ML Reference
Error Codes


#define ML_INVALID_ERROR_CODE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(-1)
 Defines an invalid MLErrorCode.
#define ML_RESULT_OK   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 0)
 No error. Everything seems to be okay.
#define ML_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 1)
 An unknown exception was detected and caught; this usually means that something for an unknown reason got really wrong, and which normally a program crash detected by the ML or a module; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and report it to the developer.
#define ML_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 2)
 The system does not have enough memory to perform the desired operation; try to reduce application data and/or complexity, try to replace modules which load the entire image into the memory, terminate other applications running at the same time, buy more memory.
#define ML_DISCONNECTED_GRAPH   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 3)
 The module/operator graph is obviously disconnected but expected to be connected for this operation.
#define ML_CYCLIC_GRAPH   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 4)
 The module/operator graph is connected cyclically; the ML cannot handle this; search for the cyclic connections and remove them; normally this error should not occur.
#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_POINTER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 5)
 A NULL, an invalid or a wrong module/operator pointer has been passed to an algorithm.
#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_OUTPUT_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 6)
 A bad output number of a module/operator has been specified.
#define ML_BAD_FIELD   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 7)
 A NULL, an invalid or badly/wrong typed or named field has been passed to an algorithm.
#define ML_IMAGE_DATA_CALCULATION_FAILED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 8)
 The requested image data could not be calculated; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeated this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer, because it is often a problem caused by a crash in the Module::calculateOutputSubImage method of a module.
#define ML_NO_IMAGE_INPUT_EXTENSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 9)
 Currently not used.
#define ML_NO_IMAGE_PROPS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(10)
 The calculation of image properties failed; there are a variety of reasons and this normally this is a return code of functions accessing modules which cannot calculate a valid output image which often is a normal and legal state; if this is reported as an error or even a fatal error, look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; then perhaps report it to the developer if it seems to be a technical problem and not the report of a normal output state of a module.
#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_INPUT_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(11)
 A bad input number of a module/operator has been specified.
#define ML_BAD_INPUT_IMAGE_POINTER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(12)
 A NULL, an invalid or badly/wrong sized/typed image pointer has been passed to an algorithm; if no previous errors occurred then it might indicate a programming error or missing checks for invalid input connections, bad in/output indices etc.
#define ML_BAD_DATA_TYPE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(13)
 A wrong or unexpected data type has been passed to an algorithm which often is a programming error; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_PROGRAMMING_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(14)
 A case occurred which should not appear and here are a variety of reasons, typically it is a programming error in a module; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_EMPTY_MESSAGE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(15)
 The following error message describes more precise what has happened; if not then a non registered error occurred which is only known in the module using it; have a look at the documentation of the module producing the error; this code might also be passed with messages which are of other type, for example with debug information or user information.
#define ML_PAGE_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(16)
 An image page could not be calculated; and there is a variety of potential reasons, often even programming errors within a module which was detected by the ML, however, it can also be a result of an interrupted image processing of a module pipeline; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information and try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer if it is not the result of a controlled interruption.
#define ML_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(17)
 Image properties could not be calculated correctly and there is a variety of reasons, often this is a programming error within a module which was detected by the ML; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information and try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_INBOX_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(18)
 The input image region required to calculate an image page could not be calculated correctly; often this is a programming error within a module leading to a crash and which is the ML Error Codes which was detected by the ML; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_BAD_PARAMETER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(19)
 A bad/invalid parameter (or even an inappropriate image) has been passed to a module or an algorithm; which usually means that there has been an invalid or inappropriate parameter passed to an algorithm, that the developer forgot to implement a certain case or that a parameter is out of range; read subsequent error information (if available) how the error is handled.
#define ML_CALCULATION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(20)
