SoView2DMarkerEditor Class Reference

SoView2DMarkerEditor is a geometry editor that stores markers in a XMarkerList and allows editing of these. More...

#include <SoView2DMarkerEditor.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoView2DMarkerEditor:
SoView2DInteractionExtension SoView2DExtension

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  vectorDragMode {
 mode of the editor for new objects More...
enum  editorModeType { EDIT_VECTOR = 0, EDIT_MARKER = 1, EDIT_OBJECT = 2 }
 mode of the editor for new objects More...
enum  drawModeType {
 draw mode of the editor More...
enum  editorColorType { COLOR_BY_INDEX = 0, COLOR_BY_TYPE = 1, COLOR_BY_ID = 2 }
 type of color used for markers More...
enum  textColorType { COLOR_LIKE_MARKER = 0, COLOR_TEXT = 1 }
 type of color for text labels More...
enum  textModeType {
 type of text printed at markers More...
enum  textPositionType {
 position for text printed at markers More...
enum  vectorArrowType {
 type of drawn arrows More...
 type of vector drawing in depth More...
enum  depthVisibilityType { DEPTH_IN_SLICES, DEPTH_IN_MM }
 Depth visibility mode. More...

Public Member Functions

 SoView2DMarkerEditor ()
void draw (View2DSliceList *dsl, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice)
 reimplemented from SoView2DExtension
bool evalEvent (SoView2D *view2d, View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DEvent *ec, View2DEventPhase phase)
 reimplemented from SoView2DExtension
void deleteSelectedObject ()
 delete the selected object
bool isActive ()
 returns if the editor is active
void setupIcons ()
 setup the icons from an icon file
bool ignoreEvent (View2DEvent *ec)
 Overwrite ignoreEvent -> ignore the "ignoreHandledEvents"-Field.

Static Public Member Functions

static void initClass ()
 Inventor runtime type system.
static bool handleNotificationCB (void *usrData, ml::Field *field)
 callback from the XMarkerListContainer's handleNotification

