ML Reference
ml::SubImage Class Reference

This class manages/represents a rectangular 6d image region which is organized linearly in memory. More...

#include <mlSubImage.h>

Inheritance diagram for ml::SubImage:
ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE > ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const SubImageBoxgetBox () const
 Returns the box describing the origin/extent of the subimage.
void setSourceImageExtent (const ImageVector &extent)
 Sets the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage to extent.
ImageVector getSourceImageExtent () const
 Returns the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage.
SubImageBox getValidRegion () const
 Returns the valid region of the SubImage, which is defined by the intersection of the SubImage::getBox() and the SubImageBox(ImageVector(0), SubImage::getSourceImageExtent()-1).
MLint getNumVoxels () const
 Returns number of voxels in (sub)image.
MLint getSizeInBytes () const
 Returns number of potential bytes in (sub)image.
ImageVector getStride () const
 Returns a stride vector to address the memory efficiently.
MLint getOffset (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns the array index offset from the origin (0,0,0,0,0,0) to the voxelPosition.
void setDataType (MLDataType dataType)
 Overwrite inherited setDataType method to set type of data to dataType.
MLDataType getDataType () const
 Return type of image data.
const MLTypeInfosgetDataTypeInfos () const
 Get MLTypeInfos for image data type.
MLEXPORT ImageProperties toImageProperties () const
 Converts the Subimage's datatype and extend to an ImageProperties object.
MLEXPORT void setFromImageProperties (const ImageProperties &imageProperties)
 Sets the image box and datatype from the imageProperties extent and datatype.
void toStream (std::ostream &ostr) const
Constructors and assignments.
 SubImage ()
 Constructor: Creates a subimage with no data.
 SubImage (const SubImage &si)
 Copy constructor to get identical copy.
 SubImage (const SubImageBox &box, MLDataType datatype, void *data=NULL)
 Constructor for a rectangular 6d image region with position and extent given by box, with data type datatype and memory given by the pointer data.
 SubImage (const SubImage &si, const ImageVector &offset)
 Copy constructor to get identical copy.
virtual ~SubImage ()
 Virtual destructor to suppress compiler warnings.
SubImageoperator= (const SubImage &si)
 Assignment operator to get identical copy.
Origin, extents, region of image, offsets and strides.
void setBox (const SubImageBox &subImageBox)
 Sets a rectangular 6d region of the subimage to subImageBox.
void setBox (const ImageVector &imageExtent)
 Sets a rectangular 6d region of the subimage to imageExtent.
void translate (const ImageVector &offset)
 Translates the box of the subimage by adding the vector offset.
const ImageVectorgetOrigin () const
 Returns the origin of the subimage (which is identical to getBox().v1).
void setOrigin (const ImageVector &newOrigin)
 Sets the origin of the subimage (which moves the box of the subimage to newOrigin).
ImageVector getExtent () const
 Returns the extent of the subimage (which is identical to getBox().getExtent()).
void setExtent (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z=1, MLint c=1, MLint t=1, MLint u=1)
 Sets the extent of the subimage (which also changes the strides) to newExtent.
void setExtent (const ImageVector &newExtent)
 Sets the extent of the subimage (which also changes the strides) to newExtent.
SubImageBox getBoxFromExtent () const
 Returns size of image as box with origin 0.
SubImageBox getBoxFromImageExtent () const
ImageVector getImageExtent () const
void setImageExtent (const ImageVector &newExtent)
SubImageBox getBoxFromImgExt () const
ImageVector getImgExt () const
void setImgExt (const ImageVector &newExtent)
MLint getSize () const
MLint getByteSize () const
void * getVoidSubImgPos (const ImageVector &p) const
void * getVoidSubImgPos (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
void * getVoidImgPos (const ImageVector &p) const
void * getVoidImgPos (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
MLint isValidSubImgPos (const ImageVector &p) const
MLint isValidSubImgPos (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
MLint isValidImgPos (const ImageVector &p) const
MLint isValidImgPos (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
MLint calculateMinMax (MLldouble &minValue, MLldouble &maxValue, const SubImageBox *const validBox=NULL) const
MLint calcMinMax (MLdouble &minVal, MLdouble &maxVal, const SubImageBox *const validBox=NULL) const
MLint calcMinMax (MLldouble &minValue, MLldouble &maxValue, const SubImageBox *const validBox=NULL) const
