ML Reference
MeVis/Foundation/Sources/ML/include/mlInitSystemML.h File Reference

Defines system-specific macros for this project/DLL. More...

#include "mlTypeDefs.h"
#include "mlSystemIncludes.h"
#include "mlUtilsSystem.h"
#include "mlDataTypes.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  ml

Define the namespace name like in the ML. Default is ml.

namespace  std

Provide trigonometric etc.


Symbol export on dll/so interfaces.
 To export symbols from a dll/shared object, we need to mark them with the MLEXPORT symbol.
Stream operations for the MLuint64 type to avoid a number of ambiguous stream operations.

Include all non ML includes which shall be available generally.

Include general data type support for the ML.



MLEXPORT ostream & std::operator<< (ostream &ostr, INT64 s)
MLEXPORT istream & std::operator>> (istream &istr, INT64 &s)
MLEXPORT ostream & std::operator<< (ostream &ostr, UINT64 s)
MLEXPORT istream & std::operator>> (istream &istr, UINT64 &s)
ML initialization and destruction
MLEXPORT MLint32 ml::initML ()
 Initializes the ML, the runtime type system, the memory manager, fields, static buffers, error and debug printings etc.
MLEXPORT void ml::destroyML ()
 Delete dynamic data structures allocated by initML.
MLEXPORT void ml::setMLEnvironment ()
 Set ML state dependent on environment variables.

Detailed Description

Defines system-specific macros for this project/DLL.

Contains initialization specific stuff for the ML. The initialization function is also used for the automatic initialization of DLLs (see mlInitSystemML.cpp)

Wolf Spindler, Dirk Selle

Definition in file mlInitSystemML.h.

Define Documentation


Definition at line 175 of file mlInitSystemML.h.


To export symbols from a dll/shared object, we need to mark them with the MLEXPORT symbol.

When the ML is compiled then this symbol is coded e.g. on Windows as __declspec(dllexport), if interface stuff is imported by another library the symbol is coded e.g. on windows as __declspec(dllimport) since the compiler switch ML_EXPORTS is not defined. This is used for hiding symbols which shall not be exported. Code it as import symbol if compiled elsewhere.

Definition at line 35 of file mlInitSystemML.h.