MeVis/Foundation/Sources/MLUtilities/mlTypeDefs.h File Reference

Header file containing the most important ML types, definitions; this file can be included without linking the ML, mlUtils or mlLinearAlgebra. More...

#include "mlMacros.h"
#include "mlConfig.h"
#include "mlSystemWarningsDisable.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mlSystemWarningsRestore.h"
#include <basetsd.h>

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struct  MLApplicationPropertyCallbacks
 Defines all callbacks that an application has to support for property access. More...
struct  MLTypeInfos
 Structure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type. More...


#define _ML_INT8   MLint8
 Set MLint8 as define(d).
#define _ML_UINT8   MLuint8
 Set MLuint8 as define(d).
#define _ML_INT16   MLint16
 Set MLint16 as define(d).
#define _ML_UINT16   MLuint16
 Set MLuint16 as define(d).
#define _ML_INT32   MLint32
 Set MLint32 as define(d).
#define _ML_UINT32   MLuint32
 Set MLuint32 as define(d).
#define _ML_FLOAT   MLfloat
 Set MLfloat as define(d).
#define _ML_DOUBLE   MLdouble
 Set MLdouble as define(d).
#define _ML_LDOUBLE   MLldouble
 Set MLldouble as define(d).
 Number of available compiler/scalar data types.
 Maximum number of components for extended types.
#define ML_M_PI   3.14159265358979323846
 Pi as ML constant for backward compatibility.
#define ML_M_PI_2   1.57079632679489661923
 Pi/2 as ML constant for backward compatibility.
#define _ML_INT64   MLint64
 Sets MLint64 as define(d).
#define _ML_UINT64   MLuint64
 Sets MLuint64 as define(d).
 MLThreadId. Defines the datatype for a thread id for comparing threads to each other.
 Defines an invalid MLDataType.
#define ML_INVALID_ERROR_CODE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(-1)
 Defines an invalid MLErrorCode.
#define ML_RESULT_OK   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 0)
 No error. Everything seems to be okay.
#define ML_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 1)
 An unknown exception was detected and caught; this usually means that something for an unknown reason got really wrong, and which normally a program crash detected by the ML or a module; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and report it to the developer.
#define ML_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 2)
 The system does not have enough memory to perform the desired operation; try to reduce application data and/or complexity, try to replace modules which load the entire image into the memory, terminate other applications running at the same time, buy more memory.
#define ML_DISCONNECTED_GRAPH   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 3)
 The module/operator graph is obviously disconnected but expected to be connected for this operation.
#define ML_CYCLIC_GRAPH   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 4)
 The module/operator graph is connected cyclically; the ML cannot handle this; search for the cyclic connections and remove them; normally this error should not occur.
#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_POINTER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 5)
 A NULL, an invalid or a wrong module/operator pointer has been passed to an algorithm.
#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_OUTPUT_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 6)
 A bad output number of a module/operator has been specified.
#define ML_BAD_FIELD   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 7)
 A NULL, an invalid or badly/wrong typed or named field has been passed to an algorithm.
#define ML_IMAGE_DATA_CALCULATION_FAILED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 8)
 The requested image data could not be calculated; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeated this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer, because it is often a problem caused by a crash in the Module::calculateOutputSubImage method of a module.
#define ML_NO_IMAGE_INPUT_EXTENSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>( 9)
 Currently not used.
#define ML_NO_IMAGE_PROPS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(10)
 The calculation of image properties failed; there are a variety of reasons and this normally this is a return code of functions accessing modules which cannot calculate a valid output image which often is a normal and legal state; if this is reported as an error or even a fatal error, look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; then perhaps report it to the developer if it seems to be a technical problem and not the report of a normal output state of a module.
#define ML_BAD_OPERATOR_INPUT_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(11)
 A bad input number of a module/operator has been specified.
#define ML_BAD_INPUT_IMAGE_POINTER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(12)
 A NULL, an invalid or badly/wrong sized/typed image pointer has been passed to an algorithm; if no previous errors occurred then it might indicate a programming error or missing checks for invalid input connections, bad in/output indices etc.
#define ML_BAD_DATA_TYPE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(13)
 A wrong or unexpected data type has been passed to an algorithm which often is a programming error; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_PROGRAMMING_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(14)
 A case occurred which should not appear and here are a variety of reasons, typically it is a programming error in a module; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_EMPTY_MESSAGE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(15)
 The following error message describes more precise what has happened; if not then a non registered error occurred which is only known in the module using it; have a look at the documentation of the module producing the error; this code might also be passed with messages which are of other type, for example with debug information or user information.
#define ML_PAGE_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(16)
 An image page could not be calculated; and there is a variety of potential reasons, often even programming errors within a module which was detected by the ML, however, it can also be a result of an interrupted image processing of a module pipeline; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information and try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer if it is not the result of a controlled interruption.
#define ML_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(17)
 Image properties could not be calculated correctly and there is a variety of reasons, often this is a programming error within a module which was detected by the ML; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information and try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_INBOX_CALCULATION_ERROR_IN_MODULE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(18)
 The input image region required to calculate an image page could not be calculated correctly; often this is a programming error within a module leading to a crash and which is the ML Error Codes which was detected by the ML; there are a variety of reasons; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_BAD_PARAMETER   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(19)
 A bad/invalid parameter (or even an inappropriate image) has been passed to a module or an algorithm; which usually means that there has been an invalid or inappropriate parameter passed to an algorithm, that the developer forgot to implement a certain case or that a parameter is out of range; read subsequent error information (if available) how the error is handled.
#define ML_CALCULATION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(20)
 This is an unspecific error used in some cases where the error is not very specific; for which there are some varieties of reasons, for example a programming error in a module caused a crash which was detected and handled by the ML; some diagnostic modules also use this, for example to notify an error or about about invalid calculation results; look for previous errors and additional error information shown with this error, they may give more precise information; try to repeat this error and its circumstances and report it to the developer.
#define ML_BAD_DIMENSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(21)
 he image or data structure has wrong extent or dimensions.
#define ML_RECURSION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(22)
 An invalid recursion occurred; read details for an explanation.
#define ML_LIBRARY_LOAD_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(23)
 Loading or initialization of an ML module library failed; the shared library file may not exist at the searched place, a path to the libraries is wrong, the library may not be up to date, symbols in the library interface may be missing or the library is of another or an outdated version; or the installation could be incomplete or damaged.
#define ML_FILE_IO_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(24)
 Reasons may be wrong path specifications, other applications using the same file, wrong file permissions, missing disk space, still non-existing files etc.
#define ML_AFTER_EFFECT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(25)
 This is a typical error occurring when another previous error has left an incomplete or undefined state; look for previous errors, they may give more precise information.
#define ML_BAD_INDEX   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(26)
 The index given to the algorithm is out of range; sometimes this is a programming error or a sloppy implemented (user) interface which passes invalid user inputs.
#define ML_OUT_OF_RANGE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(27)
 Any coordinate or value is out of range, often a voxel address which is outside of an image or it is even a programming error or an image with invalid contents.
#define ML_MISSING_VOXEL_TYPE_OPERATIONS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(28)
 A voxel data type does not implement required arithmetic operations; often this is a programming error or it indicates that a module does not support calculations on the connected input voxel types.
#define ML_BAD_FIELD_TYPE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(29)
 The passed parameter is not derived from the class field or is not of the expected field type; this can be a programming error.
#define ML_BAD_FIELD_POINTER_OR_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(30)
 The passed parameter is not of an expected (field) type or the allocation of memory failed.
#define ML_FIELD_CREATION_ERROR_OR_NO_MEMORY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(31)
 A field could not be created (for example because the field type is still not registered in the runtime type system or the corresponding shared library is still not loaded) or the field creation failed due to lack of memory.
#define ML_TYPE_INITIALIZATION_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(32)
 A (runtime or voxel) type could not be initialized correctly.
#define ML_CONSTRUCTOR_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(33)
 Creating an object failed due to a programming error in a constructor or due to a lack of memory.
#define ML_DESTRUCTOR_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(34)
 The destruction of a C++ object failed, for example due to a programming error or since it was destroyed from other buggy code.
#define ML_TABLE_FULL   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(35)
 A table is full and nothing can be inserted any more.
#define ML_EXTERNAL_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(36)
 Error messages from other libraries are delivered with this error code if more specific error information from the external library is not available.
#define ML_BAD_BASE_FIELD   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(37)
 The (runtime) type of a Base field is not the expected one, the Base field pointer is invalid (NULL) or it is not (derived from) a Base field.
#define ML_BAD_BASE_FIELD_CONTENT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(38)