 This is an unspecific error used in some cases where the error is not very specific; for which there are some varieties of reasons, for example a programming error in a module caused a crash which was detected and handled by the ML; some diagnostic modules also use this, for example to notify an error or about about invalid calculation results; look for previous errors and additional error information shown with this error, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_BAD_DIMENSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(21)
 he image or data structure has wrong extent or dimensions.
#define ML_RECURSION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(22)
 An invalid recursion occurred; read details for an explanation.
#define ML_LIBRARY_LOAD_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(23)
 Loading or initialization of an ML module library failed; the shared library file may not exist at the searched place, a path to the libraries is wrong, the library may not be up to date, symbols in the library interface may be missing or the library is of another or an outdated version; or the installation could be incomplete or damaged.
#define ML_FILE_IO_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(24)
 Reasons may be wrong path specifications, other applications using the same file, wrong file permissions, missing disk space, still non-existing files etc.
#define ML_AFTER_EFFECT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(25)
 This is a typical error occurring when another previous error has left an incomplete or undefined state; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information.
#define ML_BAD_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(26)
 The index given to the algorithm is out of range; sometimes this is a programming error or a sloppy implemented (user) interface which passes invalid user inputs.
#define ML_OUT_OF_RANGE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(27)
 Any coordinate or value is out of range, often a voxel address which is outside of an image or it is even a programming error or an image with invalid contents.
#define ML_MISSING_VOXEL_TYPE_OPERATIONS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(28)
 A voxel data type does not implement required arithmetic operations; often this is a programming error or it indicates that a module does not support calculations on the connected input voxel types.
#define ML_BAD_FIELD_TYPE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(29)
 The passed parameter is not derived from the class field or is not of the expected field type; this can be a programming error.
#define ML_BAD_FIELD_POINTER_OR_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(30)
 The passed parameter is not of an expected (field) type or the allocation of memory failed.
#define ML_FIELD_CREATION_ERROR_OR_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(31)
 A field could not be created (for example because the field type is still not registered in the runtime type system or the corresponding shared library is still not loaded) or the field creation failed due to lack of memory.
#define ML_TYPE_INITIALIZATION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(32)
 A (runtime or voxel) type could not be initialized correctly.
#define ML_CONSTRUCTOR_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(33)
 Creating an object failed due to a programming error in a constructor or due to a lack of memory.
#define ML_DESTRUCTOR_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(34)
 The destruction of a C++ object failed, for example due to a programming error or since it was destroyed from other buggy code.
#define ML_TABLE_FULL   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(35)
 A table is full and nothing can be inserted any more.
#define ML_EXTERNAL_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(36)
 Error messages from other libraries are delivered with this error code if more specific error information from the external library is not available.
#define ML_BAD_BASE_FIELD   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(37)
 The (runtime) type of a Base field is not the expected one, the Base field pointer is invalid (NULL) or it is not (derived from) a Base field.
#define ML_BAD_BASE_FIELD_CONTENT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(38)
 The content of the Base field referenced by a Base field pointer is invalid, it should not be NULL or the pointer it does not point to an object derived from Base.
#define ML_TYPE_NOT_REGISTERED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(39)
 The required or used type is (still) not registered; probably you forgot to call "YourClassName::initClass" in your initialization file or a missing linked library which contains the type has not been loaded yet; maybe a library dependency has been forgotten in the project (make) file or types are initialized in the wrong order in a library init file.
#define ML_LIBRARY_INIT_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(40)
 The initialization code of a library failed; this is a typical error if the ML, an application or a linked library has detected an initialization problem; this, for example can result from invalid version number (a binary incompatibilty), by forgotten recompilations of self defined libraries, paths to (outdated) linked libraries or the usage of incompatible library and application installers.
#define ML_BAD_POINTER_OR_0   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(41)
 A pointer is NULL or a value is NULL or 0 where it should not be; this sometimes indicates a memory allocation error, a programming error, a forgotten NULL pointer check at function entries or also bad function results or objects which have not been found.
#define ML_BAD_STATE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(42)
 The current state of an object is not appropriate for an operation; perhaps it is not initialized or in a valid but inadequate state; it also might indicate that the program ran into an undefined state which should not be possible.
#define ML_TOO_MANY_PUSHES_OR_ADDS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(43)
