MeVisLab Scripting Reference
MeVisLab Scripting Reference Documentation


This is the scripting documentation for MeVisLab. Many aspects of MeVisLab modules can be controlled via dynamic scripting languages. MeVisLab's main scripting language is Python ( JavaScript (QSA from former Trolltech) is still supported but it is strongly recommended to write new modules in Python.

This reference documents the API of the objects that can be accessed. This API documentation is generated with Doxygen and documents the C++ interface. The interface is identical for each scripting language, with the exception that some newer APIs are only available via Python. The concrete mappings to/from Qt/C++ to Python/JavaScript objects can be found in the language details pages:

We strongly recommend the usage of Python scripting instead of JavaScript!


Have a look at the Scripting module to get an overview over the objects that are commonly used in scripting in MeVisLab.