 The content of the Base field referenced by a Base field pointer is invalid, it should not be NULL or the pointer it does not point to an object derived from Base.
#define ML_TYPE_NOT_REGISTERED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(39)
 The required or used type is (still) not registered; probably you forgot to call "YourClassName::initClass" in your initialization file or a missing linked library which contains the type has not been loaded yet; maybe a library dependency has been forgotten in the project (make) file or types are initialized in the wrong order in a library init file.
#define ML_LIBRARY_INIT_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(40)
 The initialization code of a library failed; this is a typical error if the ML, an application or a linked library has detected an initialization problem; this, for example can result from invalid version number (a binary incompatibilty), by forgotten recompilations of self defined libraries, paths to (outdated) linked libraries or the usage of incompatible library and application installers.
#define ML_BAD_POINTER_OR_0   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(41)
 A pointer is NULL or a value is NULL or 0 where it should not be; this sometimes indicates a memory allocation error, a programming error, a forgotten NULL pointer check at function entries or also bad function results or objects which have not been found.
#define ML_BAD_STATE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(42)
 The current state of an object is not appropriate for an operation; perhaps it is not initialized or in a valid but inadequate state; it also might indicate that the program ran into an undefined state which should not be possible.
#define ML_TOO_MANY_PUSHES_OR_ADDS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(43)
 Too many elements were pushed or added onto a stack, array or another container type.
#define ML_TOO_MANY_POPS_OR_REMOVES   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(44)
 Too many elements were removed from a stack, an array or another container type.
#define ML_STACK_TABLE_OR_BUFFER_EMPTY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(45)
 The access to a table, stack or container or its elements failed, because it is empty.
#define ML_STACK_TABLE_OR_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(46)
 A table, stack, or another container was expected to be empty, but it isn't.
#define ML_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(47)
 An expected entry or element was not found.
#define ML_INVALID_FILE_NAME   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(48)
 The specified file name is not valid, for example, because it is empty or it contains invalid characters or path specifications or simply does not specify a correct file.
#define ML_INVALID_FILE_DESCRIPTOR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(49)
 The descriptor used to manage a file is invalid or denotes a closed file.
#define ML_FILE_NOT_OPEN   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(50)
 The specified file is not open.
#define ML_NO_OR_INVALID_PERMISSIONS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(51)
 The operation cannot or could not be executed because the user or process does not have appropriate permissions or the permissions of the object to manipulate are not set correctly.
#define ML_DISK_OR_RESSOURCE_FULL   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(52)
 There are not enough resources left to execute the desired operation; this typically indicates a full disc or even not memory for the operation.
#define ML_FILE_OR_DATA_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(53)
 The content of a file or another data structure is not organized as expected by the program; this may indicate a broken/corrupted file, an overwritten data structure or sometimes a newer and still unknown version of a file; it also could indicate a file or data structure created from another application which uses same named types or files.
#define ML_INVALID_VERSION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(54)
 The version of a data structure of file is invalid, maybe a newer version than expected; an update of the software could help.
#define ML_UNKNOWN_OR_INVALID_COMPRESSION_SCHEME   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(55)
 The compression scheme is invalid, too old, too new or not known on your system; on another system a compression scheme could have been used to store a file which cannot be loaded on the local system, because the (de)compressor is not known on the local system; it could also indicate a corrupted data structure or file, or even a missing or not installed library .
#define ML_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(56)
 This error occurs on an attempt to register a type whose name is already registered; this could happen for example if backup copies of modules or libraries are detected by the system and tried to be loaded, a type initialization is called more than once, older library paths are set next to the current ones or even in the case when two developers independently developed types or classes with the same name.
#define ML_TYPE_IS_ABSTRACT   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(57)
 The runtime type to be used is abstract and cannot be used (for example an object of that type cannot be created then).
 The used class type is not of the expected type and/or is not derived from the expected parent/base class.
#define ML_OPERATION_INTERRUPTED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(59)
 The operation was interrupted, either by a user or another signal.
#define ML_BAD_PAGE_ID   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(60)
 This error comments the trial to use an identifier or index to an (image) page which does not exist or which is out of range.
#define ML_OUT_OF_RESSOURCES   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(61)
 There are not enough resources to execute the desired operation; this can happen for example if the number of open files, processes, threads and so on is exceeded, or the operating system does not have sufficient memory for it.
#define ML_OBJECT_OR_FILE_EXISTS   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(62)
 The object or file to be created already exists.
#define ML_OBJECT_OR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(63)
 The expected object or file does not exist or is not found.
#define ML_DEADLOCK_WOULD_OCCURR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(64)
 The operation cannot be executed, because it would lead to a dead lock.
#define ML_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(65)
 The file could not be opened, for example, because the permissions are not sufficient, resources for opening are not available, the file could not be found or the file is already open.
 More flexible error description for ML_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE because it is often needed when permissions are missing or full resources occur.
#define ML_LIBRARY_UNLOAD_ERROR   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(66)
 This error occurs if unloading of a module or library failed.
#define ML_LIBRARY_UNLOAD_EXCEPTION   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(67)
 This error occurs if unloading of a module or library caused a crash or threw an exception.
#define ML_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SYSTEM   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(68)
 This error occurs if a functionality is not supported on the current system.
#define ML_OBJECT_STILL_REFERENCED   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(69)
 The object to be removed is still referenced, for example a dll to be removed is still used.
#define MLNumDefaultErrorCodes   static_cast<MLErrorCode>(70)
 Number of predefined/compiled ML error codes, not to be used as an error code.
#define ML_CALC_FTYPE   MLdouble
 The floating point type used when data types have to convert something internally in a certain floating point type.
#define ML_CALC_ITYPE   MLint
 The integer type used when data types have to convert something internally in a certain integer type.
ML String Prefixes
#define ML_PREFIX   "ML"
 Library identification prefix for messages from the ML.
 Prefix for environment variables and debugging constants used in the ML.
Color plane names for CDimInfo image property
 Gray, min is black.
 Gray, min is white.
 Palette or partial palette image, e.g., luminance with trace colors.
#define ML_RED   "RED"
 Red channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.
#define ML_GREEN   "GREEN"
 Green channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.
#define ML_BLUE   "BLUE"
 Blue channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.
#define ML_ALPHA   "ALPHA"
 Alpha (transparency) channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.
#define ML_CYAN   "CYAN"
 Cyan channel code for CMY* color models.
 Magenta channel code for CMY* color models.
#define ML_YELLOW   "YELLOW"
 Yellow channel code for CMY* color models.
#define ML_BLACK   "BLACK"
 Black channel code for CMY* color models.
#define ML_HUE   "HUE"
 Hue channel code for HSV/HLS color models.
 Saturation channel code for HSV/HLS color models.
#define ML_VALUE   "VALUE"
 Value channel code for HSV/HLS color models. In HSV, pure colors and white have V=1.
 Lightness channel code for HSV/HLS color models. In HLS, white has L=1, pure colors have L=0.5.
#define ML_YIQ_Y   "YIQ_Y"
 YIQ Y channel code for YIQ color model (used in US TV standard).
#define ML_YIQ_I   "YIQ_I"
 YIQ I channel code for YIQ color model (used in US TV standard).
#define ML_YIQ_Q   "YIQ_Q"
 YIQ Q channel code for YIQ color model (used in US TV standard).
#define ML_CIE_X   "CIE_X"
 C channel code for CIE-XYZ and CIE-LUV color models (Standardized color models approximately matching the human color perception).
#define ML_CIE_Y   "CIE_Y"
 I channel code for CIE_XYZ color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.
#define ML_CIE_Z   "CIE_Z"
 E channel code for CIE_XYZ color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.
#define ML_LUV_L   "LUV_L"
 LI channel code for CIE_LUV color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.
#define ML_LUV_U   "LUV_U"
 U channel code for CIE_LUV color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.
#define ML_LUV_V   "LUV_V"
 V channel code for CIE_LUV color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.
 Code for unknown image plane/color channel content.
U-dimension names for UDimInfo image property.
#define ML_REAL   "REAL_PART"
 Real part of a complex number.
#define ML_IMAG   "IMAG_PART"
 Imaginary part of a complex number.
#define ML_V0   "V0"
 Name for the first component of a vector.
#define ML_V1   "V1"
 Name for the second component of a vector.
#define ML_V2   "V2"
 Name for the third component of a vector.
#define ML_V3   "V3"
 Name for the fourth component of a vector.
#define ML_V4   "V4"
 Name for the fifth component of a vector.
#define ML_V5   "V5"
 Name for the sixth component of a vector.
 First/magnitude component of polar coordinate.
#define ML_ANGLE   "ANGLE"
 Second/angle component of polar coordinate.
#define ML_MIN(X, Y)   (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
 The ML specific MIN macro.
#define ML_MAX(X, Y)   (((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
 The ML specific MAX macro.
#define ML_ABS(X)   (((X) < (0)) ? ((X) * (-1)) : (X))
 The ML specific ABS macro.
#define ML_QUOTE(A)   #A
 Defines a quotation macro to get a string from a macro parameter.
#define ML_CLAMP(v, l, h)   ((v)<(l) ? (l) : (v) > (h) ? (h) : (v))
 Clamps the input to the specified range.
#define ML_LERP(a, l, h)   ((l)+(((h)-(l))*(a)))
 Linear interpolation from l (when a=0) to h (when a=1) (equal to (a*h)+((1-a)*l).
Defines min/max for 64 bit types if still not done.
#define ML_INT64_MIN   INT64_MIN
#define ML_INT64_MAX   INT64_MAX
Defines min/max for unsigned 64 bit types if still not done.
#define ML_UINT64_MIN   static_cast<MLuint64>(0)
#define ML_UINT64_MAX   UINT64_MAX
A helper macro assigning all addresses of implemented functions pointers to function members.