Public Attributes

SoSFFloat depthVisibility
 defines up to which distance markers are visible value is either in slices or in mm depending on the depthVisibilityMode field
SoSFEnum depthVisibilityMode
 select the mode for depth visibility
SoSFBool snapToVoxel
 sets if the markers snap to the center of a voxel
SoSFEnum editorMode
 select the mode for creation of new object
SoSFBool deleteOnClick
 set if markers are deleted on click
SoSFBool addOnClick
 flag for permitting adding of markers
SoSFBool selectingOn
 flag to set if it is possible to select a marker
SoSFBool actOnReleaseOnly
 flag to add a marker on mouse release only, not on mouse press
SoSFEnum colorMode
 choose the mode of the color for markers
SoSFEnum textMode
 choose the mode of the text for markers
SoSFEnum textPosition
 choose the position mode of the text for markers
SoSFEnum textColorMode
 choose the color of the text for markers
SoSFColor textColor
 extra text color, depends on textColorMode if it is used
SoSFBool textShadow
 flag if text shadow should be drawn
SoSFInt32 textFontSize
 font size of text
SoSFBool showTextOnlyForSelectedMarker
 show text only for selected marker;
SoSFBool cutText
 cut text after a maximum number of lines (defined by "maxNumberOfLines")
SoSFInt32 maxNumberOfLines
 choose the maximum number of lines of text, if "cutText" is turned on
SoSFEnum vectorArrow
 choose how vector arrows are drawn
SoSFInt32 vectorLineWidth
 line width for vectors
SoSFFloat alphaFactor
 alpha factor applied to all markers
SoSFFloat minimumAlpha
 minimum alpha value for all markers
SoSFInt32 currentType
 current type of marker (used for new markers)
SoSFMLBase outputMLModule
 hybrid ML module requires a field named "outputMLModule" for MeVisLab to be able to use the ML module
SoSFMLBase stylePalette
 input style palette
SoSFBool drawMarkerShapesWithLines
 determines how markers are rendered with style palette when icon file is disabled if false, markers are always rendered as squares if true, markers are rendered with shapes according to palette marker type
SoSFBool useIconFile
 set if the icon file should be used
SoSFInt32 iconIdx
 set the initial index inside of the icon file
SoSFString iconFile
 name of the icon file (with $() vars)
SoSFString internalIconFile
 expanded (real) icon file path
SoSFInt32 currentStyleIndex
 styleindex of the activated object referring to the stylepalette
SoSFEnum depthVectorDrawMode
 defines certain draw modes
SoSFEnum drawMode
 defines the visualization mode of the marker
SoSFBool highlightSelection
 All other markers are drawn as simple markers (this may be useful if there are too many markers lying together)
SoSFBool useAntiAlias
 toggles the use of anti aliasing (openGL).
SoSFBool useVectorLengthAsMarkerSize
 should the vector's length set the marker's size?
SoSFBool selectiveDrawing
 if this option is turned on, only the current marker is drawn in the selected draw mode All other markers are drawn as simple markers (this may be useful if there are too many markers lying together)
SoSFBool selectionBoxesForCurrentOnly
 If this option is turned on, selection boxes are only drawn for the current marker (Requested in support forum: UsingMevisLab->"Turning off selection markers of arrows in SoView2DMarkerEditor")
SoSFBool cooperative
 If "cooperative"-mode is turned on clicks besides the current markers (+ "Selection Tolerance") are ignored, except when "CreateMode" is turned on This can be used to handle the parallel editing of more than one marker editor (or other view2d extensions reacting on mouse events -> SoView2dPosition, SoView2dRectangle)
SoSFBool busy
 This field shows if an operation like moving a marker around is finished (e.g.
SoSFBool snapToSlice
 sets if the markers snap to the current slice when they are moved
SoSFBool overwriteCurrentTimePoint
 Should the current time point be overwritten?
SoSFInt32 newCurrentTimePoint
 Sets the new current time point.