void fillSubImg (MLldouble val)
void fillSubImgWithTypeData (const MLTypeData *val)
void fillBordersWithClampedInputValues (const SubImageBox &box)
void fillBordersWithLDoubleValue (const SubImageBox &box, MLldouble fillValue)
void fillInvalidRegionWithLDoubleValue (MLldouble value)
Calculation of memory addresses of image voxels
void * getSubImagePointer (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6d voxelPosition relative to the begin of the subimage region.
void * getSubImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x,y,z) relative to the begin of the subimage region.
void * getImagePointer (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6d position voxelPosition relative to the begin of the complete image region.
void * getImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x, y, z) relative to the begin of the complete image region.
Copy image data from one subimage to another.
MLEXPORT void copySubImage (const SubImage &fromImage, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
 Copies image data from the subimage fromImage into the overlapping region of this subimage.
MLEXPORT void copySubImage (const SubImage &fromImage)
 Implements special case for void copySubImage(const TSubImage<FROM_DATATYPE> &typedFromImg, const ScaleShiftData& scaleShiftData) where scaleShiftData is default.
Test for validity of coordinates.
bool isValidSubImagePosition (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns true if 6d voxelPosition is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if voxelPosition is within (0,0,0,0,0,0) and subimage extents.
bool isValidSubImagePosition (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns true if 3d position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if the position is within (0,0,0) and subimage extents.
bool isValidImagePosition (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns true if 6d voxelPosition is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if voxelPosition is within subImgBox.v1 and subImgBox.v2.
bool isValidImagePosition (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns true if 3d position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if the position is within subImgBox.v1 and subImgBox.v2.
Allocation and freeing of buffered data.
MLEXPORT void allocate (MLMemoryErrorHandling handleFailure)
 Allocate data with MLAlloc().
MLEXPORT void allocateAsMemoryBlockHandle (MLMemoryErrorHandling handleFailure=ML_RETURN_NULL)
 Allocate data using the ML memory manager. For failure handing, see SubImage::allocate().
MLEXPORT void free ()
 Frees data pointed to by getData() with MLFree().
Special properties
MLEXPORT bool isOneValued () const
 Returns true if all page voxels have the same value or if the page contains only 1 voxel.
MLEXPORT MLint calculateMinMax (MLdouble &minValue, MLdouble &maxValue, const SubImageBox *const validBox=NULL) const
 Scans subimage and determines minimum and maximum values on region which is part of subimage box and of validBox.
MLEXPORT void compare (const SubImage &subImage2, bool *regionsMatch, bool *dataTypesMatch, bool *thisBoxIsPartOfRegion2, bool *region2IsPartOfThisBox, bool *overlapHasSameValues, ImageVector *firstMismatchPos) const
 Compare two subimages with respect to their regions and their contents.
MLEXPORT void fill (MLdouble value)
 Fills the subimage with a value cast to the data type of the subimage.
MLEXPORT void fillWithTypeData (const MLTypeData *value)
 Fills the subimage with a value given as MLTypeData.
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithScalarValue (const SubImageBox &box, MLdouble fillValue)
 Fill all regions with the fill value fillValue which are not covered by box.
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithTypeData (const SubImageBox &box, const MLTypeData *fillValue)
 Fills all regions with the fill value fillValue which are not covered by box.
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithInputValues (const SubImageBox &box, const SubImage &inputSubImage)
 Fills all regions with values from inputSubImage which are not covered by box, however, only valid regions of inputSubImage are read.
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithBorderValues (const SubImageBox &box)
 Each voxel of which is not inside box is filled with the nearest voxel which is inside box.
void fillInvalidRegionWithScalarValue (MLdouble value)
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value.
void fillInvalidRegionWithTypeData (const MLTypeData *value)
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value.
void fillInvalidRegionWithBorderValues ()
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the values on the borders of the valid region.