typedef MLint32 MLDataType
typedef MLint32 MLPhysicalDataType
typedef MLuint32 MLThreadId
typedef MLint32 MLErrorCode
 Type of an ML Error code.
typedef double(* MLDblFuncPtr )(double)
 A function pointer type to a function which returns a double and takes a double as argument.
typedef void MLMessageCB (void *usrData, MLErrorCode errCode, MLMessageType messageType, const char *messStr, int line, const char **infos)
 Handling/setting/getting of ML messages callbacks.
typedef void MLNotifyCB (MLuint32 objType, void *usrData, void *objectData1, void *objData2)
 Function type which is registered by the Notify object; it receives a code objType of type MLNotifyChangedObjectType.
typedef unsigned char MLTypeData
 This is the pointer type used to point to the data of MLType data instances.
typedef MLint32 MLTypeGroup
 This is an identifier to differentiate types like matrices, vectors and complex/quaternion types, which may have the same number of components, but different semantics.
typedef struct MLTypeInfos MLTypeInfos
 Structure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type.
Function types for callback functions (see corresponding classes Sensor, Host and mlAPI.)
typedef void MLSensorCB (void *usrData, void *sensor)
typedef void MLHostProgressCB (void *usrData, const char *info1, const char *info2)
typedef MLint32 MLHostBreakCheckCB (void *usrData, void **hitField)
Internal Application API (used by MeVisLab)
typedef const char * MLApplicationGetStringPropertyCB (void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)
 Callback to the hosting application that is used to get a string value property with the propertyName from the application.
typedef MLint32 MLApplicationGetInt32PropertyCB (void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)
 Callback to the hosting application that is used to get an int value property with the propertyName from the application.
typedef double MLApplicationGetDoublePropertyCB (void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)
 Callback to the hosting application that is used to get a double value property with the propertyName from the application.
typedef MLint32 MLApplicationGetBoolPropertyCB (void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)
 Callback to the hosting application that is used to get a bool value property with the propertyName from the application, it should return 0 for false and 1 for true.
typedef MLint32 MLEventFilterCB (void *usrData, void *event)
 Callback function type for events that are passed to the user.
typedef void MLEventFilterApplicationHookCB (void *applicationUsrData, MLEventFilterApplicationMessage type, MLEventFilterCB *cb, void *usrData, MLuint32 fromMessageId, MLuint32 toMessageId)
 Internal application event filter callback type.
typedef MLuint64 MLTypePropertyBits
 Structure to define a bit mask which identifies all implemented functions for a data type.
typedef MLTypePropertyBits MLTypePropBits
typedef bool MLCTBool
typedef MLint MLCTInt
typedef MLuint64 MLCTUInt
All function types needed to specify operations on MLDataTypes.
typedef void(* MLVoid_Data_Func )(MLTypeData *q)
typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_Func )(const MLTypeData *p)
typedef MLint(* MLInt_ConstData_Func )(const MLTypeData *p)
typedef MLdouble(* MLDouble_ConstData_Func )(const MLTypeData *p)
typedef char *(* MLString_ConstData_Func )(const MLTypeData *p)
typedef void(* MLVoid_Int_Data_Func )(MLint p, MLTypeData *q)
typedef void(* MLVoid_Double_Data_Func )(MLdouble p, MLTypeData *q)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstString_Data_Func )(const char *s, MLTypeData *r)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Data_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q)
typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_ConstData_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q)
typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_ConstData_Double_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLdouble d)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Int_Data_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, MLint q, MLTypeData *r)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Double_Data_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble q, MLTypeData *r)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_ConstData_Data_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLTypeData *result)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Double_Double_Data_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble scale, MLdouble shift, MLTypeData *s)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_ConstInfos_Data_Func )(const MLTypeData *myData, const struct MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, MLTypeData *otherData)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstInfos_ConstData_Data_Func )(const struct MLTypeInfos *myInfos, const MLTypeData *myData, MLTypeData *otherData)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstInfos_ConstData_ConstData_Data_Func )(const struct MLTypeInfos *myInfos, const MLTypeData *myData, const MLTypeData *otherData, MLTypeData *result)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Data_SizeT_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q, size_t n)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_SSizeT_Data_SSizeT_SizeT_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, MLssize_t ps, MLTypeData *q, MLssize_t qs, size_t n)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_ConstData_Double_Data_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLdouble r, MLTypeData *t)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Double_ConstData_Data_SizeT_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble q, const MLTypeData *r, MLTypeData *t, size_t s)
typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_ConstData_SizeT_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, size_t s)
typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_SizeT_DoubleRef_DoubleRef_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, size_t s, MLdouble &q, MLdouble &r)
typedef MLdouble(* MLDouble_ConstData_SizeT_Func )(const MLTypeData *p, size_t q)
typedef void(* MLVoid_Data_SizeT_Double_Func )(MLTypeData *p, size_t q, MLdouble r)