 Too many elements were pushed or added onto a stack, array or another container type.
#define ML_TOO_MANY_POPS_OR_REMOVES   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(44)
 Too many elements were removed from a stack, an array or another container type.
#define ML_STACK_TABLE_OR_BUFFER_EMPTY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(45)
 The access to a table, stack or container or its elements failed, because it is empty.
#define ML_STACK_TABLE_OR_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(46)
 A table, stack, or another container was expected to be empty, but it isn't.
#define ML_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(47)
 An expected entry or element was not found.
#define ML_INVALID_FILE_NAME   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(48)
 The specified file name is not valid, for example, because it is empty or it contains invalid characters or path specifications or simply does not specify a correct file.
#define ML_INVALID_FILE_DESCRIPTOR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(49)
 The descriptor used to manage a file is invalid or denotes a closed file.
#define ML_FILE_NOT_OPEN   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(50)
 The specified file is not open.
#define ML_NO_OR_INVALID_PERMISSIONS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(51)
 The operation cannot or could not be executed because the user or process does not have appropriate permissions or the permissions of the object to manipulate are not set correctly.
#define ML_DISK_OR_RESSOURCE_FULL   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(52)
 There are not enough resources left to execute the desired operation; this typically indicates a full disc or even not memory for the operation.
#define ML_FILE_OR_DATA_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(53)
 The content of a file or another data structure is not organized as expected by the program; this may indicate a broken/corrupted file, an overwritten data structure or sometimes a newer and still unknown version of a file; it also could indicate a file or data structure created from another application which uses same named types or files.
#define ML_INVALID_VERSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(54)
 The version of a data structure of file is invalid, maybe a newer version than expected; an update of the software could help.
#define ML_UNKNOWN_OR_INVALID_COMPRESSION_SCHEME   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(55)
 The compression scheme is invalid, too old, too new or not known on your system; on another system a compression scheme could have been used to store a file which cannot be loaded on the local system, because the (de)compressor is not known on the local system; it could also indicate a corrupted data structure or file, or even a missing or not installed library .
#define ML_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(56)
 This error occurs on an attempt to register a type whose name is already registered; this could happen for example if backup copies of modules or libraries are detected by the system and tried to be loaded, a type initialization is called more than once, older library paths are set next to the current ones or even in the case when two developers independently developed types or classes with the same name.
#define ML_TYPE_IS_ABSTRACT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(57)
 The runtime type to be used is abstract and cannot be used (for example an object of that type cannot be created then).
 The used class type is not of the expected type and/or is not derived from the expected parent/base class.
#define ML_OPERATION_INTERRUPTED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(59)
 The operation was interrupted, either by a user or another signal.
#define ML_BAD_PAGE_ID   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(60)
 This error comments the trial to use an identifier or index to an (image) page which does not exist or which is out of range.
#define ML_OUT_OF_RESSOURCES   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(61)
 There are not enough resources to execute the desired operation; this can happen for example if the number of open files, processes, threads and so on is exceeded, or the operating system does not have sufficient memory for it.
#define ML_OBJECT_OR_FILE_EXISTS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(62)
 The object or file to be created already exists.
#define ML_OBJECT_OR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(63)
 The expected object or file does not exist or is not found.
#define ML_DEADLOCK_WOULD_OCCURR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(64)
 The operation cannot be executed, because it would lead to a dead lock.
#define ML_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(65)
 The file could not be opened, for example, because the permissions are not sufficient, resources for opening are not available, the file could not be found or the file is already open.
 More flexible error description for ML_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE because it is often needed when permissions are missing or full resources occur.
#define ML_LIBRARY_UNLOAD_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(66)
 This error occurs if unloading of a module or library failed.
#define ML_LIBRARY_UNLOAD_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(67)
 This error occurs if unloading of a module or library caused a crash or threw an exception.
#define ML_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SYSTEM   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(68)
 This error occurs if a functionality is not supported on the current system.
#define ML_OBJECT_STILL_REFERENCED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(69)
 The object to be removed is still referenced, for example a dll to be removed is still used.
#define MLNumDefaultErrorCodes   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(70)
 Number of predefined/compiled ML error codes, not to be used as an error code.