Protected Member Functions

void _calcFillAreaParams (const SubImageBox &box, const SubImageBox &maxValidInputRegion, ImageVector &boxV1, ImageVector &boxV2, ImageVector &outputTSubImageV1, ImageVector &outputTSubImageV2, MLint &fullLineLenX, MLint &fullLineLenXB, MLint &leftLineStartX, MLint &leftLineLenX, MLint &leftLineLenXB, MLint &rightLineStartX, MLint &rightLineLenX, MLint &rightLineLenXB)
 Helper method to calculate important parameters for page based border filling.
void _copySubImageGeneric (const SubImage &fromImage, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
 Generic, non-optimized version of copySubImage.
const MLTypeInfos_getDataTypeInfos (MLDataType dt) const
 Get MLTypeInfos for used data types, indicates error if type is not registered.

Protected Attributes

SubImageBox _box
 The box of the subimage.
ImageVector _sourceImageExtent
 The extent of the source image, which is used for getValidRegion()
void * _data
 Memory chunk managed by this subimage.
MLMemoryBlockHandle _memoryBlock
 Memory block used by this subimage.
ImageVector _stride
 Stride vector to address the memory efficiently.
MLDataType _dataType
 Datatype of the image.

Properties of subimage

bool isValid () const
 Returns 1(=true) if image region and data is valid.
void * getData () const
 Returns the memory address of the memory managed by the subimage.
MLEXPORT void setData (void *data)
 Sets data as a new memory block for the subimage.
MLEXPORT void setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle (const MLMemoryBlockHandle &data)
 Sets the managed data from a given MLMemoryBlockHandle, the sub image will store this handle and thus reference count the memory managed by the handle as long as the SubImage stays alive.
const MLMemoryBlockHandlegetMemoryBlockHandle () const
 Returns the memory block handle that manages the data of this SubImage if it has been set via setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle().
static MLEXPORT MLint coordToIndex (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z, MLint c, MLint t, MLint u, const ImageVector &size)
 Converts the coordinate (x, y, z, c, t,u) to an index into an image with 6D extents given by size.
static MLEXPORT MLint coordToIndex (const ImageVector &voxelPosition, const ImageVector &size)
 Converts the coordinate voxelPosition into the image with extents size to an index.
static MLEXPORT ImageVector indexToCoord (MLint index, const ImageVector &extent)
 Converts an index into an array with extents extent to a coordinate.

Detailed Description

This class manages/represents a rectangular 6d image region which is organized linearly in memory.

Thread-safety: This class is reentrant.

This class owns

  • Methods to set/access image properties which are inherited from the class ImageProperties.
  • A pointer to the memory data containing the image data as void pointer.


  • This subimage class does NOT allocate/deallocate the memory chunk itself. It usually must be allocated elsewhere and assigned to this class.
  • The class itself is not exported to avoid that inline usage is inhibited. Only stuff implemented in the .cpp file is exported explicitly.

Other notes:

  • With this class the Host manages and encapsulates rectangular image regions (e.g., for pages, tiles, cached image results) and passes them to the image processing algorithms.
  • The typical image processing methods in the ML are located in overloaded methods of Module::calculateOutputSubImage. In these methods usually the untyped memory chunks given as SubImage are wrapped again to typed subimages (see TSubImage). See TSubImage for more information about that.
  • The type of the image data in memory is handled via a void pointer, however the type is managed as enum type to support typed accesses in derived classes (see TSubImage). Thus the access to certain image voxels is not supported. The Host does not need the knowledge about the data itself. The typed access to voxels is implemented on top of this class as the template class TSubImage.

Definition at line 72 of file mlSubImage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ml::SubImage::SubImage ( ) [inline]

Constructor: Creates a subimage with no data.

Definition at line 82 of file mlSubImage.h.


ml::SubImage::SubImage ( const SubImage si) [inline]

Copy constructor to get identical copy.

Note that the pointer to the data is copied, and NOT the data itself.

Definition at line 96 of file mlSubImage.h.


ml::SubImage::SubImage ( const SubImageBox box,
MLDataType  datatype,
void *  data = NULL 
) [inline]

Constructor for a rectangular 6d image region with position and extent given by box, with data type datatype and memory given by the pointer data.

Definition at line 111 of file mlSubImage.h.


ml::SubImage::SubImage ( const SubImage si,
const ImageVector offset 
) [inline]

Copy constructor to get identical copy.

Note that the pointer to the data is copied, and NOT the data itself. The box of the input image is translated by the given offset vector.

Definition at line 125 of file mlSubImage.h.


virtual ml::SubImage::~SubImage ( ) [inline, virtual]

Virtual destructor to suppress compiler warnings.

Definition at line 140 of file mlSubImage.h.


Member Function Documentation

void ml::SubImage::_calcFillAreaParams ( const SubImageBox box,
const SubImageBox maxValidInputRegion,
ImageVector boxV1,
ImageVector boxV2,
ImageVector outputTSubImageV1,
ImageVector outputTSubImageV2,
MLint fullLineLenX,
MLint fullLineLenXB,
MLint leftLineStartX,
MLint leftLineLenX,
MLint leftLineLenXB,
MLint rightLineStartX,
MLint rightLineLenX,
MLint rightLineLenXB 
) [protected]

Helper method to calculate important parameters for page based border filling.

