3.2. Searching and Adding Modules

There are several ways to add a module to the current network, for example:

Both the Modules menu and the Module Browser display all available modules. The modules are sorted hierarchically by topics and by module name, as given in the file Genre.def.

Therefore, both places are a good starting point when in need of a specific function, like an image load module.

Figure 3.3. Modules Menu and Module Browser

Modules Menu and Module Browser

The last entry DLL lists the modules by their main DLL name.

The advantage of the Module Browser is that you can right-click the entries, open the context menu and, for example, open the help (in your default Internet browser) or the module files (in MATE, the in-built text editor).


For a module to get listed, it has to be available in the SDK distribution or in your user-defined packages. If in doubt or missing something, check out the loaded packages in the Preferences (on Windows and Linux: EditPreferencesPackages; on Mac OS X: MeVisLabPreferencesPackages). For details on packages, see Chapter 8, Starting Development with Package Creation.

Usually the quickest way to add modules to a network is the quick search in the menu bar. It offers you the possibility to search for modules by module name. By default, the search will also be extended to keywords and substrings and is case-insensitive. To change these settings, click the magnifier button for the search options.


The quick search field does not need to have the focus — any time you enter something in the MeVisLab GUI while not being in a dialog window, this will be entered into the quick search automatically.

Figure 3.4. Quick Search Options

Quick Search Options

To search for a module to load an image, you could either type “load” or “image”. Let us go with the second option this time. While typing “image”, the possible results appear. Use the up/down keys on your keyboard to move to one of the listed modules. The module's About information will appear next to it, allowing you to decide if this is the right module for you.

Figure 3.5. Quick Search Results

Quick Search Results


For a more complex search, use the Module Search View.

Select ImageLoad and press ENTER to add the module to a new network.

On the left-hand side of the bottom of the tooltip, you will find three buttons that you can click.

Figure 3.6. ImageLoad Module

ImageLoad Module

The module is an ML module, as can be seen by the blue color. It offers one image output connector (triangle for image, output because it is on the top of the module; see Chapter 2, The Nuts and Bolts of MeVisLab).

In the next section, we will have a closer look at the module details.