enum  MLDataTypeIds {
  MLint8Type = 0, MLuint8Type = 1, MLint16Type = 2, MLuint16Type = 3,
  MLint32Type = 4, MLuint32Type = 5, MLfloatType = 6, MLdoubleType = 7,
  MLint64Type = 8, MLuint64Type = 9, MLComplexfType, MLComplexdType,
  MLQuaternionfType, MLQuaterniondType, MLVector2fType, MLVector2dType,
  MLVector3fType, MLVector3dType, MLVector4fType, MLVector4dType,
  MLVector5fType, MLVector5dType, MLVector6fType, MLVector6dType,
  MLVector7fType, MLVector7dType, MLVector8fType, MLVector8dType,
  MLVector9fType, MLVector9dType, MLVector10fType, MLVector10dType,
  MLVector16fType, MLVector16dType, MLVector32fType, MLVector32dType,
  MLVector64fType, MLVector64dType, MLMatrix2fType, MLMatrix2dType,
  MLMatrix3fType, MLMatrix3dType, MLMatrix4fType, MLMatrix4dType,
  MLMatrix5fType, MLMatrix5dType, MLMatrix6fType, MLMatrix6dType,
  MLVector2i8Type, MLVector2i16Type, MLVector2i32Type, MLVector2i64Type,
  MLVector3i8Type, MLVector3i16Type, MLVector3i32Type, MLVector3i64Type,
  MLVector4i8Type, MLVector4i16Type, MLVector4i32Type, MLVector4i64Type,
  MLVector5i8Type, MLVector5i16Type, MLVector5i32Type, MLVector5i64Type,
  MLVector6i8Type, MLVector6i16Type, MLVector6i32Type, MLVector6i64Type,
  MLVector7i8Type, MLVector7i16Type, MLVector7i32Type, MLVector7i64Type,
  MLVector8i8Type, MLVector8i16Type, MLVector8i32Type, MLVector8i64Type,
  MLVector9i8Type, MLVector9i16Type, MLVector9i32Type, MLVector9i64Type,
  MLVector10i8Type, MLVector10i16Type, MLVector10i32Type, MLVector10i64Type,
  MLVector16i8Type, MLVector16i16Type, MLVector16i32Type, MLVector16i64Type,
  MLVector32i8Type, MLVector32i16Type, MLVector32i32Type, MLVector32i64Type,
  MLVector64i8Type, MLVector64i16Type, MLVector64i32Type, MLVector64i64Type,
 MLDataType identifiers. More...
 Enumerator to specify memory error handling. More...
 Enumerator describing runtime and final checks in the ML. More...
enum  MLMessageType {
  ML_WARNING = 0x01, ML_ERROR = 0x02, ML_FATAL = 0x04, ML_DEBUG = 0x08,
  ML_COUT = 0x10, ML_CERR = 0x20, ML_INFORMATION = 0x40, ML_OTHER_MESSAGE = 0x80,
 Message types handled by the ErrorOutput class. More...
enum  MLTerminator {
 Termination types for error handling. More...
enum  MLEventFilterApplicationMessage { ML_EVENTFILTER_ADD_CB = 0, ML_EVENTFILTER_REMOVE_CB }
 Enum to describe the significance of the call, e.g., whether an 'add' or a 'remove' of a function is requested. More...
 Definition of possible signs as enumerator. More...
enum  MLArrayIndex {
  ML_VX = 0, ML_VY = 1, ML_VZ = 2, ML_VW = 3,
  ML_VC = 3, ML_VT = 4, ML_VU = 5
 Indexes for axes, arrays and vectors. More...
enum  MLTypeGroupIds { MLNoTypeGroup = -1, MLScalarTypeGroup, MLVectorTypeGroup, MLMatrixTypeGroup }
 Some predefined type groups. More...
Enum types to specify identification codes for notifications sent from any ML class.
enum  MLNotifyChangedClassType {
  ML_NOTIFY_NO_OBJECT = 0x00000000, ML_NOTIFY_ERROR_OUTPUT = 0x00010000, ML_NOTIFY_API = 0x00020000, ML_NOTIFY_RUNTIME = 0x00040000,
  ML_NOTIFY_LAST_CLASS = 0x00400000
 Codes for ML classes which may change: More...
enum  MLNotifyChangedObjectType {
 Objects of the ML which call the registered functions when changed. More...

