10.3. Programming the Python Script

  1. If not yet existing, create the Python file. For this, select FileNew in the MATE menu bar and save the new file as ApplicatorMacro.py in the same folder as the other module files.

  2. For the header of the file, take a look at other existing macro modules. What we need, besides the comment lines in #, is a line for importing the MeVis Python modules.

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## This file implements scripting functions for the ApplicatorMacro module
    # \file    ApplicatorMacro.py
    # \author  JDoe
    # \date    01/2009
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MeVis module import
    from mevis import *
  3. Then we need to add two functions, one for each scripting command

    def AdjustLength():
    def AdjustDiameter():

    In Python, block structure is defined by indentation. Therefore it is important to indent the lines as shown in the code examples. In the MATE editor, this will happen automatically.

  4. Let us have a look at the diameter adjustment. The diameter is given by the diameter field. This is written as follows:

    def AdjustDiameter():
      diameter = ctx.field ("diameter").value

    To have both an effect on shaft and tip likewise, the diameter parameter of both must be set to the value of the diameter field. A look at the automatic panels of SoCone and SoCylinder shows that both modules offer a radius parameter.

    Figure 10.13. Parameters for Diameter Setting

    Parameters for Diameter Setting

    These radius parameters need to be set to diameter:

      ctx.field("SoCone.bottomRadius").value = diameter
      ctx.field("SoCylinder.radius")  .value = diameter

    As the radius is half the diameter, a correcting factor of 0.5 has to be added to the diameter equation.

    def AdjustDiameter():
      diameter = ctx.field("diameter").value * 0.5
      ctx.field("SoCone.bottomRadius").value = diameter
      ctx.field("SoCylinder.radius")  .value = diameter
  5. To test if the diameter adjusting works, add a SceneInspector module to the network and connect its input to the output of your ApplicatorMacro module. Double-click the SceneInspector to open its viewer. When you change the diameter setting of the macro, the diameter of the applicator is changed accordingly.

    Figure 10.14. Changing the Diameter of the Applicator

    Changing the Diameter of the Applicator

  6. Adjusting the length is a bit more complicated. The length change should have the following effects:

    • The length parameter gives the overall length.

    • Only the shaft should be extended, not the tip.

    • The adjustment should be done in a way that the point of the tip is not translated, that is that the tip points to the same position as before. Therefore, we need to increase the applicator length in the direction away from the tip.

    We can define an overall length, a tip length and a shaft length. They can be calculated as follows:

    def AdjustLength():
      overallLength = ctx.field("length").value
      tipLength     = ctx.field("SoCone.height").value
      shaftLength   = overallLength - tipLength

    The original translation factor for the tip (which is the relevant factor) was given by half the shaft length (“10”) plus half the tip length (“1.5”). This can be written in a general way.

      tipTranslation = shaftLength*0.5 + tipLength*0.5

    The shaftLength defines the height of the SoCylinder cone to

      ctx.field("SoCylinder.height").value = shaftLength

    The resulting code lines for the length adjustment look as follows:

    def AdjustLength():
      overallLength  = ctx.field("length").value
      tipLength      = ctx.field("SoCone.height").value
      shaftLength    = overallLength - tipLength
      tipTranslation = shaftLength*0.5 + tipLength*0.5
      ctx.field ("SoCylinder.height").value = shaftLength

    Add this code to the Python script, save, and reload the definition. A test shows a funny effect: the shaft length is changed independently of the tip.

    Figure 10.15. Strange Behavior of the ApplicatorMacro

    Strange Behavior of the ApplicatorMacro

    This is due to not having connected the calculated tipTranslation with the TranslationTip module yet.

  7. To solve this problem, add the SoComposeVec3f module to the internal network of the macro and assign to its translation in y direction the calculated value tipTranslation.

      ctx.field("SoComposeVec3f.y").value = tipTranslation
  8. In a last step, this translation needs to be connected to the tip's SoTranslation module via a parameter connection in the network.

    Figure 10.16. Adding the Correct Tip Translation

    Adding the Correct Tip Translation

Here the network and complete Python script of the ApplicatorMacro example:

Figure 10.17. Complete ApplicatorMacro

Complete ApplicatorMacro

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## This file implements scripting functions for the LocalFileName module
# \file    ApplicatorMacro.py
# \author  JDoe
# \date    01/2009
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# MeVis module import
from mevis import *

def AdjustDiameter():
  diameter = ctx.field("diameter").value * 0.5

  ctx.field("SoCone.bottomRadius").value = diameter
  ctx.field("SoCylinder.radius")  .value = diameter

def AdjustLength():
  overallLength  = ctx.field("length").value
  tipLength      = ctx.field("SoCone.height").value

  shaftLength    = overallLength - tipLength
  tipTranslation = shaftLength*0.5 + tipLength*0.5

  ctx.field("SoCylinder.height").value = shaftLength
  ctx.field("SoComposeVec3f.y") .value = tipTranslation