Protected Member Functions

MLssize_t performHitTest (float deviceX, float deviceY, const SbVec3f &eventVoxel, View2DSliceList *slicelist, vectorDragMode &dragMode)
 returns selected item (-1 if nothing hit) and drag mode
void immediateItemAction (ml::ListBase::ActionClass action, MLssize_t index)
 perform action on marker list immediately
void itemAction (ml::ListBase::ActionClass action, MLssize_t index)
 perform action on marker list, possibly delayed if actOnReleaseOnly is set (action is stored in _currAction, _currIndex and _currItem then)
bool startDrag (float deviceX, float deviceY, const SbVec3f &eventVoxel, View2DSliceList *slicelist, bool validLocation, bool performAction)
 (Try to) start dragging operation at the given coordinates, returns true if the position was/could be used for some operations.
void performDrag (const SbVec3f &eventVoxel, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Continue drag operation started with startDrag (with performAction = true).
void finishDrag ()
 Finish drag operation started with startDrag.
int calculateCurrentStyleIndex ()
 Calculates and returns the current style index for the selected marker depending on the colormode.
MLssize_t isDiscHit (const ml::vec3 &cursorPosition, View2DSliceList *slicelist, vectorDragMode &dragMode)
 Checks if any of the markers interpreted as discs is hit by the "cursorPosition".
MLssize_t isSphereHit (const ml::vec3 &cursorPosition, View2DSliceList *slicelist, vectorDragMode &dragMode)
 Checks if any of the markers interpreted as spheres is hit by the "cursorPosition".
MLssize_t isBoxHit (const ml::vec3 &cursorPosition, View2DSliceList *slicelist, vectorDragMode &dragMode)
 Checks if any of the markers interpreted as boxes is hit by the "cursorPosition".
void resizeObject (const ml::vec3 &startCursorPosition, const ml::vec3 &endCursorPosition, ml::XMarkerList *markers)
 Resizes the selected marker depending on the mouse movement from "startCursorPosition" to "endCursorPosition".
void moveObject (const ml::vec3 &startCursorPosition, const ml::vec3 &endCursorPosition, ml::XMarkerList *markers)
 Moves the selected marker depending on the mouse movement from "startCursorPosition" to "endCursorPosition".
bool markerIsHit (float markerSize, float pointX, float pointY, float centerX, float centerY, bool shouldSnapToVoxel, SbVec3f hitPositionVoxel, SbVec3f markerPositionVoxel)
 Checks whether a marker with the given size is hit at the given position.
bool isDepthVisible (float depthValue, float voxelSizeZ)
 Checks if the given value is within the depthVisibility.
float getDepthVisibilityBlendValue (float distance, float voxelSizeZ)
 Returns the blend factor for depth visibility, depending on the unit mode.
bool isVectorDepthVisible (float depthValue1, float depthValue2, int slice, float voxelSizeZ)
 Returns whether a vector is visible according to its position and the various depth visibility settings.
bool isVectorCrossedBySlice (float depthValue1, float depthValue2, int slice, float voxelSizeZ)
 Returns whether a vector is crossed by a slice.
bool isDiscVisible (ml::Disc *disc, View2DSliceList *slicelist, int slice)
 Checks if the given "disc" is visible in the given slice.
bool isSphereVisible (View2DSliceList *slicelist, const ml::vec3 &center, float radius, int slice)
 Checks if the sphere defined by "center" and "radius" is visible in the given slice.
void drawVector (const ml::XMarker &marker, bool isSelected, int markerIndex, View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice, float voxelSizeZ, const SbVec4f &originalMarkerColor)
 Draws the given marker as a vector (or box, depending on the mode).
void drawVectorCrossedBySlices (const ml::XMarker &marker, bool isSelected, float lineWidth, int markerIndex, View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice)
 Draws a vector crossed by slices. Can draw a plus/minus vector.
void drawVectorCross (float deviceX1, float deviceY1, float deviceX2, float deviceY2, float lineWidth)
 Draws the section of a vector crossed by the current slice.
void drawVectorBelow (float deviceX1, float deviceY1, float deviceX2, float deviceY2, float lineWidth)
 Draws the section of a vector below the current slice.
void drawVectorAbove (float deviceX1, float deviceY1, float deviceX2, float deviceY2, float lineWidth)
 Draws the section of a vector above the current slice.
