
genre Diagram
author Hendrik Laue
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLCurveUtils
definition MLCurveUtils.def
see also CurveFilter, CurveGenerator, SoDiagram2D, BaseBypassOp
keywords curve, diagram, filter, base


The module CurveDownsample averages curve data to a lower number of data points.


This module is intended to simulate signal processing properties for model data.

It allows to average the sampling interval, to average fractions of it and to use a single value from the original curve.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inCurves, type: MLBase

Output Fields


name: outCurves, type: MLBase

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Fraction: Double
New Timestamp: Enum
Phase: Double
Resample Method: Enum
Width: Double

Visible Fields

Resample Method

name: resampleMethod, type: Enum, default: Center Value

Defines the resampling method.


Title Name Description
Center Value Center Value For this method, simply one data point is selected from the sampling interval. The position is determined by the phase-parameter.
Average Values Average Values For this method, the complete interval is averaged.
Partly Averaged Values Partly Averaged Values For this method, the sampling interval is divided into Fraction intervals and the one corresponding to Phase is selected as re-sampled value.

New Timestamp

name: typeOfTimestamp, type: Enum, default: CenterOfInterval

Defines the temporal position of the averaged time point.


Title Name Description
Start Of Interval StartOfInterval The new time stamp is set to the beginning of the new interval.
Center Of Interval CenterOfInterval The new time stamp is set to the center of the new interval.
End Of Interval EndOfInterval The new time stamp is set to the end of the new interval.


name: resampleWidth, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 5

Sets the width of the resampling interval.


name: resamplePhase, type: Double, default: 3.14159, minimum: -3.14159, maximum: 3.14159

Phase shift in rad (2*PI/re-sample width).


name: resampleFraction, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets how many intervals for the partly averaged values are used.