Input parameters: box specifies the box which shall not be filled. maxValidInputRegion is the region which is allowed to be read.

Return parameters: boxV1 and boxV2 are the corners of box. outputTSubImageV1 and outputTSubImageV2 are the corners of the box of this. fullLineLenX is the number of voxels in one row of this. fullLineLenXB is the number of bytes in one row of this. leftLineStartX is the first voxel left from box to be filled in x-rows. leftLineLenX is the number of voxels to be filled starting at voxel leftLineStartX. leftLineLenXB is the number of bytes to be filled starting at voxel leftLineStartX. rightLineStartX is the first voxel right from box to be filled in x-rows. rightLineLenX is the number of voxels to be filled starting at voxel rightLineStartX. rightLineLenXB is the number of bytes to be filled starting at voxel rightLineStartX.

void ml::SubImage::_copySubImageGeneric ( const SubImage fromImage,
const ScaleShiftData scaleShiftData 
) [protected]

Generic, non-optimized version of copySubImage.

const MLTypeInfos* ml::SubImage::_getDataTypeInfos ( MLDataType  dt) const [protected]

Get MLTypeInfos for used data types, indicates error if type is not registered.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::allocate ( MLMemoryErrorHandling  handleFailure)

Allocate data with MLAlloc().

If the allocation fails it is handled as described by handleFailure (see MLMemoryErrorHandling for description of modes). The internal pointer to the data buffer is simply overwritten; the application is responsible for freeing it before, for example with SubImage::free(). The number of allocated bytes results from the size of the subimage box and the data type. An empty box will result in the allocation of zero bytes on the heap which also need to be freed correctly.

IMPORTANT: By definition the allocated data is not owned by the subimage and will NOT be freed on destruction of the SubImage instance. The calling application is responsible for that. Use SubImage::free() for that.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::allocateAsMemoryBlockHandle ( MLMemoryErrorHandling  handleFailure = ML_RETURN_NULL)

Allocate data using the ML memory manager. For failure handing, see SubImage::allocate().

MLint ml::SubImage::calcMinMax ( MLdouble minVal,
MLdouble maxVal,
const SubImageBox *const  validBox = NULL 
) const [inline]
Use MLdouble instead of MLldouble arguments

Definition at line 803 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::calcMinMax ( MLldouble minValue,
MLldouble maxValue,
const SubImageBox *const  validBox = NULL 
) const [inline]
Use calculateMinMax() instead.

Definition at line 807 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::calculateMinMax ( MLldouble minValue,
MLldouble maxValue,
const SubImageBox *const  validBox = NULL 
) const [inline]
Use MLdouble instead of MLldouble arguments

Definition at line 799 of file mlSubImage.h.

References calculateMinMax().

Referenced by calculateMinMax().

MLEXPORT MLint ml::SubImage::calculateMinMax ( MLdouble minValue,
MLdouble maxValue,
const SubImageBox *const  validBox = NULL 
) const

Scans subimage and determines minimum and maximum values on region which is part of subimage box and of validBox.

If validBox is passed as a NULL pointer (the default), all voxels are checked. The return value is the number of scanned voxels. If the subimage is empty, minValue and maxValue are set to 0 and the return value is 0. Warning: If used in calculateOutputSubImage, take into consideration that pages may also contain invalid data which is not part of the image. Pass 'image box' as validBox to be sure to access only valid regions.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::compare ( const SubImage subImage2,
bool *  regionsMatch,
bool *  dataTypesMatch,
bool *  thisBoxIsPartOfRegion2,
bool *  region2IsPartOfThisBox,
bool *  overlapHasSameValues,
ImageVector firstMismatchPos 
) const

Compare two subimages with respect to their regions and their contents.

All pointer parameters may be passed as NULL parameters if not needed and will silently be ignored then.

subImage2Second subimage to be compared with.
regionsMatchIf passed as non-NULL pointer, *regionsMatch is set to true if regions are identical.
dataTypesMatchIf passed as non-NULL pointer, *dataTypesMatch is set to true if both data types are identical.
thisBoxIsPartOfRegion2If passed as non-NULL pointer, *region1IsPartOfRegion2 is set to true if the region of this is a subregion of subImage2 or is identical.
region2IsPartOfThisBoxIf passed as non-NULL pointer, *region2IsPartOfRegion1 is set to true if the region of subImage2 is a subregion of this or is identical.
overlapHasSameValuesIf passed as non-NULL pointer, *overlapHasSameValues is set to true if subimages have the same and valid types, data pointers are both non-NULL and all voxels in the overlapping region of this and subImage2 contain equal values.
firstMismatchPosIf passed as non-NULL pointer, *firstMismatchPos is set to the first value which does not match in overlapping regions. If no overlap exists or something is invalid (data pointers or types) it is set to (-1, ..., -1).
static MLEXPORT MLint ml::SubImage::coordToIndex ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z,
MLint  c,
MLint  t,
MLint  u,
const ImageVector size 
) [static]

Converts the coordinate (x, y, z, c, t,u) to an index into an image with 6D extents given by size.