void drawVectorBox (const ml::XMarker &marker, bool isSelected, int markerIndex, int lineWidth, View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice)
 Draws the axis aligned box. Can handle plus/minus mode.
void drawVectorArrowHeads (const ml::XMarker &marker, bool isSelected, int markerIndex, View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice)
 Draws arrow head(s).
void drawVectorArrowHead (const SbVec2f &deviceStart, const SbVec2f &deviceEnd, bool isEndArrow)
 Draws a single arrow head.
void drawMarker (float deviceX, float deviceY, int size, bool selected, int markerindex, const ml::XMarker &marker)
 Chooses whether to draw a marker via texture or by gl lines.
void drawMarkerWithLines (ml::StylePalette::MarkerType markertype, float deviceX, float deviceY, float size, int lineWidth, bool antiAlias, const ml::XMarker &marker)
 Draws a single marker.
int getPaletteIndex (const ml::XMarker &marker, int i)
 Returns the index into the style palette, depending on the color mode or 0 if no style palette is attached.
void drawSphere (ml::Sphere *s, View2DSliceList *dsl, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice, float r, float g, float b, bool bHighlight, float alphaFactor=1.0f)
 Draws a single sphere "s".
void drawDisc (ml::Disc *d, View2DSliceList *dsl, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice, float r, float g, float b, bool bHighlight, float alphaFactor=1.0f)
 Draws a single disc "d".
void drawTextForMarker (const ml::XMarker &marker, MLssize_t index, float vx, float vy, float vz, size_t i, View2DSlice *dslice, const ml::XMarkerList *markers, float *rgba)
 Draws text for the given marker.
void updatePalette ()
 updates the stylepalette depending on the currently connected stylepalette
virtual int getTimePoint (View2DSliceList *slicelist, int slice)
 Returns the current timepoint which is either the actual shown timepoint or the timepoint overwritten by the field overwriteTimePoint; The slice parameter is not used in the standard implementation but can be necessary in derived classes.
void computeVoxelMinMaxZ (float &minz, float &maxz, const ml::XMarker &marker, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 compute the min/max z values of a marker, depending on box mode
void getProjectedDeviceCoordinates (const ml::XMarker &marker, SbVec3f &voxelStartPosition, SbVec3f &voxelEndPosition, float &deviceStartX, float &deviceStartY, float &deviceEndX, float &deviceEndY, int slice, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Projects the given marker positions on the current slice and converts the projected positions to device coordinates, also returns the start/end voxel positions.
void getProjectedDeviceCoordinates (const ml::XMarker &marker, float &deviceStartX, float &deviceStartY, float &deviceEndX, float &deviceEndY, int slice, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Projects the given marker positions on the current slice and converts the projected positions to device coordinates.
void getProjectedDeviceCoordinates (const SbVec3f &voxelStartPosition, const SbVec3f &voxelEndPosition, float &deviceStartX, float &deviceStartY, float &deviceEndX, float &deviceEndY, int slice, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Projects the given voxel positions on the current slice and converts the projected positions to device coordinates.
void getProjectedDeviceCoordinates (const SbVec3f &voxelPosition, float &deviceX, float &deviceY, int slice, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Projects the given voxel position on the current slice and converts the projected position to device coordinates.
void convertMarkerVectorToVoxel (const ml::XMarker &marker, SbVec3f &voxelStartPosition, SbVec3f &voxelEndPosition, View2DSliceList *slicelist)
 Converts the start/end position of the given marker to voxel positions, regards plus/minus mode.
GLushort getStipplePattern (GLint lineWidth)
 Returns a line stipple pattern based on the given line width.
virtual ~SoView2DMarkerEditor ()
virtual int getCurrentCursor (SoViewerProxy *viewerProxy)
 interface forwarded from SoPointingAction:
virtual bool isSensitiveAt (const SoPointerPosition &pos)
virtual void startPressAt (const SoPointerPosition &pos)
virtual void dragMoveTo (const SoPointerPosition &pos)
virtual SoPointingAction * endPress (int clickCount)

