access to the images of a Module
ml::ModuleToolsClass containing some helper functionality for Module programming and/or for the Module class itself
ml::MorphologyFilterThe class to apply morphology based kernel filters to images
ml::MultiBaseTypeClass to provide a number of get/set functions for often used templated objects, for example function pointers
ml::MultiField< DATATYPE >Field to represent a dynamic vector of DATATYPE values
ml::NotifyClass to handle all ML Notify prints, errors and warnings
ml::NotifyFieldField without value for notifications
ml::ObjMgrDatabase manager and communication switchboard
ml::ObjMgrBaseBase class for all communicating modules
ml::ObjMgrClientBase class for all modules that wish to use and communicate (send and receive notifications) with the ObjMgr module
ml::ObjMgrEventEvent information
ml::BackgroundTask::ObserverAbstract interface to observe the BackgroundTask
ml::BackgroundTaskManager::ObserverAbstract interface to observe the BackgroundTaskManager
ml::olFullPathThis is a simple class that lets us do easy prepending of the info file's directory to a given relative path
ml::olSpecializedLoaderBase class for all loader-plugins
ml::omAttributeManages the attribute data and takes care of allocation and deallocation
ml::omAttribute_omMessageAttribute for messages
ml::omAttributesVectorManages one layer of information
ml::omDataManages data and takes care of allocation and deallocation
ml::omData_omMessageData type for messages
ml::omDataTypeBase class for data
ml::omFlagsManaged special flags of information address components
omIDTypeObject, layer, info Id type
ml::omIDTypeT< T >
omMessageMessage type
ml::omMessageT< T >
ml::omObjectBase class that declares to basic functionality of an object
ml::omObjectContainerDatabase (object container) - manages all objects
ml::omObjMgrConnectionConnection information
OpenGLMeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton)
ml::OutputConnectorClass to manage an output connection for a Module module
ml::OutputConnectorFieldField to encapsulate a pointer to an output connector which represents a module output
ml::PageBufferPageBuffer is a helper structure to manage one page of input data of the VirtualVolume class and it also handles the most important properties of the page
ml::PagedImageClass which represents an image, which manages properties of an image and image data which is located in pages
ml::PagedImagePropertiesPagedImageProperties extends the MedicalImageProperties with the page extent
ml::PageIDIteratorA class that allows to incrementally iterate over all ids of pages have an intersection with a given box on a given PagedImage
ml::MLImageFormatIdxTable::PageIdxTypeInternal helper class
ml::PageRequestA PageRequest represents the request for the calculation of a single page of a PagedImage
ml::PageRequestCursorA cursor to create page and tile requests in an iterative manner, to allow breaking/resuming at any time and to avoid a recursive tree traversal which can not be easily resumed
ml::PageRequestProcessorA simple processor that takes one or even multiple tile requests and can process them iteratively
ml::PageRequestQueueInterfaceVirtual interface for queuing PageRequests that are ready for processing
SbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentFirstIteratorSbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from top to bottom
SbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentLastIteratorSbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from bottom to top
ml::ParserBaseBasic parser class from which special parser classes can be derived for parsing persistent state strings
ml::PlaneClass defining a plane in 3D
ml::PlaneFieldField to encapsulate a vector of 4 double values representing a plane with all properties of Vector4Field
ml::PointerFieldField to encapsulate a void pointer to arbitrary data
ml::PointListBase object class PointList managing a list of points
ml::ProcessAllPagesBackgroundTaskClass ProcessAllPagesBackgroundTask
ml::ProcessAllPagesHandlerBase class for handlers that are used for the Module::processAllPages facility
ml::ProcessAllPagesJobPublic interface for processing all pages of a temporary output image
ml::ImagingBackgroundTask::ProcessAllPagesRequestAsynchronous process all pages request (copyable!)