This convenience function is static and can be used also without a class instance.

static MLEXPORT MLint ml::SubImage::coordToIndex ( const ImageVector voxelPosition,
const ImageVector size 
) [static]

Converts the coordinate voxelPosition into the image with extents size to an index.

This convenience function is static and can be used also without a class instance.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::copySubImage ( const SubImage fromImage,
const ScaleShiftData scaleShiftData 

Copies image data from the subimage fromImage into the overlapping region of this subimage.

Grey values are transformed linearly according to the settings in scaleShiftData (see ScaleShiftData). Notes:

  • The copied data always has the data type of this subimage. If necessary it is cast.
  • By transforming linearly gray values before copying them it is possible to avoid information loss due to type casting.
  • The default case of scaleShiftData defines scaleShiftData.getScale()==1 and scaleShiftData.getShift()==0. So voxel value transformation does not change anything and copying is implemented as special case which is therefore faster.
MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::copySubImage ( const SubImage fromImage)

Implements special case for void copySubImage(const TSubImage<FROM_DATATYPE> &typedFromImg, const ScaleShiftData& scaleShiftData) where scaleShiftData is default.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::fill ( MLdouble  value)

Fills the subimage with a value cast to the data type of the subimage.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::fillBordersWithBorderValues ( const SubImageBox box)

Each voxel of which is not inside box is filled with the nearest voxel which is inside box.

Note that box must be specified in global image coordinates. box must overlap the box of the subImage at least in one voxel to guarantee correct operation since copying can be done only from box area. If no overlap exists then the routine returns without filling anything.

void ml::SubImage::fillBordersWithClampedInputValues ( const SubImageBox box) [inline]
Use fillBordersWithBorderValues() instead.

Reimplemented in ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >.

Definition at line 817 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::fillBordersWithInputValues ( const SubImageBox box,
const SubImage inputSubImage 

Fills all regions with values from inputSubImage which are not covered by box, however, only valid regions of inputSubImage are read.

Not available regions from the input are ignored and may lead to unchanged regions outside box if inputSubImage does not cover all regions outside box. Note that box must be specified in global image coordinates. So two subimages with different origins and same sizes are filled differently, dependent on their overlap with the box in global image coordinates. This method should be called only if this and inputSubImage differ.

void ml::SubImage::fillBordersWithLDoubleValue ( const SubImageBox box,
MLldouble  fillValue 
) [inline]
Use fillBordersWithScalarValue instead

Definition at line 820 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::fillBordersWithScalarValue ( const SubImageBox box,
MLdouble  fillValue 

Fill all regions with the fill value fillValue which are not covered by box.

Note that box must be specified in global image coordinates. So two subimages with different origins and same sizes are filled differently, dependent on their overlap with the box in global image coordinates.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::fillBordersWithTypeData ( const SubImageBox box,
const MLTypeData fillValue 

Fills all regions with the fill value fillValue which are not covered by box.

Note that box must be specified in global image coordinates. So two subimages with different origins and same sizes are filled differently, dependent on their overlap with the box in global image coordinates. fillValue must point to a valid and correctly sized value of the data type of the subimage. If fillValue is NULL, the call is ignored.

void ml::SubImage::fillInvalidRegionWithBorderValues ( ) [inline]

Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the values on the borders of the valid region.

This is useful to initialize invalid regions of an output/input sub image.

Reimplemented in ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >.

Definition at line 664 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::fillInvalidRegionWithLDoubleValue ( MLldouble  value) [inline]
Use fillInvalidRegionWithScalarValue instead

Definition at line 823 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::fillInvalidRegionWithScalarValue ( MLdouble  value) [inline]

Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value.

This is useful to initialize invalid regions of an output/input sub image.

Definition at line 651 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::fillInvalidRegionWithTypeData ( const MLTypeData value) [inline]

Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value.

This is useful to initialize invalid regions of an output/input sub image.

Definition at line 657 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::fillSubImg ( MLldouble  val) [inline]
Use fill() instead.

Definition at line 811 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::fillSubImgWithTypeData ( const MLTypeData val) [inline]
Use fillWithTypeData() instead.

Definition at line 814 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::fillWithTypeData ( const MLTypeData value)

Fills the subimage with a value given as MLTypeData.

value must point to a valid and correctly sized value of the data type of the subimage. If value is NULL, the call is ignored.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::free ( )

Frees data pointed to by getData() with MLFree().

as described by MLFree(). It is legal to call free() if getData() is NULL. In that case the call is ignored. After this call getData() will return NULL. If the memory has been set via setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle(), free() does NOT delete the memory but just clears the internal memory handle.

const SubImageBox& ml::SubImage::getBox ( ) const [inline]
SubImageBox ml::SubImage::getBoxFromExtent ( ) const [inline]

Returns size of image as box with origin 0.

Definition at line 224 of file mlSubImage.h.

SubImageBox ml::SubImage::getBoxFromImageExtent ( ) const [inline]
Use getBoxFromExtent() instead.

Returns extent of the image as box with origin 0.

Definition at line 230 of file mlSubImage.h.

SubImageBox ml::SubImage::getBoxFromImgExt ( ) const [inline]
Use getBoxFromExtent() instead.

Definition at line 760 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::getByteSize ( ) const [inline]
Use getSizeInBytes() instead.

Definition at line 772 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getData ( ) const [inline]

Returns the memory address of the memory managed by the subimage.

Reimplemented in ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >.

Definition at line 397 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >::TSubImage(), and ml::tsubimage_cast().

MLDataType ml::SubImage::getDataType ( ) const [inline]

Return type of image data.

Definition at line 305 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >::copySubImageTyped(), ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >::TSubImage(), and ml::tsubimage_cast().

const MLTypeInfos* ml::SubImage::getDataTypeInfos ( ) const [inline]

Get MLTypeInfos for image data type.

Definition at line 308 of file mlSubImage.h.

References MLGetTypeInfosForDataType().

ImageVector ml::SubImage::getExtent ( ) const [inline]

Returns the extent of the subimage (which is identical to getBox().getExtent()).

Definition at line 209 of file mlSubImage.h.

ImageVector ml::SubImage::getImageExtent ( ) const [inline]
Use getExtent() instead.

Returns the extent of the image.

Definition at line 234 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getImagePointer ( const ImageVector voxelPosition) const [inline]

Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6d position voxelPosition relative to the begin of the complete image region.

The subimage is a part of the complete image. I.e., the position p=getBox.v1() is considered the origin of the image region/subimage.

Reimplemented in ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >.

Definition at line 340 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getImagePointer ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]

Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x, y, z) relative to the begin of the complete image region.

The subimage is a part of the complete image. I.e., the position p=getBox.v1() is considered the origin of the image region/subimage.

Reimplemented in ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >.

Definition at line 348 of file mlSubImage.h.

ImageVector ml::SubImage::getImgExt ( ) const [inline]
Use getExtent() instead.

Definition at line 763 of file mlSubImage.h.

const MLMemoryBlockHandle& ml::SubImage::getMemoryBlockHandle ( ) const [inline]

Returns the memory block handle that manages the data of this SubImage if it has been set via setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle().

Returns an empty handle when the data has been set with setData().

Definition at line 413 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::getNumVoxels ( ) const [inline]

Returns number of voxels in (sub)image.

Note that it could become larger than 2^32 even on 32 bit systems. It will never be smaller than 0; the signed return type is used for safer signed arithmetics.

Definition at line 266 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::getOffset ( const ImageVector voxelPosition) const [inline]

Returns the array index offset from the origin (0,0,0,0,0,0) to the voxelPosition.

Definition at line 283 of file mlSubImage.h.


const ImageVector& ml::SubImage::getOrigin ( ) const [inline]

Returns the origin of the subimage (which is identical to getBox().v1).

Definition at line 203 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::getSize ( ) const [inline]
Use getNumVoxels() instead.

Definition at line 769 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::getSizeInBytes ( ) const [inline]

Returns number of potential bytes in (sub)image.

Note that it could become larger than 2^32 even on 32 bit systems. It will never be smaller than 0; the signed return type is used for safer signed arithmetics.

Definition at line 270 of file mlSubImage.h.

ImageVector ml::SubImage::getSourceImageExtent ( ) const [inline]

Returns the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage.

This is used for the intersection calculation of the getValidRegion() call.

Definition at line 255 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >::TSubImage().

ImageVector ml::SubImage::getStride ( ) const [inline]

Returns a stride vector to address the memory efficiently.