typedef MLint32 MLErrorCode
 Type of an ML Error code.

Detailed Description

Error codes used in the ML.

Define Documentation

#define ML_AFTER_EFFECT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(25)

This is a typical error occurring when another previous error has left an incomplete or undefined state; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information.

Definition at line 990 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_BASE_FIELD   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(37)

The (runtime) type of a Base field is not the expected one, the Base field pointer is invalid (NULL) or it is not (derived from) a Base field.

Definition at line 1036 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_BASE_FIELD_CONTENT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(38)

The content of the Base field referenced by a Base field pointer is invalid, it should not be NULL or the pointer it does not point to an object derived from Base.

Definition at line 1040 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_DATA_TYPE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(13)

A wrong or unexpected data type has been passed to an algorithm which often is a programming error; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.

Definition at line 908 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >::TSubImage(), ml::tsubimage_cast(), and ml::internal::TypedHandlerBase< ProcessAllPagesHandler, Derived, NumberOfInputImages >::verifyProperties().

#define ML_BAD_DIMENSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(21)

he image or data structure has wrong extent or dimensions.

Definition at line 961 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_FIELD   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 7)

A NULL, an invalid or badly/wrong typed or named field has been passed to an algorithm.

Definition at line 877 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_FIELD_POINTER_OR_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(30)

The passed parameter is not of an expected (field) type or the allocation of memory failed.

Definition at line 1010 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_FIELD_TYPE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(29)

The passed parameter is not derived from the class field or is not of the expected field type; this can be a programming error.

Definition at line 1007 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(26)

The index given to the algorithm is out of range; sometimes this is a programming error or a sloppy implemented (user) interface which passes invalid user inputs.

Definition at line 994 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by ml::FloatingPointMatrix< VectorT, size >::linearIndexed(), ml::FloatingPointMatrix< VectorT, size >::linearIndexedConst(), and ml::FloatingPointMatrix< VectorT, size >::operator[]().

#define ML_BAD_INPUT_IMAGE_POINTER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(12)

A NULL, an invalid or badly/wrong sized/typed image pointer has been passed to an algorithm; if no previous errors occurred then it might indicate a programming error or missing checks for invalid input connections, bad in/output indices etc.

Definition at line 902 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_INPUT_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(11)

A bad input number of a module/operator has been specified.

Definition at line 897 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_OUTPUT_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 6)

A bad output number of a module/operator has been specified.

Definition at line 874 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_POINTER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 5)

A NULL, an invalid or a wrong module/operator pointer has been passed to an algorithm.

Definition at line 871 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_PAGE_ID   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(60)

This error comments the trial to use an identifier or index to an (image) page which does not exist or which is out of range.

Definition at line 1138 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_PARAMETER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(19)

A bad/invalid parameter (or even an inappropriate image) has been passed to a module or an algorithm; which usually means that there has been an invalid or inappropriate parameter passed to an algorithm, that the developer forgot to implement a certain case or that a parameter is out of range; read subsequent error information (if available) how the error is handled.

Definition at line 949 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by ml::TQuaternion< DT >::arg(), ml::TQuaternion< DT >::div(), ml::TQuaternion< DT >::getAsMat4(), ml::TQuaternion< DT >::inverse(), ml::Tmat2< DT >::inverse(), ml::Tmat3< DT >::jacobi(), ml::MLInverseMatHelper(), ml::TQuaternion< DT >::normalize(), ml::TQuaternion< DT >::sqrt(), and ml::Tvec3< MLdouble >::Tvec3().