Defines 8 bit signed integer data type and its pointer type if still not done.

#define ML_INT8_MIN   -128
#define ML_INT8_MAX   0x7F
typedef char MLint8
typedef char * MLint8Ptr

Defines 8 bit unsigned integer data type and its pointer type if still not done.

#define ML_UINT8_MIN   0x00
#define ML_UINT8_MAX   0xFF
typedef unsigned char MLuint8
typedef unsigned char * MLuint8Ptr

Defines 16 bit signed integer data type and its pointer type if still not done.

#define ML_INT16_MIN   -32768
#define ML_INT16_MAX   0x7FFF
typedef signed short MLint16
typedef signed short * MLint16Ptr

Defines 16 bit unsigned integer data type and its pointer type if still not done.

#define ML_UINT16_MIN   0x0000
#define ML_UINT16_MAX   0xFFFF
typedef unsigned short MLuint16
typedef unsigned short * MLuint16Ptr

Defines 32 bit signed integer data type and its pointer type if still not done.

#define ML_INT32_MIN   (static_cast<MLint32>(0x80000000L))
#define ML_INT32_MAX   (static_cast<MLint32>(0x7FFFFFFFL))
typedef signed int MLint32
typedef signed int * MLint32Ptr

Defines 32 bit unsigned integer data type and its pointer type if still not done.

#define ML_UINT32_MIN   (static_cast<MLuint32>(0x00000000L))
#define ML_UINT32_MAX   (static_cast<MLuint32>(0xFFFFFFFFL))
typedef unsigned int MLuint32
typedef unsigned int * MLuint32Ptr

Defines float type and its pointer type if still not done.

#define ML_FLOAT_DIG   (FLT_DIG+2)
typedef float MLfloat
typedef float * MLfloatPtr

Defines double type and its pointer type if still not done.

typedef double MLdouble
typedef double * MLdoublePtr

Defines long double type and its pointer type if still not done.

typedef long double MLldouble
typedef long double * MLldoublePtr

64 signed and unsigned integer support with min and max defines

#define INT64_MIN   0x8000000000000000I64
 If still not done define INT64_MIN and INT64_MAX.
#define UINT64_MIN   static_cast<MLuint64>(0)
 If still not done, define UINT64_MIN and UINT64_MAX.
typedef INT64 MLint64
 Introduce platform independent 64 bit signed integer type.
typedef INT64 * MLint64Ptr
 Introduce platform independent 64 bit signed integer pointer type.
typedef UINT64 MLuint64
 Introduce platform independent 64 bit unsigned integer type.
typedef UINT64 * MLuint64Ptr
 Introduce platform independent 64 bit unsigned integer pointer type.

Typedef of an integer type using 64 bit.

#define ML_INT_MIN   ML_INT64_MIN
 Minimum possible value of MLint.
#define ML_INT_MAX   ML_INT64_MAX
 Maximum possible value of MLint.
#define ML_UINT_MIN   UINT64_MIN
 Minimum possible value of MLuint.
#define ML_UINT_MAX   UINT64_MAX
 Maximum possible value of MLuint.
typedef MLint64 MLint
 A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even on 32 bit systems (typically used for positions and coordinates in/of images).
typedef MLint64MLintPtr
 A pointer to the signed ML integer type MLint.
typedef MLuint64 MLuint
 An unsigned ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even on 32 bit systems (sometimes needed for positions and coordinates in/of images; note that normally the signed MLint should be used for safe signed indexing arithmetics in the ML, because images can be larger than 2^32 even on 32 bit systems).
typedef MLuint64MLuintPtr
 A pointer to the unsigned ML integer type MLuint.

Support for signed and unsigned size and offset types.

#define _ML_USIZE_T
 Marks unsigned offset and size types as defined.
#define ML_USIZE_T_MIN   ( static_cast<size_t>(0))
 The minimum value of size_t.
#define ML_USIZE_T_MAX   (~static_cast<size_t>(0))
 The maximum value of size_t.
 For convenience the minimum value of size_t without "U" which is probably more the expected naming.
 For convenience the maximum value of size_t without "U" which is probably more the expected naming.
#define _ML_SIZE_T
 Marks signed offset and size types as defined.
#define ML_SSIZE_T_MIN   (static_cast<MLssize_t>(1) << (sizeof(MLssize_t)*8-1))
 The minimum value of ML_SSIZE_T.
#define ML_SSIZE_T_MAX   (static_cast<MLssize_t>(ML_USIZE_T_MAX ^ ML_SSIZE_T_MIN))
 The maximum value of ML_SSIZE_T.
typedef unsigned int MLuoffset
 Unsigned ML offset type which is a 32 bit unsigned integer on 32 bit platforms and 64 bit one on 64 bit platforms.
typedef size_t MLusize_t
 The unsigned ML size type which is an unsigned 32 bit size_t on 32 bit platforms and 64 bit one on 64 bit platforms.
typedef int MLsoffset
 Signed ML offset type which is a 32 bit signed integer on 32 bit platforms and a 64 bit integer on 64 bit platforms.
typedef SSIZE_T MLssize_t
 The signed ML size type which is a signed 32 bit size_t on 32 bit platforms and 64 bit one on 64 bit platforms.

Detailed Description

Header file containing the most important ML types, definitions; this file can be included without linking the ML, mlUtils or mlLinearAlgebra.

Wolf Spindler, Stefan Dachwitz

Definition in file mlTypeDefs.h.

Define Documentation

#define _ML_DOUBLE   MLdouble

Set MLdouble as define(d).

Definition at line 253 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_FLOAT   MLfloat

Set MLfloat as define(d).

Definition at line 238 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_INT16   MLint16

Set MLint16 as define(d).

Definition at line 160 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_INT32   MLint32

Set MLint32 as define(d).

Definition at line 202 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_INT64   MLint64

Sets MLint64 as define(d).

Definition at line 561 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_INT8   MLint8

Set MLint8 as define(d).

Definition at line 131 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_LDOUBLE   MLldouble

Set MLldouble as define(d).

Definition at line 268 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_SIZE_T

Marks signed offset and size types as defined.

Definition at line 666 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_UINT16   MLuint16

Set MLuint16 as define(d).

Definition at line 177 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_UINT32   MLuint32

Set MLuint32 as define(d).

Definition at line 222 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_UINT64   MLuint64

Sets MLuint64 as define(d).

Definition at line 571 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_UINT8   MLuint8

Set MLuint8 as define(d).

Definition at line 143 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define _ML_USIZE_T

Marks unsigned offset and size types as defined.

Definition at line 636 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 499 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define INT64_MIN   0x8000000000000000I64

If still not done define INT64_MIN and INT64_MAX.

Definition at line 496 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_ALPHA   "ALPHA"

Alpha (transparency) channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.

Definition at line 319 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_ANGLE   "ANGLE"

Second/angle component of polar coordinate.

Definition at line 392 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BLACK   "BLACK"

Black channel code for CMY* color models.

Definition at line 328 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_BLUE   "BLUE"

Blue channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.

Definition at line 317 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CALC_FTYPE   MLdouble

The floating point type used when data types have to convert something internally in a certain floating point type.

Standard by the compiler is double but long double could also be interesting; however it would be slower.

Definition at line 1703 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CALC_ITYPE   MLint

The integer type used when data types have to convert something internally in a certain integer type.

Standard by the compiler is int but int64 could also be interesting; however it would be slower.

Definition at line 1710 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CIE_X   "CIE_X"

C channel code for CIE-XYZ and CIE-LUV color models (Standardized color models approximately matching the human color perception).

Definition at line 349 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CIE_Y   "CIE_Y"

I channel code for CIE_XYZ color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.

Definition at line 351 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CIE_Z   "CIE_Z"

E channel code for CIE_XYZ color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.

Definition at line 353 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_CYAN   "CYAN"

Cyan channel code for CMY* color models.

Definition at line 322 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 250 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 249 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeMinDifference().


Definition at line 248 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax(), and MLTypeRangeMin().


Definition at line 247 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLValueIs0WOM(), MLValuesAreEqualWOM(), and MLValuesDifferWOM().

#define ML_FLOAT_DIG   (FLT_DIG+2)

Definition at line 235 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 233 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeMinDifference().


Definition at line 232 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax(), and MLTypeRangeMin().


Definition at line 231 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLValueIs0WOM(), MLValuesAreEqualWOM(), and MLValuesDifferWOM().

#define ML_GREEN   "GREEN"

Green channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.

Definition at line 315 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_HUE   "HUE"

Hue channel code for HSV/HLS color models.

Definition at line 331 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_IMAG   "IMAG_PART"

Imaginary part of a complex number.

Definition at line 374 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_INT16_MAX   0x7FFF

Definition at line 157 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax().

#define ML_INT16_MIN   -32768

Definition at line 156 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_INT32_MAX   (static_cast<MLint32>(0x7FFFFFFFL))

Definition at line 199 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax().

#define ML_INT32_MIN   (static_cast<MLint32>(0x80000000L))

Definition at line 198 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_INT64_MAX   INT64_MAX

Definition at line 558 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax().

#define ML_INT64_MIN   INT64_MIN

Definition at line 557 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_INT8_MAX   0x7F

Definition at line 128 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax().

#define ML_INT8_MIN   -128

Definition at line 127 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_INT_MAX   ML_INT64_MAX

Maximum possible value of MLint.

Definition at line 601 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_INT_MIN   ML_INT64_MIN

Minimum possible value of MLint.

Definition at line 598 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 265 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 264 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeMinDifference().


Definition at line 263 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax(), and MLTypeRangeMin().


Definition at line 262 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLValueIs0WOM(), MLValuesAreEqualWOM(), and MLValuesDifferWOM().


Lightness channel code for HSV/HLS color models. In HLS, white has L=1, pure colors have L=0.5.

Definition at line 337 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Gray, min is black.

Definition at line 304 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_LUV_L   "LUV_L"

LI channel code for CIE_LUV color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.

Definition at line 355 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_LUV_U   "LUV_U"

U channel code for CIE_LUV color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.

Definition at line 357 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_LUV_V   "LUV_V"

V channel code for CIE_LUV color model. See ML_CIE_X for further information.

Definition at line 359 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_M_PI   3.14159265358979323846

Pi as ML constant for backward compatibility.

Definition at line 443 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_M_PI_2   1.57079632679489661923

Pi/2 as ML constant for backward compatibility.

Definition at line 447 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Magenta channel code for CMY* color models.

Definition at line 324 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


First/magnitude component of polar coordinate.

Definition at line 390 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Gray, min is white.

Definition at line 306 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Palette or partial palette image, e.g., luminance with trace colors.

Definition at line 308 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_REAL   "REAL_PART"

Real part of a complex number.

Definition at line 372 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_RED   "RED"

Red channel code for RGB/RGBA color model.

Definition at line 313 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Saturation channel code for HSV/HLS color models.

Definition at line 333 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


For convenience the maximum value of size_t without "U" which is probably more the expected naming.

Definition at line 659 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


For convenience the minimum value of size_t without "U" which is probably more the expected naming.

Definition at line 656 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_SSIZE_T_MAX   (static_cast<MLssize_t>(ML_USIZE_T_MAX ^ ML_SSIZE_T_MIN))

The maximum value of ML_SSIZE_T.

Definition at line 689 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_SSIZE_T_MIN   (static_cast<MLssize_t>(1) << (sizeof(MLssize_t)*8-1))

The minimum value of ML_SSIZE_T.

Definition at line 685 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 1717 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by ml::MLTStdTypeInfos< VTYP >::MLTStdTypeInfos().

#define ML_UINT16_MAX   0xFFFF

Definition at line 174 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax().

#define ML_UINT16_MIN   0x0000

Definition at line 173 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_UINT32_MAX   (static_cast<MLuint32>(0xFFFFFFFFL))
#define ML_UINT32_MIN   (static_cast<MLuint32>(0x00000000L))

Definition at line 218 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_UINT64_MAX   UINT64_MAX

Definition at line 568 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax().