ml::ProgressFieldField to encapsulate an increasing float value from range [0,1]
ml::ProjectedCSOThis class is a helper class used internally by CSOPointInPolygon
ml::RankFilterThe class to apply rank based kernel filters images
ml::RasterFunctionBase object to handle implicit or explicit functions to draw into subimages
ml::RasterFunctionListBase object class to handle a list of raster functions
ml::RefCountedBaseRefCountedBase class adds intrusive reference counting support to the Base class
ml::RobertsFilterClass to apply a kernel based roberts filtering to an image
ml::RotationClass to handle Rotations (internally the rotation is stored as a quaternion)
ml::RotationFieldField to encapsulate a vector of 4 double values representing a rotation with all properties of Vector4Field
ml::RuntimeThis class contains the runtime system of the ML
ml::RuntimeDictThis file declares the class RuntimeDict, which manages a set of instances of class RuntimeTypes
ml::RuntimeTypeRuntimeType contains type and inheritance information of a class and a static dictionary with information on all created instances of RuntimeType
ml::SaveBaseSaves an ml::base-derived object to a file class SaveBase
SbFocusInfoClass transporting focus information for one sub graph
SbList< Type >This contains the definition of the SbList generic pointer list class; an SbList is a list of (void *) pointers that allows easy insertion, removal, and other operations
SbMap< KeyType, ValueType >Open Inventor container that associates objects of type KeyType with objects of type ValueType
SbMapItem< KeyType, ValueType >Class SbMapItem is the element type of the SbMap tree
SbMLImagePropertiesOpen Inventor data type to store ML image properties
SbSamplerInfoOpen Inventor data type and element to store information about a (list of) SbSampler
SbSlabRenderingPropertiesOpen Inventor element to store information about current slab mode
ml::ScopedBarrierWaiterA helper class that ensures barrier waiting even when an exception occurs
DCMTree_Serialization::SerializableInterface which provides a method to serialize an object
DCMTree_Serialization::SerializerIntf< T >Interface of a class, which can be used to serialize objects
ml::SigmaFilterA sigma filter class
DCMTree_Serialization::SinkInterface of a data sink for the serialization of objects
SoBackgroundSoBackground renders a background bar It uses the lookuptable element to draw a 8bit Lookuptable on the bar rendering
ml::Sobel3DFilterApplies a Sobel edge detection or a Sobel gradient estimation in 3D to a volume image
SoCalculatorWrapperSoCalculatorWrapper wraps the SoCalculator engine to make it usable inside of MeVisLab
SoCameraViewAllAllows to trigger the view all action of a camera, independent of a viewer
SoCheckShaderSupportOpen Inventor node to check if OpenGL shader support is provided by the OpenGL driver
SoClearShaderStateOpen Inventor node to clear shader state
SoClipBoxSoClipBox defines a node with 6 clipping plane manipulators that are arrange on the sides of a box
SoCSO3DVisModule for visualizing CSOs in 3D as an Open Inventor scene
SoCSOTransformAbstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes
SoDummySoDummy class is used to create a place holder node when the created node was unknown
SoEnterLeaveEventOpen Inventor SoEvent that represents a mouse enter or mouse leave event
SoExtText2Implements a node similar to SoText2, but by using the GLUT font and some extra features (shadow, background, etc.)
SoFlashOpenInventor node SoFlash provides a changing material node that blends one color into another
SoFocusSoFocus is a general facility to detect focus changes
SoFocusElementOpen Inventor Element defining if the currently rendered Graph has the focus
SoFragmentShaderOpen Inventor fragment shader node
SoFramebufferSamplerAbstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes based on a framebuffer object
SoFramebufferSampler2DOpen Inventor sampler node that gets it's 2D image from a framebuffer object
SoFramebufferSampler3DOpen Inventor sampler node that gets it's 3D image from a framebuffer object
SoFramebufferSamplerElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
SoGeometryShaderOpen Inventor fragment shader node
SoGLCompleteShaderShader class which directly takes src for vertex, geometry and/or fragment shader, compiles and links it
SoGLRenderStateClass SoGLRenderState to manage the GL state in an Open Inventor node
SoGLShaderAbstract base class for shader objects
SoGLShaderObjectVertex or fragment shader object class
SoGLShaderProgramClass managing an OpenGL shader program
SoGLShaderProgramAllowedElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
SoGLShaderProgramElementOpen Inventor element representing a SoGLShaderProgram in the Open Inventor state
SoGLVertexAttributeElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes
SoInheritedFramebufferSamplerOpen Inventor node used to access a previous OpenGL framebuffer sampler
SoKeyGrabberSoKeyGrabber is a general facility to grab keyboard events
SoMFDoubleA multi value field that stores double values
SoMFShaderObjectOpen Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader objects
SoMFUniformShaderParameterOpen Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader parameters
SoMLImageElementInventor element storing ML image properties in the Open Inventor state
SoMLImagePropsInventor node providing access to ML image properties
SoMLLUTOpen Inventor node implementing an interface to the ml::LUTFunction
SoMLLUTChangeColorDefines a debug extension to the SoGVRVolRen
SoMLLUTElementOpen Inventor element to administrate a pointer to a SoMLLUT node in the inventor state
SoMLLUTExtensionExtends the SoMLLut with functionality
SoMLLUTExtensionElementSoMLLUTExtensionElement collects a list of SoGVRExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step
SoMLSamplerAbstract base class for sampler nodes that handle ML images
SoMLSampler1DSampler node that uses a 2D ML subimage to define a 2D sampler
SoMLSampler2DSampler node that uses a 2D ML subimage to define a 2D sampler
SoMLSampler3DSampler node that uses a 3D ML subimage to define a 3D sampler
SoMLSamplerCubeMapSampler node that uses 6 2D ML subimages to define a Cubemap sampler
SoMLTransformSoMLTransform applies the ML WorldToVoxel matrix to the Inventor Scene
SoMLVolumeBoxSoMLVolumeBox renders the bounding box of the ML volume in world coordinates
SoMouseGrabberSoMouseGrabber is a general facility to grab mouse events and to map mouse movement to x/y values
SoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerOpen Inventor node to accumulate multiple render passes in a sampler
SoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
SoMultiplePassOpen Inventor group node traversing its subgraph a number of times
ml::SoNodeFieldField to encapsulate a pointer to an SoNode instance of OpenInventor
SoOrthoView2DSoOrthoView2D uses three SoView2D nodes to create a 3D ortho viewer with three 2D views
SoOrthoView2DBaseSoOrthoView2DBase uses three SoView2D nodes to create a 3D ortho viewer with three 2D views
SoPlaneDraggerDefines a plane dragger that can be used to manipulate a plane (and translation+rotation)
SoPlaneSyncOpen Inventor node calculating a new translation from a translation, a rotation and a distance factor
SoSamplerAbstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes
SoSampler2DAbstract Open Inventor base class for 2D sampler nodes
SoSamplerInfoElementElement stores information about all current sampler nodes
SoSceneWriterOpen Inventor engine to write scene representation to file
SoSFDoubleA single value field that stores a double value
SoSFMLBaseThe SoSFMLBase field is the interface used by Inventor Nodes to output ML Base objects to the outside world
SoSFMLConnectorThe SoSFMLConnector field is the interface used by Inventor Nodes to output input/output ML Connector Fields to the outside world
SoSFMLImageThe SoSFMLImage field is the interface used by Inventor Nodes to access image data (in the current implementation from the ML - MeVis Image Processing Library)
SoShaderObjectAbstract Open Inventor node for vertex or fragment shader nodes
SoShaderObjectElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of vertex or fragment shader nodes in the Open Inventor state
SoShaderParameterAbstract Open Inventor group base class for shader parameter nodes
SoShaderParameter1fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines one float parameter
SoShaderParameter1iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines one integer parameter
SoShaderParameter2fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two float parameters
SoShaderParameter2iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters
SoShaderParameter3fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three float parameters
SoShaderParameter3iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three integer parameters
SoShaderParameter4fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters
SoShaderParameterColorOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines tree float parameters using a color selector
SoShaderParameterMatrixOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines a matrix parameter
SoShaderParameterMLImagePropsOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines integer and float parameters to represent the size and range of a connected ML image
SoShaderParameterMLImageSizeOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters to represent the size of a connected ML image