Protected Attributes

ml::vec3 _lastWorldPosition
MLssize_t _selectedObjectIndex
bool _pointDragged
 true if a click was accepted in the event handling (even if no real dragging will occur)
vectorDragMode _vectorDragged
 mode of the current drag
ml::ListBase::ActionClass _currAction
 The current (last) action performed on the associated markerlist.
MLssize_t _currIndex
 current selected marker index in the associated markerlist
ml::XMarker _currItem
 current selected marker object in the associated markerlist
 texture icons used for markers
ml::XMarkerListContainer _container
 internal XMarkerListContainer used to store markers
 input style palette

Detailed Description

SoView2DMarkerEditor is a geometry editor that stores markers in a XMarkerList and allows editing of these.

This module is a hybrid module which inherits the fields from the ml::XMarkerList container inside of MeVisLab

Lars Borneman

Definition at line 59 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

type of vector drawing in depth


Definition at line 164 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

Depth visibility mode.


The depth visibility in number of slices.


The depth visibility in mm.

Definition at line 171 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

draw mode of the editor


Definition at line 83 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

type of color used for markers


Definition at line 93 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

mode of the editor for new objects


Definition at line 76 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

type of color for text labels


Definition at line 100 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

type of text printed at markers


Definition at line 106 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

position for text printed at markers


Definition at line 120 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

type of drawn arrows


Definition at line 133 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

mode of the editor for new objects


Definition at line 66 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoView2DMarkerEditor::SoView2DMarkerEditor ( )


virtual SoView2DMarkerEditor::~SoView2DMarkerEditor ( ) [protected, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

int SoView2DMarkerEditor::calculateCurrentStyleIndex ( ) [protected]

Calculates and returns the current style index for the selected marker depending on the colormode.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::computeVoxelMinMaxZ ( float &  minz,
float &  maxz,
const ml::XMarker marker,
View2DSliceList slicelist 
) [protected]

compute the min/max z values of a marker, depending on box mode

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::convertMarkerVectorToVoxel ( const ml::XMarker marker,
SbVec3f &  voxelStartPosition,
SbVec3f &  voxelEndPosition,
View2DSliceList slicelist 
) [protected]

Converts the start/end position of the given marker to voxel positions, regards plus/minus mode.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::deleteSelectedObject ( ) [virtual]

delete the selected object

Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.

virtual void SoView2DMarkerEditor::dragMoveTo ( const SoPointerPosition &  pos) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::draw ( View2DSliceList dsl,
View2DSlice dslice,
int  slice 
) [virtual]

reimplemented from SoView2DExtension

Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawDisc ( ml::Disc d,
View2DSliceList dsl,
View2DSlice dslice,
int  slice,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
bool  bHighlight,
float  alphaFactor = 1.0f 
) [protected]

Draws a single disc "d".

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawMarker ( float  deviceX,
float  deviceY,
int  size,
bool  selected,
int  markerindex,
const ml::XMarker marker 
) [protected]

Chooses whether to draw a marker via texture or by gl lines.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawMarkerWithLines ( ml::StylePalette::MarkerType  markertype,
float  deviceX,
float  deviceY,
float  size,
int  lineWidth,
bool  antiAlias,
const ml::XMarker marker 
) [protected]

Draws a single marker.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawSphere ( ml::Sphere s,
View2DSliceList dsl,
View2DSlice dslice,
int  slice,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
bool  bHighlight,
float  alphaFactor = 1.0f 
) [protected]

Draws a single sphere "s".

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawTextForMarker ( const ml::XMarker marker,
MLssize_t  index,
float  vx,
float  vy,
float  vz,
size_t  i,
View2DSlice dslice,
const ml::XMarkerList markers,
float *  rgba 
) [protected]

Draws text for the given marker.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVector ( const ml::XMarker marker,
bool  isSelected,
int  markerIndex,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
View2DSlice dslice,
int  slice,
float  voxelSizeZ,
const SbVec4f &  originalMarkerColor 
) [protected]

Draws the given marker as a vector (or box, depending on the mode).

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVectorAbove ( float  deviceX1,
float  deviceY1,
float  deviceX2,
float  deviceY2,
float  lineWidth 
) [protected]

Draws the section of a vector above the current slice.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVectorArrowHead ( const SbVec2f &  deviceStart,
const SbVec2f &  deviceEnd,
bool  isEndArrow 
) [protected]

Draws a single arrow head.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVectorArrowHeads ( const ml::XMarker marker,
bool  isSelected,
int  markerIndex,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
View2DSlice dslice,
int  slice 
) [protected]

Draws arrow head(s).

