MeVisLab/Standard/Sources/Inventor/SoCSO/SoView2DCSOEditor/SoCSOEditorTools.h File Reference

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struct  SoCSOEditorTools::PathPointSlicePosition


namespace  ml

Define the namespace name like in the ML. Default is ml.

namespace  SoCSOEditorTools


enum  SoCSOEditorTools::RelativeSlicePosition { SoCSOEditorTools::SLICE_BELOW = 0, SoCSOEditorTools::SLICE_IN = 1, SoCSOEditorTools::SLICE_ABOVE = 2 }


ml::CSOBoundingBox SoCSOEditorTools::computeSlabBoundingBox (float deviceX, float deviceY, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Computes and returns the bounding box in voxel space of a slice at the given device position.
ml::CSOBoundingBox SoCSOEditorTools::computeSlabBoundingBox (int voxelZ, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Computes and returns the bounding box in voxel space of the given slice.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::isOnCurrentSlice (ml::CSO *cso, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos)
 Returns whether the given CSO is visible on the current slice.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::isOnCurrentSlice (ml::CSO *cso, View2DSliceList *slicelist, const ml::Vector3 &sliceNormalWorld, SoCSOTransform *csoTransform)
 Returns whether the given CSO is visible on the current slice.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::isApproximatelyParallel (ml::CSO *cso, View2DSliceList *slicelist, float epsilon=-1)
 Returns whether the given CSO is parallel to the current 2D image considering the allowed thickness.
void SoCSOEditorTools::fillWorldSliceCrossings (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, std::vector< CSOSliceCrossing > &belowSlicePositions, std::vector< CSOSliceCrossing > &inSlicePositions, std::vector< CSOSliceCrossing > &aboveSlicePositions)
 Fills the given vectors with positions below, in, and above the current slice.
void SoCSOEditorTools::getWorldSlicePlanes (const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, ml::Plane &topPlane, ml::Plane &bottomPlane)
 Fills the given top/bottom planes with planes in world space that lies on top and on bottom of the current slice.
void SoCSOEditorTools::fillCrossingsOnePlaneCrossed (const ml::Plane &plane, const ml::Vector3 &lastPosition, const ml::Vector3 &currentPosition, CSOSliceCrossing &sliceCrossings, std::vector< CSOSliceCrossing > *crossings[3], int lastSlicePosition)
 Fills the crossings vector.
void SoCSOEditorTools::fillCrossingsBothPlanesCrossed (const ml::Plane &topPlane, const ml::Plane &bottomPlane, const ml::Vector3 &lastPosition, const ml::Vector3 &currentPosition, int relativePosition, CSOSliceCrossing &sliceCrossings, std::vector< CSOSliceCrossing > *crossings[3])
 Fills the crossings vector.
void SoCSOEditorTools::fillWorldToVoxelMatrix (const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, ml::Matrix4 &worldToVoxelMatrix)
 Fills the given matrix with the slice's worldToVoxel matrix.
void SoCSOEditorTools::fillWorldToVoxelMatrix (const SbMatrix &inventorMatrix, ml::Matrix4 &worldToVoxelMatrix)
 Fills the given ML matrix with the given worldToVoxel Inventor matrix.
void SoCSOEditorTools::fillVoxelToWorldMatrix (const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, ml::Matrix4 &voxelToWorldMatrix)
 Fills the given matrix with the slice's voxelToWorld matrix.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::isAbovePlane (const ml::Vector3 &worldPosition, const ml::Plane &plane)
 Returns whether the given point is above the given plane.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::evaluateHitPoint (const ml::Vector3 &worldPosition, View2DSliceList *slicelist, ml::CSOList *csoList, const ml::CSOBoundingBox &slabBB, const std::string &subType, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor, bool testSeedPoints, ml::CSO *&localHitCSO, ml::CSOSeedPoint *&localHitSeedPoint, ml::CSOPathPoints *&localHitPathPoints, float &distance)
 Returns whether a CSO was hit and fills the according structures. If subType is an empty string, it is not evaluated.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::isEligibleForPicking (ml::CSO *cso, ml::CSOList *csoList, const std::string &subType, View2DSliceList *slicelist, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor)
 Returns whether the given CSO is eligible for picking.
float SoCSOEditorTools::getSquaredDeviceDistance (const ml::Vector3 &worldPosition, View2DSliceList *slicelist, float dMouseX, float dMouseY)
 Returns the squared distance in device coordinates from the given world position to the given device position.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::isOnSameSlab (const ml::CSOBoundingBox &slabBB, const ml::CSOBoundingBox &csoBB)
 Returns whether the two given voxel bounding boxes lie on the same slab.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::areOnSamePlane (ml::CSO *cso1, ml::CSO *cso2, float epsilon=0.00001f)
 Returns whether the two given CSOs are lying on the same plane.
bool SoCSOEditorTools::areOnSamePlane (ml::CSO *cso, const ml::Vector3 &position, const ml::Vector3 &normal, float epsilon=0.00001f)
 Returns whether the given CSO and the point/normal are on the same plane.