SoShaderProgramOpen Inventor shader program node
SoShowFPSSoShowFPS renders the current frame rate onto the scene
SoSlabRenderingElementInventor element storing SlabRendering properties in the Open Inventor state
SoToggleSoToggle is a SoSwitch node that has a boolean field to toggle the underlying scene graph on/off
SoUniformParameterBaseBase class for uniform shader parameters
SoUniformShaderParameterAbstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes
SoUniformShaderParameterElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes
DCMTree_Serialization::SourceInterface of a data source for the deserialization of objects
SoVectorToFloatSoVectorToFloat transforms vector to float (not an engine)
SoVertexAttribute1fVertex attribute of type float
SoVertexAttribute1iVertex attribute of type Int32
SoVertexAttribute1uiVertex attribute of type UInt32
SoVertexAttribute2fVertex attribute of type SbVec2f
SoVertexAttribute3fVertex attribute of type SbVec3f
SoVertexAttribute4fVertex attribute of type SbVec4f
SoVertexAttribute4ubVertex attribute of type UInt32 interpreted as 4 unsigned bytes NOTE: the values are interpreted as RGBA colors in the sense of a SbColor::getPackedValue()
SoVertexAttributeBaseBase class for vertex attribute nodes
SoVertexAttributeInfoStruct to store information on an vertex attribute, typically located in a SoVertexAttributeBase base class
SoVertexShaderOpen Inventor vertex shader node
SoView2DSoView2D is a 2D viewer for image data
SoView2DAnnotationAnnotation extension for the SoView2D
SoView2DAutoCenterNode that allows a View2D zoom fly in on mouse click
SoView2DBorderSoView2D extension that draws a border with variable width and highlighting of focused viewport
SoView2DBorderHighlightSoView2D extension that draws a border around a selected range of slices
SoView2DCallbackSoView2DCallback allows to set a callback for evalEvent and draw virtual functions of a SoView2DExtension
SoView2DCSOEditorProvides 2D drawing and interaction for the contour segmentation objects
SoView2DDeformationGridViewInclude system dependency stuff of this library
SoView2DEnlargeOnClickAllows changing the current slice of the SoView2D with mouse movement and mousewheel
SoView2DExtensionSoView2DExtension Base class for all View2DExtensions used for drawing and event handling on the View2D
SoView2DExtensionElementSoView2DExtensionElement collects a list of SoView2DExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step
SoView2DHintSoView2DHint allows to switch the SoView2D module into 3D rendering mode
SoView2DHintElementSoView2DHintElement is read by the SoView2D and influences it's rendering mode
SoView2DLegendSoView2DLegend allows to draw legends on SoView2D
SoView2DMagnifyControllerControls the settings of a second SoView2D to provide a magnify window
SoView2DMarkerEditorSoView2DMarkerEditor is a geometry editor that stores markers in a XMarkerList and allows editing of these
SoView2DOverlayDraws an overlay image on the SoView2D
SoView2DOverlayDecorationDraws an overlay image on the SoView2D
SoView2DPositionDraw and edit a position on the SoView2D
SoView2DRectangleAllows drawing and editing of a rectangle on a SoView2D
SoView2DSlicerAllows changing the current slice of the SoView2D with mouse movement and mousewheel
SoView2DSliceShiftAllows to shift the slice by mouse movement inside of a SoView2D
SoView2DSliceZoomAllows to change the slice zoom by y mouse movement
SoView2DTransRotAllows to edit a rotation and translation on a SoView2D
SoView2DVectorFieldViewInclude system dependency stuff of this library
SoView2DVoxelValueReads the voxel value at the mouse position on a SoView2D
SoView2DVoxelViewSoView2DExtension for detailed voxel viewing
SoViewerElementElement that stores a proxy object to the currently active viewer
SoViewerProxyThis class gives access to state of a viewer during scene graph traversal
SoVirtualVolumeFor fast voxel based access to paged ML images; see also mlVirtualVolume and mlTVirtualVolume in project MLTools for examples etc
ml::SphereDefines the class to handle the geometry primitive "Sphere" with a radius and a center point
ml::SphereListBase object managing a list of Sphere objects
ml::StdDeviationFilterThis class is a kernel filtering operator, which calculates the standard deviation in the (defined by the kernel) neighborhood of a voxel
ml::StringConversionThe class StringConversion provides static methods to convert ML objects to and from strings
ml::StringFieldField to encapsulate a string value
ml::StringLineMultiFieldThe field class StringLineMultiField which manages a vector of std::string lines typically separated by "\r\n" on windows systems and by "\n" on non windows systems
ml::StringListBase object class managing a list for items of type BaseItem usable for string storage