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVectorBelow ( float  deviceX1,
float  deviceY1,
float  deviceX2,
float  deviceY2,
float  lineWidth 
) [protected]

Draws the section of a vector below the current slice.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVectorBox ( const ml::XMarker marker,
bool  isSelected,
int  markerIndex,
int  lineWidth,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
View2DSlice dslice,
int  slice 
) [protected]

Draws the axis aligned box. Can handle plus/minus mode.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVectorCross ( float  deviceX1,
float  deviceY1,
float  deviceX2,
float  deviceY2,
float  lineWidth 
) [protected]

Draws the section of a vector crossed by the current slice.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::drawVectorCrossedBySlices ( const ml::XMarker marker,
bool  isSelected,
float  lineWidth,
int  markerIndex,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
View2DSlice dslice,
int  slice 
) [protected]

Draws a vector crossed by slices. Can draw a plus/minus vector.

virtual SoPointingAction* SoView2DMarkerEditor::endPress ( int  clickCount) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::evalEvent ( SoView2D view2d,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
View2DEvent ec,
View2DEventPhase  phase 
) [virtual]

reimplemented from SoView2DExtension

Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::finishDrag ( ) [protected]

Finish drag operation started with startDrag.

virtual int SoView2DMarkerEditor::getCurrentCursor ( SoViewerProxy viewerProxy) [protected, virtual]

interface forwarded from SoPointingAction:

Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.

float SoView2DMarkerEditor::getDepthVisibilityBlendValue ( float  distance,
float  voxelSizeZ 
) [protected]

Returns the blend factor for depth visibility, depending on the unit mode.

int SoView2DMarkerEditor::getPaletteIndex ( const ml::XMarker marker,
int  i 
) [protected]

Returns the index into the style palette, depending on the color mode or 0 if no style palette is attached.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::getProjectedDeviceCoordinates ( const ml::XMarker marker,
SbVec3f &  voxelStartPosition,
SbVec3f &  voxelEndPosition,
float &  deviceStartX,
float &  deviceStartY,
float &  deviceEndX,
float &  deviceEndY,
int  slice,
View2DSliceList slicelist 
) [protected]

Projects the given marker positions on the current slice and converts the projected positions to device coordinates, also returns the start/end voxel positions.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::getProjectedDeviceCoordinates ( const ml::XMarker marker,
float &  deviceStartX,
float &  deviceStartY,
float &  deviceEndX,
float &  deviceEndY,
int  slice,
View2DSliceList slicelist 
) [protected]

Projects the given marker positions on the current slice and converts the projected positions to device coordinates.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::getProjectedDeviceCoordinates ( const SbVec3f &  voxelPosition,
float &  deviceX,
float &  deviceY,
int  slice,
View2DSliceList slicelist 
) [protected]

Projects the given voxel position on the current slice and converts the projected position to device coordinates.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::getProjectedDeviceCoordinates ( const SbVec3f &  voxelStartPosition,
const SbVec3f &  voxelEndPosition,
float &  deviceStartX,
float &  deviceStartY,
float &  deviceEndX,
float &  deviceEndY,
int  slice,
View2DSliceList slicelist 
) [protected]

Projects the given voxel positions on the current slice and converts the projected positions to device coordinates.

GLushort SoView2DMarkerEditor::getStipplePattern ( GLint  lineWidth) [protected]

Returns a line stipple pattern based on the given line width.

virtual int SoView2DMarkerEditor::getTimePoint ( View2DSliceList slicelist,
int  slice 
) [protected, virtual]

Returns the current timepoint which is either the actual shown timepoint or the timepoint overwritten by the field overwriteTimePoint; The slice parameter is not used in the standard implementation but can be necessary in derived classes.

static bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::handleNotificationCB ( void *  usrData,
ml::Field field 
) [static]

callback from the XMarkerListContainer's handleNotification

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::ignoreEvent ( View2DEvent ec) [virtual]

Overwrite ignoreEvent -> ignore the "ignoreHandledEvents"-Field.

Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::immediateItemAction ( ml::ListBase::ActionClass  action,
MLssize_t  index 
) [protected]

perform action on marker list immediately

static void SoView2DMarkerEditor::initClass ( ) [static]

Inventor runtime type system.

Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::isActive ( ) [virtual]

returns if the editor is active

Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.

MLssize_t SoView2DMarkerEditor::isBoxHit ( const ml::vec3 cursorPosition,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
vectorDragMode dragMode 
) [protected]

Checks if any of the markers interpreted as boxes is hit by the "cursorPosition".