So the memory address of an subimage voxel can easily be calculated from the dot product of strides and voxel position. Usually stride.x=1, stride.y=x, stride.z=x*y, stride.c=x*y*z, ...

Definition at line 275 of file mlSubImage.h.


Referenced by ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >::copySubImageTyped(), and ml::TSubImageCursorBase< DATATYPE >::TSubImageCursorBase().

void* ml::SubImage::getSubImagePointer ( const ImageVector voxelPosition) const [inline]

Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6d voxelPosition relative to the begin of the subimage region.

I.e., the position (0,0,0,0,0,0) is considered the origin of the subimage.

Reimplemented in ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >.

Definition at line 318 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getSubImagePointer ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]

Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x,y,z) relative to the begin of the subimage region.

I.e., the position (0,0,0,0,0,0) is considered the origin of the subimage.

Reimplemented in ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >.

Definition at line 329 of file mlSubImage.h.

SubImageBox ml::SubImage::getValidRegion ( ) const [inline]

Returns the valid region of the SubImage, which is defined by the intersection of the SubImage::getBox() and the SubImageBox(ImageVector(0), SubImage::getSourceImageExtent()-1).

Definition at line 259 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getVoidImgPos ( const ImageVector p) const [inline]
Use getImagePointer() instead.

Definition at line 781 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getVoidImgPos ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]
Use getImagePointer() instead.

Definition at line 784 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getVoidSubImgPos ( const ImageVector p) const [inline]
Use getSubImagePointer() instead.

Definition at line 775 of file mlSubImage.h.

void* ml::SubImage::getVoidSubImgPos ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]
Use getSubImagePointer() instead.

Definition at line 778 of file mlSubImage.h.

static MLEXPORT ImageVector ml::SubImage::indexToCoord ( MLint  index,
const ImageVector extent 
) [static]

Converts an index into an array with extents extent to a coordinate.

This convenience function is static and can be used also without a class instance. Note that it is not really fast.

MLEXPORT bool ml::SubImage::isOneValued ( ) const

Returns true if all page voxels have the same value or if the page contains only 1 voxel.

If subimage has no voxels (empty) or more than one value, false is returned.

bool ml::SubImage::isValid ( ) const [inline]

Returns 1(=true) if image region and data is valid.

Returns 0(=false) if not. This flag does NOT say anything about the validity of the contents of the memory.

Definition at line 386 of file mlSubImage.h.


bool ml::SubImage::isValidImagePosition ( const ImageVector voxelPosition) const [inline]

Returns true if 6d voxelPosition is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if voxelPosition is within subImgBox.v1 and subImgBox.v2.

If outside, false is returned. So the position p=getBox().v1 addresses the origin of the subimage.

Definition at line 473 of file mlSubImage.h.


bool ml::SubImage::isValidImagePosition ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]

Returns true if 3d position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if the position is within subImgBox.v1 and subImgBox.v2.

If outside, false is returned. So the position p=getBox().v1 addresses the origin of the subimage.

Definition at line 487 of file mlSubImage.h.


MLint ml::SubImage::isValidImgPos ( const ImageVector p) const [inline]
Use isValidImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 793 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::isValidImgPos ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]
Use isValidImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 796 of file mlSubImage.h.

bool ml::SubImage::isValidSubImagePosition ( const ImageVector voxelPosition) const [inline]

Returns true if 6d voxelPosition is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if voxelPosition is within (0,0,0,0,0,0) and subimage extents.

If outside, false is returned. So the position p=(0,0,0,0,0,0) addresses the origin of the subimage.

Definition at line 447 of file mlSubImage.h.

References ml::ImageVector, and ML_TRACE_IN_TIME_CRITICAL.

bool ml::SubImage::isValidSubImagePosition ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]

Returns true if 3d position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if the position is within (0,0,0) and subimage extents.

If outside, false is returned. So the position p=(0,0,0,0,0,0) addresses the origin of the subimage and all higher coordinates for c, t and u are always used as 0.

Definition at line 461 of file mlSubImage.h.

References ml::ImageVector, and ML_TRACE_IN_TIME_CRITICAL.

MLint ml::SubImage::isValidSubImgPos ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
) const [inline]
Use isValidSubImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 790 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLint ml::SubImage::isValidSubImgPos ( const ImageVector p) const [inline]
Use isValidSubImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 787 of file mlSubImage.h.

SubImage& ml::SubImage::operator= ( const SubImage si) [inline]

Assignment operator to get identical copy.

Note that only the pointer to the data is copied, and NOT the data itself.

