Open Inventor Reference
MeVis/ThirdParty/Sources/Inventor/inventor/lib/database/include/Inventor/nodes/SoWWWInline.h File Reference

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class  SoWWWInline
 Node that refers to children through a URL. More...


typedef void INVENTOR_API SoWWWInlineFetchURLCB (const SbString &url, void *userData, SoWWWInline *node)
 This is the format for callbacks that will get URL data for us.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void INVENTOR_API SoWWWInlineFetchURLCB(const SbString &url, void *userData, SoWWWInline *node)

Once they get the data, they should call the setChildData() method.

Definition at line 71 of file SoWWWInline.h.