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::isDepthVisible ( float  depthValue,
float  voxelSizeZ 
) [protected]

Checks if the given value is within the depthVisibility.

MLssize_t SoView2DMarkerEditor::isDiscHit ( const ml::vec3 cursorPosition,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
vectorDragMode dragMode 
) [protected]

Checks if any of the markers interpreted as discs is hit by the "cursorPosition".

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::isDiscVisible ( ml::Disc disc,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
int  slice 
) [protected]

Checks if the given "disc" is visible in the given slice.

virtual bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::isSensitiveAt ( const SoPointerPosition &  pos) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.

MLssize_t SoView2DMarkerEditor::isSphereHit ( const ml::vec3 cursorPosition,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
vectorDragMode dragMode 
) [protected]

Checks if any of the markers interpreted as spheres is hit by the "cursorPosition".

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::isSphereVisible ( View2DSliceList slicelist,
const ml::vec3 center,
float  radius,
int  slice 
) [protected]

Checks if the sphere defined by "center" and "radius" is visible in the given slice.

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::isVectorCrossedBySlice ( float  depthValue1,
float  depthValue2,
int  slice,
float  voxelSizeZ 
) [protected]

Returns whether a vector is crossed by a slice.

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::isVectorDepthVisible ( float  depthValue1,
float  depthValue2,
int  slice,
float  voxelSizeZ 
) [protected]

Returns whether a vector is visible according to its position and the various depth visibility settings.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::itemAction ( ml::ListBase::ActionClass  action,
MLssize_t  index 
) [protected]

perform action on marker list, possibly delayed if actOnReleaseOnly is set (action is stored in _currAction, _currIndex and _currItem then)

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::markerIsHit ( float  markerSize,
float  pointX,
float  pointY,
float  centerX,
float  centerY,
bool  shouldSnapToVoxel,
SbVec3f  hitPositionVoxel,
SbVec3f  markerPositionVoxel 
) [protected]

Checks whether a marker with the given size is hit at the given position.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::moveObject ( const ml::vec3 startCursorPosition,
const ml::vec3 endCursorPosition,
ml::XMarkerList markers 
) [protected]

Moves the selected marker depending on the mouse movement from "startCursorPosition" to "endCursorPosition".

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::performDrag ( const SbVec3f &  eventVoxel,
View2DSliceList slicelist 
) [protected]

Continue drag operation started with startDrag (with performAction = true).

startDrag needs to have returned true.

MLssize_t SoView2DMarkerEditor::performHitTest ( float  deviceX,
float  deviceY,
const SbVec3f &  eventVoxel,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
vectorDragMode dragMode 
) [protected]

returns selected item (-1 if nothing hit) and drag mode

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::resizeObject ( const ml::vec3 startCursorPosition,
const ml::vec3 endCursorPosition,
ml::XMarkerList markers 
) [protected]

Resizes the selected marker depending on the mouse movement from "startCursorPosition" to "endCursorPosition".

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::setupIcons ( )

setup the icons from an icon file

bool SoView2DMarkerEditor::startDrag ( float  deviceX,
float  deviceY,
const SbVec3f &  eventVoxel,
View2DSliceList slicelist,
bool  validLocation,
bool  performAction 
) [protected]

(Try to) start dragging operation at the given coordinates, returns true if the position was/could be used for some operations.

If performAction was set the operation really is performed, if not this method can be used to test the potential outcome (e.g. to determine the mouse cursor shape). _vectorDragged will always be set by this method to the required drag operation.

virtual void SoView2DMarkerEditor::startPressAt ( const SoPointerPosition &  pos) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.

void SoView2DMarkerEditor::updatePalette ( ) [protected]

updates the stylepalette depending on the currently connected stylepalette

Member Data Documentation

internal XMarkerListContainer used to store markers

Definition at line 360 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

The current (last) action performed on the associated markerlist.