#define ML_UINT64_MIN   static_cast<MLuint64>(0)

Definition at line 567 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_UINT8_MAX   0xFF

Definition at line 140 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMax().

#define ML_UINT8_MIN   0x00

Definition at line 139 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Referenced by MLTypeRangeMin().

#define ML_UINT_MAX   UINT64_MAX

Maximum possible value of MLuint.

Definition at line 617 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_UINT_MIN   UINT64_MIN

Minimum possible value of MLuint.

Definition at line 614 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


MLThreadId. Defines the datatype for a thread id for comparing threads to each other.

Definition at line 727 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Code for unknown image plane/color channel content.

Definition at line 362 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 577 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_USIZE_T_MAX   (~static_cast<size_t>(0))

The maximum value of size_t.

Definition at line 653 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_USIZE_T_MIN   ( static_cast<size_t>(0))

The minimum value of size_t.

Definition at line 650 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_V0   "V0"

Name for the first component of a vector.

Definition at line 377 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_V1   "V1"

Name for the second component of a vector.

Definition at line 379 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_V2   "V2"

Name for the third component of a vector.

Definition at line 381 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_V3   "V3"

Name for the fourth component of a vector.

Definition at line 383 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_V4   "V4"

Name for the fifth component of a vector.

Definition at line 385 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_V5   "V5"

Name for the sixth component of a vector.

Definition at line 387 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_VALUE   "VALUE"

Value channel code for HSV/HLS color models. In HSV, pure colors and white have V=1.

Definition at line 335 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_YELLOW   "YELLOW"

Yellow channel code for CMY* color models.

Definition at line 326 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_YIQ_I   "YIQ_I"

YIQ I channel code for YIQ color model (used in US TV standard).

Definition at line 342 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_YIQ_Q   "YIQ_Q"

YIQ Q channel code for YIQ color model (used in US TV standard).

Definition at line 344 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define ML_YIQ_Y   "YIQ_Y"

YIQ Y channel code for YIQ color model (used in US TV standard).

Definition at line 340 of file mlTypeDefs.h.


Definition at line 512 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

#define UINT64_MIN   static_cast<MLuint64>(0)

If still not done, define UINT64_MIN and UINT64_MAX.

Definition at line 509 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef MLint32 MLApplicationGetBoolPropertyCB(void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)

Callback to the hosting application that is used to get a bool value property with the propertyName from the application, it should return 0 for false and 1 for true.

Definition at line 1359 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef double MLApplicationGetDoublePropertyCB(void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)

Callback to the hosting application that is used to get a double value property with the propertyName from the application.

Definition at line 1355 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLint32 MLApplicationGetInt32PropertyCB(void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)

Callback to the hosting application that is used to get an int value property with the propertyName from the application.

Definition at line 1352 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef const char* MLApplicationGetStringPropertyCB(void *applicationUsrData, const char *propertyName, MLint16 *found)

Callback to the hosting application that is used to get a string value property with the propertyName from the application.

The returned char pointer may be short-lived and should be copied immediately!

Definition at line 1349 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_ConstData_Double_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLdouble d)

Definition at line 1475 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_ConstData_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q)

Definition at line 1474 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_ConstData_SizeT_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, size_t s)

Definition at line 1488 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef bool(* MLBool_ConstData_Func)(const MLTypeData *p)

Definition at line 1466 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef bool MLCTBool
Use bool instead of MLCTBool.

Definition at line 1441 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLint MLCTInt
Use MLint instead of MLCTInt.

Definition at line 1444 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLuint64 MLCTUInt
Use MLuint64 instead of MLCTUInt.

Definition at line 1447 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef double(* MLDblFuncPtr)(double)

A function pointer type to a function which returns a double and takes a double as argument.

Definition at line 1301 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef double MLdouble

Definition at line 245 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 1468 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLdouble(* MLDouble_ConstData_SizeT_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, size_t q)

Definition at line 1490 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef double* MLdoublePtr

Definition at line 246 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void MLEventFilterApplicationHookCB(void *applicationUsrData, MLEventFilterApplicationMessage type, MLEventFilterCB *cb, void *usrData, MLuint32 fromMessageId, MLuint32 toMessageId)

Internal application event filter callback type.

type decides whether the pair cb and usrData shall be added or removed from the windows handler. cb is the callback which is passed from the calls of MLAddEventFilter or MLRemoveEventFilterCB. usrData is the callback data which is passed from the calls of MLAddEventFilter or MLRemoveEventFilterCB. fromMessageId and toMessageId define the range of the message ids that are passed to the filter, see MLAddEventFilterCB.

Definition at line 1407 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLint32 MLEventFilterCB(void *usrData, void *event)

Callback function type for events that are passed to the user.

The event parameter event is a MSG* for WIN32 and a XEvent* for X11. The return value decides if the event is further processed by the underlying windows system, in the case of MeVisLab QT. By default one should return 0 when the event is not used/handled by the user and 1 if the event was handled the callback.

Definition at line 1370 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef float MLfloat

Definition at line 229 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef float* MLfloatPtr

Definition at line 230 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLint32 MLHostBreakCheckCB(void *usrData, void **hitField)

Definition at line 1336 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void MLHostProgressCB(void *usrData, const char *info1, const char *info2)

Definition at line 1335 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLint64 MLint

A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even on 32 bit systems (typically used for positions and coordinates in/of images).

Definition at line 592 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef signed short MLint16

Definition at line 153 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef signed short* MLint16Ptr

Definition at line 154 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef signed int MLint32

Definition at line 189 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef signed int* MLint32Ptr

Definition at line 190 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef INT64 MLint64

Introduce platform independent 64 bit signed integer type.

Definition at line 490 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef INT64* MLint64Ptr

Introduce platform independent 64 bit signed integer pointer type.

Definition at line 492 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef char MLint8

Definition at line 125 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef char* MLint8Ptr

Definition at line 126 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLint(* MLInt_ConstData_Func)(const MLTypeData *p)

Definition at line 1467 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLint64* MLintPtr

A pointer to the signed ML integer type MLint.

Definition at line 595 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef long double MLldouble

Definition at line 260 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef long double* MLldoublePtr

Definition at line 261 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void MLMessageCB(void *usrData, MLErrorCode errCode, MLMessageType messageType, const char *messStr, int line, const char **infos)

Handling/setting/getting of ML messages callbacks.

Callback function type for application defined error handler.

