The MeVisLab development team is proud to present the new MeVisLab 1.2 release, including several improvements and bug fixes. Many of these improvements have been initiated by the valuable comments, bug reports and feature requests from our users, which we greatly appreciate. Thank you for your feedback!
The Windows version of the 1.2 release is available for download immediately, the Linux version will be released two weeks later.
The highlights of the 1.2 release are:
- MeVisLab Core refactored
- New OpenGL support using GLEW and MLOpenGL library
- Improvements in SoView2D as well as new and improved View2D extensions
- New support for JPEG and PNG image file formats
- New and improved modules
See the MeVisLab release notes for details on the improvements and new features. Please note that you also need to update the OpenInventor for MeVisLab installation if you want to develop own modules based on OpenInventor.
The new MeVisLab 1.2 release also introduces a basic interface for the integration of ITK algorithms, which will be available with the upcoming ITK AddOns for MeVisLab. The first of these add-ons, the ITK-ImageFilters-AddOn, will be released as an alpha version within two weeks, and will offer about 170 ITK image filters, including
- arithmetic and morphological operations,
- level set and diffusion filters,
- reshaping and warping filters, and
- vector and complex image filters.
A second add-on with ITK registration algorithms is still in development and will be released later this year.