Definition at line 350 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

current selected marker index in the associated markerlist

Definition at line 352 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

current selected marker object in the associated markerlist

Definition at line 354 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

texture icons used for markers

Definition at line 357 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

input style palette

Definition at line 362 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

true if a click was accepted in the event handling (even if no real dragging will occur)

Definition at line 345 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

mode of the current drag

Definition at line 347 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

flag to add a marker on mouse release only, not on mouse press

Definition at line 204 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

flag for permitting adding of markers

Definition at line 198 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

alpha factor applied to all markers

Definition at line 234 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

This field shows if an operation like moving a marker around is finished (e.g.

after a RELEASE event) or not This information can be used to avoid reacting on every change of the positions when a marker is moved around

Definition at line 297 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

choose the mode of the color for markers

Definition at line 207 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

If "cooperative"-mode is turned on clicks besides the current markers (+ "Selection Tolerance") are ignored, except when "CreateMode" is turned on This can be used to handle the parallel editing of more than one marker editor (or other view2d extensions reacting on mouse events -> SoView2dPosition, SoView2dRectangle)

Definition at line 293 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

styleindex of the activated object referring to the stylepalette

Definition at line 264 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

current type of marker (used for new markers)

Definition at line 240 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

cut text after a maximum number of lines (defined by "maxNumberOfLines")

Definition at line 224 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

set if markers are deleted on click

Definition at line 195 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

defines certain draw modes

Definition at line 267 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

defines up to which distance markers are visible value is either in slices or in mm depending on the depthVisibilityMode field

Definition at line 183 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

select the mode for depth visibility

Definition at line 186 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

determines how markers are rendered with style palette when icon file is disabled if false, markers are always rendered as squares if true, markers are rendered with shapes according to palette marker type

Definition at line 252 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

defines the visualization mode of the marker

Definition at line 270 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

select the mode for creation of new object

Definition at line 192 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

All other markers are drawn as simple markers (this may be useful if there are too many markers lying together)

Definition at line 273 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

name of the icon file (with $() vars)

Definition at line 259 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

set the initial index inside of the icon file

Definition at line 257 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

expanded (real) icon file path

Definition at line 261 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

choose the maximum number of lines of text, if "cutText" is turned on

Definition at line 226 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

minimum alpha value for all markers

Definition at line 237 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

Sets the new current time point.

Definition at line 305 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

hybrid ML module requires a field named "outputMLModule" for MeVisLab to be able to use the ML module

Definition at line 244 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

Should the current time point be overwritten?

Definition at line 303 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

flag to set if it is possible to select a marker

Definition at line 201 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

If this option is turned on, selection boxes are only drawn for the current marker (Requested in support forum: UsingMevisLab->"Turning off selection markers of arrows in SoView2DMarkerEditor")

Definition at line 287 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

if this option is turned on, only the current marker is drawn in the selected draw mode All other markers are drawn as simple markers (this may be useful if there are too many markers lying together)

Definition at line 283 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

show text only for selected marker;

Definition at line 222 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

sets if the markers snap to the current slice when they are moved

Definition at line 300 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

sets if the markers snap to the center of a voxel

Definition at line 189 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

input style palette

Definition at line 247 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

extra text color, depends on textColorMode if it is used

Definition at line 216 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

choose the color of the text for markers

Definition at line 214 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

font size of text

Definition at line 220 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

choose the mode of the text for markers

Definition at line 210 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

choose the position mode of the text for markers

Definition at line 212 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

flag if text shadow should be drawn

Definition at line 218 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

toggles the use of anti aliasing (openGL).

Definition at line 276 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

set if the icon file should be used

Definition at line 255 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

should the vector's length set the marker's size?

Definition at line 279 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

choose how vector arrows are drawn

Definition at line 229 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

line width for vectors

Definition at line 231 of file SoView2DMarkerEditor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: