Chapter 27. Tips and Tricks

Table of Contents

27.1. Command-Line Options
27.2. MeVisLabPackageScanner.exe
27.3. EatDicom.exe (deprecated)
27.4. Connecting Inventor Engines to ML Modules
27.5. Using SyncFloat to Reduce System Load
27.5.1. Case 1: Two Inventor and One ML Module Connected in a Circle
27.5.2. Case 2: A Macro Module (Including an Inventor Module) and Another Inventor Module Connected in a Circle
27.6. Printing MeVisLab Networks
27.7. Multi-threading in MeVisLab
27.7.1. Multi-threading in the ML
27.7.2. Background Tasks
27.7.3. Modules for Multi-threading
27.8. Set Open Inventor Override Flag (Inventor Modules)

27.1. Command-Line Options

It is possible to start MeVisLab with command-line options.

Windows: To start MeVisLab from the command line, enter:

MevislabStarter [OPTIONS] [networkfile].mlab [networkfile2].mlab ...

Mac OS X: To start MeVisLab from the command line, execute the MeVisLab binary from within the Contents/MacOS application bundle directory: [OPTIONS] [networkfile].mlab [networkfile2].mlab

Linux: To start MeVisLab from the command line, enter:

<mevislab installpath>/bin/Mevislab [OPTIONS] [networkfile].mlab [networkfile2].mlab ...

To get a list of all available options, start MeVisLab with the -help option. This will open a window with all commands.

Figure 27.1. Command-Line Options Window in Windows

Command-Line Options Window in Windows

Table 27.1. Command-Line Options

-prefs FILELoads an additional .prefs file.
-ignoreprefsIgnores all user prefs files.
-ignoreuserpackagepathIgnores the user package path.
-updateonlyUpdates all required DLLs to run MeVisLab and quits.
-installCreates required symlinks and MLabModules cache file and quits.
-uniqueRuns a unique MeVisLab, does not try to use a running one.
-noideDoes not show the MeVisLab IDE.
-scanScans Modules directories for new files.
-noscanUses existing Modules cache files and does not scan Modules directories for new files.
-quickUses existing Modules cache files and does not check for any file changes (allows very quick restart).
-diagnosisShows a diagnosis console while starting.
-logfile FILENAMESets the logfile. Overwrites any logfile from the prefs file and the registry.
-userscript FILENAME [arg1 arg2....]Runs the given user script (see Section 4.8, “User Scripts”). Instead of the filename, the name of the Action can also be given.
-runmacro MACRONAME arg1 arg2....Runs a macro by calling its consoleCommand (requires a license with 'cmdline' feature).
-runapp APPNAME arg1 arg2....Runs a MeVisLab application, passing arguments to its runApplicationCommand and showing the apps window afterwards (requires a license with 'cmdline' feature).
-runappbatch APPNAME arg1 arg2....Like -runapp, but does not start the application window and exists after execution of runApplicationCommand in conjunction with the -noide option.
-appname APPNAMESpecifies the application name that is used when accessing registry keys and settings.
-showfullscreenShows application fullscreen.
-showmaximizedShows application maximized.
-helpShows all available command line options.
-nosplashDoes not show the MeVisLab splash screen.
-nowelcomeDoes not show the MeVisLab Welcome screen (debugging option).
-singleinstanceOnly allows one MeVisLab instance to be started and passes the files of the command line to another running MeVisLab (debugging option).