ml::StringListContainerBase object class StringListContainer managing a list of items of type StringList
StringXClass for easy (though not terribly efficient) transcoding of XMLCh data to local code page for display
DCMTree::StructuredMFSupport for structured multi-frame (SMF) DICOM objects
ml::StylePaletteBase object class StylePalette for providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types
ml::StylePaletteOpDefines the StylePalette operator for providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types
ml::SubImageThis class manages/represents a rectangular 6d image region which is organized linearly in memory
ml::SubImageBoxdSubImageBoxd - SubImageBox with coordinates of float data type
ml::SubImageBoxdFieldField to encapsulate an ML double SubimgBox
ml::SubImageBoxFieldField to encapsulate an ML integer SubimgBox
ml::SurroundFilterClass to cover an object specified by a threshold with a voxel thick surface of selected values
OverloadSelector::SwitchType< b >Helper types to switch between implementations of functions by overloading
DCMTree::TagClass to represent one dicom tag
DCMTree::TagIdClass to wrap a tag-id
DCMTree::TagInfoClass to carry meta-information about a specific tag
DCMTree_Utils::thread_scoped_criticalsectionClass to manage thread specific critical sections
ml::TileIteratorIterator that takes a region and a tile extent and returns subsequent tiles that cover the region, starting at region.v1
ml::TileRequestA TileRequest either represents the input sub image that is needed by a PageRequest or if it is a root TileRequest, it represents the request by a user to get that tile
ml::TileSphereTileSphere is used in the class MinimalDistancePointClouds
ml::TileSphereHashTableTileSphereHashTable is used in the classes MinimalDistancePointClouds and TileSphere
ml::TImageVector< CompIntType >ImageVector is the 6D TVector specialization used by the ML for all image indexing
DCMTree::TimeTime class for DCMTree library
ml::TimeCounterClass to measure precise time intervals
ml::TKernel< KDATATYPE >Class to manage a filtering kernel for images
ml::Tmat2< DT >A two by two matrix class consisting of 2 row vectors
ml::Tmat3< DT >A three by three matrix class of three row vectors
ml::Tmat4< DT >A four by four matrix class consisting of 4 row vectors
ml::Tmat5< DT >A five by five matrix class of five row vectors
ml::Tmat6< DT >A six by six matrix class of six row vectors
ml::ToggleFieldField to encapsulate a boolean value as integer
ml::ToolsClass which collects some useful functions needed in many places of operator programming
ml::TQuaternion< DT >Implementation of a Quaternion with common operations
ml::Trace< INDEXTYPE >This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor
ml::TraceBuffer< INDEXTYPE >This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings
ml::TreeNodeThe class TreeNode is the abstract base class for the import/export of ML objects
ml::TreeNodeExceptionThe class TreeNodeException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the class TreeNode and all derived classes
ml::TScaleShiftData< DT >Class to define a first order linear transformation
ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >This template class manages/represents a rectangular 6d image region in memory which is organized linearly
ml::TSubImageBox< intT >This class defines a rectangular subimage region of standard ML dimensions
ml::TSubImageCursor< DATATYPE >Cursor to access data of a TSubImage for reading and writing
ml::TSubImageCursorBase< DATATYPE >Base class for all TSubImage Cursors
ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >A class that offers a TSubImage with a TSubImageCursor
ml::Tvec10< DT >An ten dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec16< DT >A 16 dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec2< DT >A two dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec3< DT >A three dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec32< DT >A 32 dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec4< DT >A four dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec5< DT >A five dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec6< DT >A six dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec64< DT >A 64 dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec7< DT >An seven dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec8< DT >An eight dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::Tvec9< DT >An nine dimensional vector class for floating point types
ml::TVector< TVectorBase >ML integer image vector class to be specialized for different purposes
ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >TVector6DBase is the data container class for TVector providing specialized 6D container functionality for vectors of dimension MLMaxImageDimension
ml::TVectorNDBase< CompIntType, NumDim >TVectorNDBase is the data container class for the TVector template providing ND functionality for integer vectors
ml::TVirtualVolume< DATATYPE >The TVirtualVolume class implements random access to a paged input image or a pure virtual image without mapping more than a limited number of bytes. Pages of the input volume are mapped temporarily into memory when needed. If no input volume is specified the pages are created and filled with a fill value. When the permitted amount of memory is exceeded then older mapped pages are removed. When pages are written they are mapped until the virtual volume instance is removed or if they are explicitly cleared by the application
ml::TypedBackgroundTaskHandle< Task >The TypedBackgroundTaskHandle class provides a secure interface to communicate with a running BackgroundTask
ml::TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler< Derived, NumberOfInputImages, VariableType0, VariableType1, VariableType2, VariableType3 >TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler can be used as a base class for an own CalculateOutputImageHandler and supports up to 4 variable types
ml::internal::TypedHandlerBase< BaseClass, Derived, NumberOfInputImages >The base class for TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler and TypedProcessAllPagesHandler
TypedObjectHolderBaseBase class for all derived classes containing an itk object type pointer and some of its basic information
TypedObjectHolderT< FILTER_TYPE >Typed version of a mini class containing an itkObject smart pointer
ml::TypedProcessAllPagesHandler< Derived, NumberOfInputImages, VariableType0, VariableType1, VariableType2, VariableType3 >TypedProcessAllPagesHandler can be used as a base class for an own ProcessAllPages handler and supports up to 4 type variable types
ml::TypeTraits< T >TypeTraits for scalar ML Datatypes
DCMTree_Utils::UIDGeneratorClass to generate unique ids, valid to be used in a DICOM environment
ml::UInt32MultiFieldClass UInt32MultiField. See MultiField for documentation
SoGLShaderProgram::UniformInfoInformation structure for SoGLShaderObject containing location, type, and size
ml::UniversalTypeFieldField to encapsulate any of the registered ML types
ml::useObjectLineFilter< T, DATATYPE >Wrapper for the use of object bound row filters
ml::UserThreadDataBase class for thread local data that is passed to CalculateOutputImageHandler::calculateOutputSubImage
DCMTree::ValueClass to store tag-values
ml::VariableTypeBase class for all variable types, mainly for doxygen documentation purpose
ml::Vec3fListBase object class Vec3fList derived from VecListTemplate
ml::Vec3iListBase object class Vec3iList derived from VecListTemplate
ml::Vec4fListBase object class Vec4fList derived from VecListTemplate
ml::Vec4iListBase object class Vec4iList derived from VecListTemplate
ml::Vec6fListBase object class Vec6fList derived from VecListTemplate
ml::Vec6iListBase object class Vec6iList derived from VecListTemplate
ml::VecListTemplate< T >BaseObject list class template (derived from ListTemplate) for lists of n-tupels of a given type
ml::Vector10FieldField to encapsulate a vector of 10 double values
ml::Vector2DataContainer< DT >Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase
ml::Vector2FieldField to encapsulate a vector of 2 double values
ml::Vector3DataContainer< DT >Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase
ml::Vector3FieldField to encapsulate a vector of 3 double values
ml::Vector4FieldField to encapsulate a vector of 4 double values
ml::Vector5FieldField to encapsulate a vector of 5 double values
ml::Vector6FieldField to encapsulate a vector of 6 double values
ml::VectorListBase object representing a list of vectors given as Vector4's
View2DDrawStatic class for extended 2D drawing with GL
View2DEventView2DEvent stores all information on an event on a SoView2D
View2DFontThis is the extended version of mlGL2DFont (from MLOpenGL)
View2DIconsDefines and implements a class to store multiple images and draw them via OpenGL
View2DPositionThis class stores all position information needed by SoView2DExtensions to handle the pointer position
View2DShaderBase class for hardware shaders that can be used on a View2DTexture
View2DShaderARBSpecialized shader that uses ARB_fragment_program to implement a (up-to) 16 bit Hardware Lut
View2DShaderGLSLSpecialized shader that uses ARB_fragment_program to implement a (up-to) 16 bit Hardware Lut
View2DSliceSingle slice that is stored in a View2DSliceList, typically created by a View2DSliceList
View2DSliceListList that holds all View2DSlice objects (lazily created) of a SoView2D