#define ML_BAD_POINTER_OR_0   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(41)

A pointer is NULL or a value is NULL or 0 where it should not be; this sometimes indicates a memory allocation error, a programming error, a forgotten NULL pointer check at function entries or also bad function results or objects which have not been found.

Definition at line 1059 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BAD_STATE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(42)

The current state of an object is not appropriate for an operation; perhaps it is not initialized or in a valid but inadequate state; it also might indicate that the program ran into an undefined state which should not be possible.

Definition at line 1064 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CALCULATION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(20)

This is an unspecific error used in some cases where the error is not very specific; for which there are some varieties of reasons, for example a programming error in a module caused a crash which was detected and handled by the ML; some diagnostic modules also use this, for example to notify an error or about about invalid calculation results; look for previous errors and additional error information shown with this error, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.

Definition at line 958 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CONSTRUCTOR_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(33)

Creating an object failed due to a programming error in a constructor or due to a lack of memory.

Definition at line 1021 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


More flexible error description for ML_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE because it is often needed when permissions are missing or full resources occur.

Definition at line 1161 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(65)

The file could not be opened, for example, because the permissions are not sufficient, resources for opening are not available, the file could not be found or the file is already open.

Definition at line 1157 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CYCLIC_GRAPH   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 4)

The module/operator graph is connected cyclically; the ML cannot handle this; search for the cyclic connections and remove them; normally this error should not occur.

Definition at line 868 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_DEADLOCK_WOULD_OCCURR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(64)

The operation cannot be executed, because it would lead to a dead lock.

Definition at line 1152 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_DESTRUCTOR_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(34)

The destruction of a C++ object failed, for example due to a programming error or since it was destroyed from other buggy code.

Definition at line 1025 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_DISCONNECTED_GRAPH   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 3)

The module/operator graph is obviously disconnected but expected to be connected for this operation.

Definition at line 864 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_DISK_OR_RESSOURCE_FULL   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(52)

There are not enough resources left to execute the desired operation; this typically indicates a full disc or even not memory for the operation.

Definition at line 1098 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(47)

An expected entry or element was not found.

Definition at line 1079 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_EMPTY_MESSAGE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(15)

The following error message describes more precise what has happened; if not then a non registered error occurred which is only known in the module using it; have a look at the documentation of the module producing the error; this code might also be passed with messages which are of other type, for example with debug information or user information.

Definition at line 921 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_EXTERNAL_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(36)

Error messages from other libraries are delivered with this error code if more specific error information from the external library is not available.

Definition at line 1032 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_FIELD_CREATION_ERROR_OR_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(31)

A field could not be created (for example because the field type is still not registered in the runtime type system or the corresponding shared library is still not loaded) or the field creation failed due to lack of memory.

Definition at line 1015 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_FILE_IO_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(24)

Reasons may be wrong path specifications, other applications using the same file, wrong file permissions, missing disk space, still non-existing files etc.

Definition at line 986 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_FILE_NOT_OPEN   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(50)

The specified file is not open.

Definition at line 1089 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_FILE_OR_DATA_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(53)

The content of a file or another data structure is not organized as expected by the program; this may indicate a broken/corrupted file, an overwritten data structure or sometimes a newer and still unknown version of a file; it also could indicate a file or data structure created from another application which uses same named types or files.

Definition at line 1105 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_IMAGE_DATA_CALCULATION_FAILED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 8)

The requested image data could not be calculated; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeated this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer, because it is often a problem caused by a crash in the Module::calculateOutputSubImage method of a module.

Definition at line 883 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_INBOX_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(18)

The input image region required to calculate an image page could not be calculated correctly; often this is a programming error within a module leading to a crash and which is the ML Error Codes which was detected by the ML; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.

Definition at line 942 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_INVALID_ERROR_CODE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(-1)

Defines an invalid MLErrorCode.

