FMEwork/VTK/Sources/VTK/MLVTK/VTKSupport/mlVTKCommonToolFunctions.h File Reference

File containing an add-On functionality class for filters in ML modules. More...

#include "mlInitSystemVTKSupport.h"
#include "mlModuleIncludes.h"
#include <mlUnicode.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  ml

Define the namespace name like in the ML. Default is ml.


std::string ml::mlVTKMakeStdString (const char *str)
 Convert for a char pointer to a std::string safely.
std::string ml::mlVTKMakeStdString (const std::string &str)
 Convert for a std::string to a std::string safely.
std::string ml::mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8 (const std::string &utf8StdString)
 Convert string from UTF8 to Latin1; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as utf8StdString.
std::string & ml::mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8Static (const std::string &utf8StdString)
 Like mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8(const std::string &utf8StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value.
std::string ml::mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1 (const std::string &latin1StdString)
 Convert string from Latin1 to UTF8; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as latin1StdString.
std::string & ml::mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1Static (const std::string &latin1StdString)
 Like mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1(const std::string &latin1StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value.
template<typename TemplArrElemType >
void ml::VTKArrayFromFixedSizeSTLVector (const VTKML_TYPENAME std::vector< TemplArrElemType > &stlVec, TemplArrElemType *arr, size_t TemplArrSize)
 Copies TemplArrSize elements from stlVec to arr and - if not enough elements are available - fills up the rest with 0.
template<typename TemplArrElemType , unsigned int TemplArrSize>
std::vector< TemplArrElemType > 
ml::STLVectorFromFixedSizeVTKArray (const TemplArrElemType *theArray)
 Create an STL vector with type TemplArrElemType which contains TemplArrSize elements which are read from theArray, hence the array must have at least TemplArrSize elements.

Detailed Description

File containing an add-On functionality class for filters in ML modules.

Wolf Spindler
automatically generated

Definition in file mlVTKCommonToolFunctions.h.