View2DTextureA class to render images as OpenGL Textures
View2DTextureLUTShaderAbstract base class for shaders that use a 2D texture for LUT lookup
ml::VirtualVolumeThis class manages a virtual volume organizing efficient voxel access to the output image of an input module given as input inIdx of thisBaseOp
ml::VoxelPosStructure holding a 2D voxel position
ml::VTKMLBaseWrapper< OBJ_TYPE, OBJ_TYPE_POINTER, WRAPPER_CLASS_NAME >Class to create a Base wrapper around an object of a certain template type
ml::VTKModuleBase class to derive from all modules which wrap automatically generated VTK classes
ml::VTKWrapperBaseHelper class to have a common base class for all derived wrapper
ml::WaitConditionWaitCondition implements a wait condition for thread synchronization
ml::WEMA WEM comprises a number of WEMPatches
ml::WEMAttributesThis class comprises some attributes that are common for a WEM and a WEMPatch
ml::WEMBoundingBoxThis class represents an axis aligned bounding box for a WEMPatch
ml::WEMContainer< T >Container with the ability to detect double inserts
ml::WEMDefaultsStruct providing default values for the WEM library
ml::WEMEdgeDefines the mesh component: edge
ml::WEMEdgeDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMEdge
ml::WEMEventContainerThis struct holds all necessary data for the different notifications
ml::WEMFaceDefines the mesh component: face
ml::WEMFaceCutHelper class for performing a cutting on a face
ml::WEMFaceCutConnectedComponentTool class for collecting a connected component consisting of FaceCuts
ml::WEMFaceDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMFace
ml::WEMFastVector< T >Dynamic templated vector
ml::WEMGeneratorThe WEMGenerator is the base class for all modules that generate WEMs, be it automatically or interactive
ml::WEMHeap< T >Heap structure with property i>2*i+1 and i>2*i+2 Parent i has children 2*i+1 and 2*i+2 Largest values are stored closer to root of tree
ml::WEMIndexedFaceDefines the mesh component: an face holding a list of up to 100 indices
ml::WEMIndexVector< T >Dynamic vector, based on a memory pool. Keeps track on entry numbers of stored primitives
ml::WEMInspectorThis class is the base class for WEM modules that have one WEM input but no WEM output
ml::WEMModuleSome common fields and methods for WEMProcessors, WEMGenerators and WEMInspectors
ml::WEMNodeDefines the mesh component: node
ml::WEMNodeDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode
ml::WEM::WEMNotificationCBDataThis struct combines a function pointer, a user data pointer and a flag for the notification observer mechanism
ml::WEMObjectVector< T >Dynamic templated vector
ml::WEMPatchBase class for triangle and quad patches
ml::WEMPatchDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode
ml::WEMPolygonDefines the mesh component: polygon
ml::WEMPolygonPatchThis represents a WEMPatch consisting of polygons only
ml::WEMPrimitiveThis is the base class for all WEM elements like nodes, edges and faces
ml::WEMPrimitiveValueListThis class comprises some attributes that are common for a WEM and a WEMPatch
ml::WEMProcessorThe WEMProcessor is the base class for all modules that process WEMs, be it automatically or interactive
ml::WEMQuadDefines the mesh component: quad
ml::WEMQuadPatchThis represents a WEMPatch consisting of quads only
ml::WEMQueue< T >The WEMQueue is a single linked list with pointers to its head and tail elements
ml::WEMQueueElement< T >The WEMQueueElement represents an element of a single linked list
ml::WEMRequirementsThis class represents WEMPatch requirements to be used by WEMProcessor
ml::WEMTriangleDefines the mesh component: triangle
ml::WEMTrianglePatchThis represents a WEMPatch consisting of triangles only
ml::WEMVector< T >Dynamic templated vector
ml::WMIInterfaceInterface to the Windows Management Instrumentation
ml::WrapperSuperStructPtrsLink structure between names and superclass names
ml::XMarkerBase object class XMarker (derived form baseItem) with 6D pos, 3D vec and type int
ml::XMarkerListBase object class XMarkerList (derived from BaseListTemplate) specialized for XMarker items
ml::XMarkerListContainerBase object class XMarkerListContainer (derived from ListContainerTemplate) for XMarkerList objects
ml::XMLTreeNodeThe class XMLTreeNode implements the abstract class TreeNode to allow export and import of ML objects to and from XML files and strings
ml::XMLTreeNodeExceptionExtends the exceptions already provided by class TreeNodeException
XStringClass transcoding local code page to XMLCh data for display
XVImageSizeHelper class for 6D point/extent management
XVStatusClass for passing status information to a host system
ml::ZeroCrossingsFilterA kernel filtering operator, which searches for zero crossings in the input image