Definition at line 847 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_INVALID_FILE_DESCRIPTOR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(49)

The descriptor used to manage a file is invalid or denotes a closed file.

Definition at line 1086 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_INVALID_FILE_NAME   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(48)

The specified file name is not valid, for example, because it is empty or it contains invalid characters or path specifications or simply does not specify a correct file.

Definition at line 1083 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_INVALID_VERSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(54)

The version of a data structure of file is invalid, maybe a newer version than expected; an update of the software could help.

Definition at line 1109 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_LIBRARY_INIT_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(40)

The initialization code of a library failed; this is a typical error if the ML, an application or a linked library has detected an initialization problem; this, for example can result from invalid version number (a binary incompatibilty), by forgotten recompilations of self defined libraries, paths to (outdated) linked libraries or the usage of incompatible library and application installers.

Definition at line 1054 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_LIBRARY_LOAD_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(23)

Loading or initialization of an ML module library failed; the shared library file may not exist at the searched place, a path to the libraries is wrong, the library may not be up to date, symbols in the library interface may be missing or the library is of another or an outdated version; or the installation could be incomplete or damaged.

Definition at line 982 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_LIBRARY_UNLOAD_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(66)

This error occurs if unloading of a module or library failed.

Definition at line 1164 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_LIBRARY_UNLOAD_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(67)

This error occurs if unloading of a module or library caused a crash or threw an exception.

Definition at line 1167 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_MISSING_VOXEL_TYPE_OPERATIONS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(28)

A voxel data type does not implement required arithmetic operations; often this is a programming error or it indicates that a module does not support calculations on the connected input voxel types.

Definition at line 1003 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_NO_IMAGE_INPUT_EXTENSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 9)

Currently not used.

Definition at line 886 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_NO_IMAGE_PROPS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(10)

The calculation of image properties failed; there are a variety of reasons and this normally this is a return code of functions accessing modules which cannot calculate a valid output image which often is a normal and legal state; if this is reported as an error or even a fatal error, look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; then perhaps report it to the developer if it seems to be a technical problem and not the report of a normal output state of a module.

Definition at line 894 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 2)

The system does not have enough memory to perform the desired operation; try to reduce application data and/or complexity, try to replace modules which load the entire image into the memory, terminate other applications running at the same time, buy more memory.

Definition at line 861 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_NO_OR_INVALID_PERMISSIONS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(51)

The operation cannot or could not be executed because the user or process does not have appropriate permissions or the permissions of the object to manipulate are not set correctly.

Definition at line 1094 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SYSTEM   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(68)

This error occurs if a functionality is not supported on the current system.

Definition at line 1170 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_OBJECT_OR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(63)

The expected object or file does not exist or is not found.

Definition at line 1149 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_OBJECT_OR_FILE_EXISTS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(62)

The object or file to be created already exists.

Definition at line 1146 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_OBJECT_STILL_REFERENCED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(69)

The object to be removed is still referenced, for example a dll to be removed is still used.

Definition at line 1173 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_OPERATION_INTERRUPTED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(59)

The operation was interrupted, either by a user or another signal.

Definition at line 1134 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_OUT_OF_RANGE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(27)

Any coordinate or value is out of range, often a voxel address which is outside of an image or it is even a programming error or an image with invalid contents.

Definition at line 998 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by _MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >::checked_cast(), _MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >::checked_cast(), and _MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >::checked_cast().

#define ML_OUT_OF_RESSOURCES   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(61)

There are not enough resources to execute the desired operation; this can happen for example if the number of open files, processes, threads and so on is exceeded, or the operating system does not have sufficient memory for it.

Definition at line 1143 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_PAGE_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(16)

An image page could not be calculated; and there is a variety of potential reasons, often even programming errors within a module which was detected by the ML, however, it can also be a result of an interrupted image processing of a module pipeline; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information and try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer if it is not the result of a controlled interruption.