Definition at line 144 of file mlSubImage.h.

References _box, _data, _dataType, _memoryBlock, _sourceImageExtent, _stride, and ML_TRACE_IN_TIME_CRITICAL.

void ml::SubImage::setBox ( const SubImageBox subImageBox) [inline]

Sets a rectangular 6d region of the subimage to subImageBox.

Overloads method from base class ImageProperties.

Definition at line 168 of file mlSubImage.h.

References ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::getExtent(), ML_CATCH_RETHROW, ML_TRACE_IN_TIME_CRITICAL, and ML_TRY.

void ml::SubImage::setBox ( const ImageVector imageExtent) [inline]

Sets a rectangular 6d region of the subimage to imageExtent.

So the origin of box will be (0,0,0,0,0,0), the second box edge will result to the extent -1. This overloads the method from base class ImageProperties.

Definition at line 183 of file mlSubImage.h.


MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::setData ( void *  data) [inline]

Sets data as a new memory block for the subimage.

The previous block is NOT touched anymore and it is NOT freed or deleted. If the memory was previously set by setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle(), the memory block handle is cleared.

Definition at line 402 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle ( const MLMemoryBlockHandle data) [inline]

Sets the managed data from a given MLMemoryBlockHandle, the sub image will store this handle and thus reference count the memory managed by the handle as long as the SubImage stays alive.

This calls setData() with the data from the memory block handle.

Definition at line 408 of file mlSubImage.h.

References MLMemoryBlockHandle::data().

void ml::SubImage::setDataType ( MLDataType  dataType) [inline]

Overwrite inherited setDataType method to set type of data to dataType.

The validity flag is not changed.

Definition at line 296 of file mlSubImage.h.

References ML_TRACE_IN_TIME_CRITICAL, and MLSizeOf().

void ml::SubImage::setExtent ( const ImageVector newExtent) [inline]

Sets the extent of the subimage (which also changes the strides) to newExtent.

Definition at line 218 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::setExtent ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z = 1,
MLint  c = 1,
MLint  t = 1,
MLint  u = 1 
) [inline]

Sets the extent of the subimage (which also changes the strides) to newExtent.

The default value for missing dimensions is 1.

Definition at line 213 of file mlSubImage.h.

References ml::ImageVector.

MLEXPORT void ml::SubImage::setFromImageProperties ( const ImageProperties imageProperties)

Sets the image box and datatype from the imageProperties extent and datatype.

Note that this does not affect the stored data and that the resulting box will have v1 = ImageVector(0) and v2 = imageProperties.getImgExt()-1. This box is adequate for requesting the complete volume defined by imageProperties as a single tile.

void ml::SubImage::setImageExtent ( const ImageVector newExtent) [inline]
Use setExtent() instead.

Sets the extent of the image.

Definition at line 238 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::setImgExt ( const ImageVector newExtent) [inline]
Use setExtent() instead.

Definition at line 766 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::setOrigin ( const ImageVector newOrigin) [inline]

Sets the origin of the subimage (which moves the box of the subimage to newOrigin).

Definition at line 206 of file mlSubImage.h.

void ml::SubImage::setSourceImageExtent ( const ImageVector extent) [inline]

Sets the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage to extent.

This is used for the intersection calculation of the getValidRegion() call.

Definition at line 251 of file mlSubImage.h.

MLEXPORT ImageProperties ml::SubImage::toImageProperties ( ) const

Converts the Subimage's datatype and extend to an ImageProperties object.

Notice the the min/max values of the ImageProperties are not set, since a Subimage does not store a min/max value.

void ml::SubImage::toStream ( std::ostream &  ostr) const
void ml::SubImage::translate ( const ImageVector offset) [inline]

Translates the box of the subimage by adding the vector offset.

Definition at line 195 of file mlSubImage.h.


Member Data Documentation

The box of the subimage.

Definition at line 727 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by operator=().

void* ml::SubImage::_data [protected]

Memory chunk managed by this subimage.

Definition at line 733 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by operator=().

Datatype of the image.

Definition at line 744 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by operator=().

Memory block used by this subimage.

Definition at line 736 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by operator=().

The extent of the source image, which is used for getValidRegion()

Definition at line 730 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by operator=().

Stride vector to address the memory efficiently.

So the memory address of an subimage voxel can easily be calculated from the dot product of strides and voxel position. Usually stride.x=1, stride.y=x, stride.z=x*y, stride.c=x*y*z,...

Definition at line 741 of file mlSubImage.h.

Referenced by operator=().

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