Definition at line 1308 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void MLNotifyCB(MLuint32 objType, void *usrData, void *objectData1, void *objData2)

Function type which is registered by the Notify object; it receives a code objType of type MLNotifyChangedObjectType.

This registered function will be called with the registered user data usrData and the changed object type objType when an ML object changes. Additional objects or information may be passed with pointers objectData1 and objectData2 which depend on the type of call; in most cases these pointers are NULL, however.

Definition at line 1326 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void MLSensorCB(void *usrData, void *sensor)

Definition at line 1334 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef int MLsoffset

Signed ML offset type which is a 32 bit signed integer on 32 bit platforms and a 64 bit integer on 64 bit platforms.

Definition at line 673 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef SSIZE_T MLssize_t

The signed ML size type which is a signed 32 bit size_t on 32 bit platforms and 64 bit one on 64 bit platforms.

Definition at line 678 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef char*(* MLString_ConstData_Func)(const MLTypeData *p)

Definition at line 1469 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 730 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned char MLTypeData

This is the pointer type used to point to the data of MLType data instances.

Definition at line 1454 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

This is an identifier to differentiate types like matrices, vectors and complex/quaternion types, which may have the same number of components, but different semantics.

Definition at line 1499 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef struct MLTypeInfos MLTypeInfos

Structure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type.

It also contains a bit mask describing implemented functions. It is a wrapper for any information and code needed to use any standard or user defined data type used by the ML. For the default data types used by the ML see mlStdTypeInfos.h.

Use MLTypePropertyBits instead of MLTypePropBits.

Definition at line 1438 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Structure to define a bit mask which identifies all implemented functions for a data type.

Definition at line 1429 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLuint64 MLuint

An unsigned ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even on 32 bit systems (sometimes needed for positions and coordinates in/of images; note that normally the signed MLint should be used for safe signed indexing arithmetics in the ML, because images can be larger than 2^32 even on 32 bit systems).

Definition at line 608 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned short MLuint16

Definition at line 170 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned short* MLuint16Ptr

Definition at line 171 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned int MLuint32

Definition at line 213 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned int* MLuint32Ptr

Definition at line 214 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef UINT64 MLuint64

Introduce platform independent 64 bit unsigned integer type.

Definition at line 503 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef UINT64* MLuint64Ptr

Introduce platform independent 64 bit unsigned integer pointer type.

Definition at line 505 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned char MLuint8

Definition at line 137 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned char* MLuint8Ptr

Definition at line 138 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef MLuint64* MLuintPtr

A pointer to the unsigned ML integer type MLuint.

Definition at line 611 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef unsigned int MLuoffset

Unsigned ML offset type which is a 32 bit unsigned integer on 32 bit platforms and 64 bit one on 64 bit platforms.

Definition at line 643 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef size_t MLusize_t

The unsigned ML size type which is an unsigned 32 bit size_t on 32 bit platforms and 64 bit one on 64 bit platforms.

Definition at line 647 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_ConstData_Data_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLTypeData *result)

Definition at line 1478 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 1486 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_ConstInfos_Data_Func)(const MLTypeData *myData, const struct MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, MLTypeData *otherData)

Definition at line 1480 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Data_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q)

Definition at line 1473 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Data_SizeT_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q, size_t n)

Definition at line 1484 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Double_ConstData_Data_SizeT_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble q, const MLTypeData *r, MLTypeData *t, size_t s)

Definition at line 1487 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 1477 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 1479 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_Int_Data_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, MLint q, MLTypeData *r)

Definition at line 1476 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstData_SizeT_DoubleRef_DoubleRef_Func)(const MLTypeData *p, size_t s, MLdouble &q, MLdouble &r)

Definition at line 1489 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 1485 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstInfos_ConstData_ConstData_Data_Func)(const struct MLTypeInfos *myInfos, const MLTypeData *myData, const MLTypeData *otherData, MLTypeData *result)

Definition at line 1482 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstInfos_ConstData_Data_Func)(const struct MLTypeInfos *myInfos, const MLTypeData *myData, MLTypeData *otherData)

Definition at line 1481 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_ConstString_Data_Func)(const char *s, MLTypeData *r)

Definition at line 1472 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_Data_Func)(MLTypeData *q)

Definition at line 1465 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_Data_SizeT_Double_Func)(MLTypeData *p, size_t q, MLdouble r)

Definition at line 1491 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 1471 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

typedef void(* MLVoid_Int_Data_Func)(MLint p, MLTypeData *q)

Definition at line 1470 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Indexes for axes, arrays and vectors.


Array index for x components (entry 0)


Array index for y components (entry 1)


Array index for z components (entry 2)


Array index for w (forth components of homogeneous vectors, entry 3)


Array index for c (color) components (entry 3)


Array index for t (time) components (entry 4)


Array index for u (unit/user dimension) components (entry 5)

Definition at line 1281 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Enumerator describing runtime and final checks in the ML.


Final checks in the RuntimeType system are activated.


All checks are deactivated.


All available checks are activated.

Definition at line 812 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Enum to describe the significance of the call, e.g., whether an 'add' or a 'remove' of a function is requested.


Definition at line 1264 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Enumerator to specify memory error handling.


On allocation failure NULL is returned without error handling.


On allocation failure a fatal error print is done and NULL is returned.


On allocation failure a throw(ML_NO_MEMORY) is executed.


On allocation failure a fatal error is posted and ML_NO_MEMORY is thrown.

Definition at line 802 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Message types handled by the ErrorOutput class.


Definition at line 822 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Codes for ML classes which may change:


0x0000 = No object


0x0001 = ErrorOutput


0x0002 = API


0x0004 = Runtime


0x0008 = Cache


0x0010 = Host


0x0020 = Module


Definition at line 1197 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Objects of the ML which call the registered functions when changed.

The highest 16 bits contains the code for the class which changes. The lowest 16 bits contains the object which changes. Note to ML_MODULE_DELETED: If called the deleted module passed as first parameters is still not valid any more.


Definition at line 1220 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

enum MLSign

Definition of possible signs as enumerator.


Enumerator for no negative and no positive sign (=0).


Negative sign enumerator.


Positive sign enumerator.

Definition at line 1273 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Termination types for error handling.

Selectors what the ML shall do if a debug, error, warning, or information is received.


Tries to ignore the message and to continue.


Uses abort() to terminate the application which supports easily to start the debugger.


Terminates the application with exit(0), not recommended for use in normal code.


Terminates the application with exit(ErrorCode), not recommended for use in normal code.


Definition at line 1183 of file mlTypeDefs.h.

Some predefined type groups.


Definition at line 1504 of file mlTypeDefs.h.