Open Inventor Reference
MeVis/ThirdParty/Sources/Inventor/inventor/lib/database/include/Inventor/elements/SoLazyElement.h File Reference

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class  SoLazyElement
 Element that manages several properties such as colors, that need to be lazily tracked by GL. More...
struct  SoLazyElement::ivStateStructName
 Struct to hold the inventor state: More...
class  SoColorPacker
 This class is meant to be used by all property nodes that set either a diffuse color or transparency in the lazy element. More...


 threshold to ignore changes in shininess:
 number of components (subelements) in this element:

Define Documentation


Definition at line 87 of file SoLazyElement.h.


Definition at line 84 of file SoLazyElement.h.