Definition at line 929 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_PROGRAMMING_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(14)

A case occurred which should not appear and here are a variety of reasons, typically it is a programming error in a module; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.

Definition at line 914 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by ml::Engine::Engine(), and ml::MLTStdTypeInfos< VTYP >::MLTStdTypeInfos().

#define ML_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(17)

Image properties could not be calculated correctly and there is a variety of reasons, often this is a programming error within a module which was detected by the ML; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information and try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.

Definition at line 935 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_RECURSION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(22)

An invalid recursion occurred; read details for an explanation.

It is usually broken automatically when detected to avoid subsequent crashes, but it also usually returns invalid results which also might lead to further errors. Often this error occurs when ML image data is converted/rendered into a 3D OpenGL or Inventor Scene (e.g., by volume or iso surface renderings) which again is converted to an ML image (e.g., by snapshot or rasterization modules). This leads to invalid reentrances into the ML during image processing which are broken and commented by this error. A solution might be to reconfigure your module network so that module connections (image or node) from Inventor to ML and again to an Inventor node do not exist any more. It also could help to complete an ML image calculation depending on Inventor node(s) before another Inventor/Viewer module requests image data from that ML module.

Definition at line 975 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_RESULT_OK   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 0)

No error. Everything seems to be okay.

Definition at line 850 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by ml::ErrorOutputInfos::ErrorOutputInfos(), and ml::PageRequest::hasError().

#define ML_STACK_TABLE_OR_BUFFER_EMPTY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(45)

The access to a table, stack or container or its elements failed, because it is empty.

Definition at line 1073 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_STACK_TABLE_OR_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(46)

A table, stack, or another container was expected to be empty, but it isn't.

Definition at line 1076 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_TABLE_FULL   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(35)

A table is full and nothing can be inserted any more.

Definition at line 1028 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_TOO_MANY_POPS_OR_REMOVES   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(44)

Too many elements were removed from a stack, an array or another container type.

Definition at line 1070 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_TOO_MANY_PUSHES_OR_ADDS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(43)

Too many elements were pushed or added onto a stack, array or another container type.

Definition at line 1067 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(56)

This error occurs on an attempt to register a type whose name is already registered; this could happen for example if backup copies of modules or libraries are detected by the system and tried to be loaded, a type initialization is called more than once, older library paths are set next to the current ones or even in the case when two developers independently developed types or classes with the same name.

Definition at line 1123 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_TYPE_INITIALIZATION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(32)

A (runtime or voxel) type could not be initialized correctly.

Definition at line 1018 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_TYPE_IS_ABSTRACT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(57)

The runtime type to be used is abstract and cannot be used (for example an object of that type cannot be created then).

Definition at line 1127 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


The used class type is not of the expected type and/or is not derived from the expected parent/base class.

Definition at line 1131 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_TYPE_NOT_REGISTERED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(39)

The required or used type is (still) not registered; probably you forgot to call "YourClassName::initClass" in your initialization file or a missing linked library which contains the type has not been loaded yet; maybe a library dependency has been forgotten in the project (make) file or types are initialized in the wrong order in a library init file.

Definition at line 1047 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 1)

An unknown exception was detected and caught; this usually means that something for an unknown reason got really wrong, and which normally a program crash detected by the ML or a module; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and report it to the developer.

Definition at line 856 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_UNKNOWN_OR_INVALID_COMPRESSION_SCHEME   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(55)

The compression scheme is invalid, too old, too new or not known on your system; on another system a compression scheme could have been used to store a file which cannot be loaded on the local system, because the (de)compressor is not known on the local system; it could also indicate a corrupted data structure or file, or even a missing or not installed library .

Definition at line 1116 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define MLNumDefaultErrorCodes   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(70)

Number of predefined/compiled ML error codes, not to be used as an error code.

Definition at line 1176 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Typedef Documentation

Type of an ML Error code.

Definition at line 842 of file mlTypeDefs.h.